*************************************************; *** f = drg13sm December, 1997 ***; *** only one change from drg11sm, ie the new ***; *** code 495 - Lung transplant in the surgical *; *** category. ***; *** - Marina Yogendran ***; *************************************************; *** modified version of drgsm major ***; *** changes made - drg 112 (percutaneous ***; *** cardiovascular procedures) has been moved **; *** to medical rather than surgical - although**; *** DRG considers these procedures OR procedures, *** according to HSc they are NOT done in an ***; *** OR but in a special cath lab. ***; *** 378 - ectopic pregnancy - put into ***; *** surgical - also psych and social put into***; *** 'other' category (425-432) ***; *** 'other' category also includes - neonates ***; *** leukemia , HIV, transfer for burns ***; *** and 'others' ***; *** In surgical category 493 & 494 are new ***; *** DRGs for Laparascopic cholecystectomy. ***; *** In the earlier version these were put ***; *** together with 197 & 198. ***; *** 1 = surgical, 2 = medical, 3 = other ***; *** and 0 = missing ***; *************************************************; *************************************************; *** NOTE: DRG defines surgery as anything ***; *** requiring an operating room procedure ***; *** and will include procedures not ***; *** necessarily done by surgeons - for ex, ***; *** 112 - is a procedure normally undertaken ***; *** by cardiologists, while 481 is usually ***; *** done by haemotologists - the surgical ***; *** classifications of DRGs should be ***; *** examined carefully by anyone using them ***; *** and re-groupings considered depending on ***; *** the purpose of the grouping ***; *************************************************; *************************************************************; *** revisions made, July 13, 1993 - for surg review ***; *** 269-270 and 468 moved from other to surgical ***; *** moved - 476 - prostatic OR proc unrelated to prin dx ***; *** 477 - non-exten OR proc unrelated to prin dx ***; *** and 488 - HIV with extensive OR procedure ***; *** from category 3 to category 1 - surgical because ***; *** all involve OR surgical procedures - M. Brownell ***; *************************************************************; VALUE $drg13sm '001'-'008','036'-'042','049'-'063','075'-'077','103'-'108', '110','111','113'-'120','146'-'171','191'-'201','209'-'234', '257'-'268','269'-'270','285'-'293','302'-'315','334'-'345', '353'-'365','370'-'371','374'-'375','377'-'378','381', '392'-'394','400'-'402','406'-'408','415','424','439'-'443', '458'-'459','461','468','471','472','476'-'479', '480'-'486','488','491','493','494','495' = '1' '009'-'035','043'-'048','064'-'074','078'-'102','112', '121'-'145','172'-'190','202'-'208','235'-'256', '271'-'284','294'-'301','316'-'333','346'-'352', '366'-'369','372'-'373','376','379'-'380','382'-'384', '395'-'399','403'-'404','409'-'414','416'-'423', '444'-'455','457','460','462'-'467','475','487','492' = '2' '385'-'391','405','425'-'432','433'-'437','456', '469'-'470','473','489'-'490' = '3' OTHER = '0';