/****************************************************************************** Project: Immigration Data Linkage Project (ircc_link) File: S:\ircc_link\prog\gillesd\concept_samples\years_in_mb.sas Programmer: Gilles R. Detillieux First Created: Sep. 8, 2022 Revisions: none Input datasets: registry.ircc_crosswalk_1985jan: IRCC linkage dataset registry.ircc_legacy_landing_1985jan: IRCC landing data from 1985 to 1999 registry.ircc_landing_2000jan: IRCC landing data from 2000 to 2017 registry.mhmrs_1970jun: MH insurance registry Description: This program finds landing date of immigrants living in Manitoba, for anyone listed in the IRCC immigration landing datasets and crosswalk, then gets the first MB health insurance registry coverage episode ending after landing, to calculate the years of permanent residence in Manitoba. ******************************************************************************/ options nocenter; * formats to categorize landing year and years of residence; proc format; value yearl 1965-1969 = '1965-69' 1970-1974 = '1970-74' 1975-1979 = '1975-79' 1980-1984 = '1980-84' 1985-1989 = '1985-89' 1990-1994 = '1990-94' 1995-1999 = '1995-99' 2000-2004 = '2000-04' 2005-2009 = '2005-09' 2010-2014 = '2010-14' 2015-2019 = '2015-19'; value nyearsl . = '' 0 = '0: 0 years' 0<-<5 = '1: < 5 years' 5-<10 = '2: 5-9 years' 10-<15 = '3: 10-14 years' 15-high = '4: 15+ years'; run; *** Get immigrant cohort from IRCC crosswalk file, include all valid linkages; *** and sort by IRCC's IDNO identifier; proc sort data=registry.ircc_crosswalk_1985jan (keep=filephin filephintype idno acqdt where=(filephintype in ('0','1') and acqdt = '14may2019'd)) out=ircccw (drop=filephintype rename=(filephin=scrphin)) nodupkey; by idno filephin; run; *** Get arrival & landing dates from legacy and current landing datasets; data landing; set registry.ircc_legacy_landing_1985jan (in=in_ll keep=idno arrival_dt landing_dt acqdt) registry.ircc_landing_2000jan (in=in_cl keep=idno arrival_dt landing_dt acqdt); where acqdt = '14may2019'd; run; *** sort landing data, then merge with crosswalk data, by IDNO identifier; proc sort data=landing; by idno landing_dt; run; data landing; merge ircccw (in=in_cw) landing (in=in_la); by idno; * keep all individuals with linkage and landing records; if in_cw & in_la; run; *** sort by PHIN for duplicate detection; proc sort data=landing; by scrphin landing_dt; run; *** avoid duplicate PHINs and keep earliest landing record per person; data landing; set landing; by scrphin landing_dt; * keep one record per valid PHIN; if first.scrphin & scrphin ^= .; run; *** coverage episodes pulled from registry using regcov macro; *** ignore coverage gaps of 360 days or less; %regcov(dsname=landing, startdt=01jan1985, enddt=30nov2019, id=scrphin, outds=regcov, gapdays=360); *** sort by person so we can merge with grouped landing data; proc sort data=regcov; by scrphin covdt enddt; run; *** merge in landing data to find coverage episodes during or after landing; data landing; merge landing (in=in_la) regcov (in=in_co); by scrphin; if in_la and in_co and covdt > . and enddt >= landing_dt; run; *** keep only first coverage episode on or after landing; data landing; set landing; by scrphin; if first.scrphin; *** drop dupl. or registered in error (may show up under another phin); if canccode in ('W','5','6') then delete; pop = 1; * number of years from later of start of coverage or landing date; * to earlier of end of coverage or end of study period; nyears = yrdif(max(covdt, landing_dt), min(enddt, '31dec2017'd)+1, 'actual'); if nyears < 0 then nyears = 0; lyear = year(landing_dt); label lyear = 'Landing Year'; label nyears = 'Number of years as permanent resident in Manitoba'; run; *** summarize counts of individuals by landing year and range of years in MB; proc tabulate data=landing; class lyear nyears / order=formatted; table lyear, nyears*n='N' / nocellmerge; title 'Years lived in Manitoba since landing, by landing year'; format nyears nyearsl.; format lyear yearl.; run; *** a little cleanup; proc delete data=ircccw landing regcov; run;