** Winnipeg Areas and Regional Health Authorities - SAS Code and Formats ; *****************************************************************; Formats: The current conversion formats are in the system library and called wpg_caf or wpg_nrf. These formats are supposed to cover the postal code location over time. There are some changes from format to format. Earlier files are also in the system library and defined based on the version date - e.g. w_ca00f, w_nr00f. Typically the PCCF applies to the year prior to the release date. 12 Winnipeg Community Areas wpg_caf (postal code to CA) - current conversion wpg_cal (Labels for CA) w_ca00f (postal code to CA) - 2000 conversion. 23 Winnipeg Neighborhood Clusters (really 25 including East and West St. Paul) wpg_nrf (postal code to NRN) - currentconversion wpg_nrl (WRHA labels for NRN) w_nr00f (postal code to NRN) - 2000 and prior conversion. Example SAS Code *** Starting February 28, 2000 this proc format will not be needed as the formats will be in the system library ; data file ; set file ; _rha04 ; ** create RHA definitions based on 2002 boundaries. ; /**** NOTE THE FOLLOWING CODE FOR RHA ASSIGNMENT SHOULD NOT BE USED. USE THE _RHA04 MACRO CALL INSTEAD ; *** Assign muncodes to a region. Note Acodes are compared to band address postal codes to indicate if the individual residence. If off reserve then postal code is used ; if substr(muncode,1,1) ^='A' then rha = put(muncode,$assocf.) ; else if substr(muncode,1,1) = 'A' & put(muncode||postal,$apostf.) = '1' then rha = put(muncode,$assocf.) ; else rha = put(put(postal,$postmun.),$assocf.) ; ** Use prior to 1996/97 to separate N and S Eastman around Falcon Lake.; if postal = 'R0E0N0' then rha='BS' ; ** If you are working with CAs or NRN you may want to remove the office of public trustee ; ** if postal = 'R3C3L6' then delete ; ****/ ** Define community areas ; if rha = 'K' then do ; ca = put(postal,$wpg_caf.) ; nrn = put(postal,$wpg_nrf.) ; * If the Community area is missing and Winnipeg is defined you may want to remove this group - represents less than 100 people. ; ** if ca='' then delete ; end ; format rha $assocl. ca $wpg_cal. nrn $wpg_nrl. ; run;