Continuity of Care Macro(/home/dfriesn/maclib/ Version 1.02 David Friesen Manitoba Centre for Health Policy & Evaluation June 16, 1999 This macro is used to calculate measures of continuity of care on physician visit data or other sources. This macro requires the SAS IMPLMAC option. Usage: _concare ; Options: data = Input dataset name output =Output dataset name [required] year = Year of Analysis [required] 91-97 Needed to identify unique physicians using Bogdans format /home/bogdan/fmtlib/mdfmt&year which converts fake mdno to unique physician number, for physicians who bill under more than one md number. provider = Definition of provider: refgrp[default],grp,ref,mdonly refgrp - physicians, referring physicians, or practices [default] grp - physicians or practices ref - physicians or referring physicians mdnonly - physicians only md = name of md number variable(faked), default is md id = patient id number, default is phindata refmd = name of referring md number variable(faked), default is refmd [required for provider=ref, refgrp] grp = name of group practice variable, default is bpgroup [required for provider=refgrp, grp] nserv = number of services variable, default is nservnet dateserv = date of service/visit variable, default is ndtserv debug = turn on mprint and notes: debug, nodebug[default] Output: A SAS dataset with the name specified in the 'output' option, one observation for every patient (id) with the following variables: - Patient ID number VISITS - Total Ambulatory visits made by patient CLAIMS - Total Ambulatory Claims for the patient PROVIDU - Usual Provider, most frequently seen provider unique physician number. Physician practices start with 'GR' and end with two digit practice number. PROVIDN - Number of Providers seen UPC_R - Usual Provider Continuity, is the proportion of visits made to the most frequently seen provider. SCC_R - usual provider continuity standardized to a mean of 0 and variance 1. COC_R - is sensitive to changes in the total number of visits and in their distribution across different providers. It ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 occurs when each visit is to a different provider and 1 occurs when all visits are to one provider. Needs at least two visits to calculate. SECON_R - measure SEquential nature of provider CONtinuity, is the fraction of sequential visit pairs at which the same provider is seen. Like COC_R it also ranges from 0 to 1, but in contrast is dependent on the sequential order of visits. A patient who alternates between two providers will have a score of 0. Needs at least two visits to calculate. Examples: %inc '/home/dfriesn/maclib/'; options implmac; data test; set phis.phy9596(obs=100000 keep=phindata ndtserv md bpgroup refmd nservnet ambvis); if (ov='1' or pv='1') and phy_spec='1'; *AMBULATORY NON-CONSULT VISITS TO GPS; run; _concare data=test year=95 output=contcare provider=mdonly debug=debug;