Sample Code for the _boot macro
Date: March 2003
This program is used to test the _boot macro. This macro will
calculate confidence intervals around a median.
The open code below calculates the confidence interval for a median
using method suggested by KC.
**** Include the macro.
%include '' ;
**** Define library to find data ;
libname aac '/project/aac99/data' ;
**** Set the sample data ;
data testboot ;
set aac.sample1 ;
format _all_ ;
**** Run bootstrap macro ;
_boot data=testboot repeat=500 var=los ci=95 ;
*** Compare with KC Method ;
*** Calculate median and number of observations ;
proc univariate data=testboot noprint ;
var los ;
output out=itest median=median n=n ;
run ;
*** Determine observation for lower and upper confidence interval ;
data itest ;
set itest ;
z = probit(0.05/2) ; *** set alpha here, divide by 2 for two tailed test ;
upper = ceil(((n+1)/2)+((n)**0.5)/2*z) ;
lower = floor(((n+1)/2)-((n)**0.5)/2*z) ;
*** Sort by LOS to oder the dataset (rank order) by los ;
proc sort data=testboot ;
by los ;
*** Identify upper and lower observation and and get associated value ;
data test ;
if _n_ = 1 then set itest ;
set testboot ;
if _n_ = lower then do ; ci='Lower' ; output ; end ;
if _n_ = upper then do ; ci='Upper' ; output ; end ;
proc print data=test ;
var ci los median ;
©2003 Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP)