Max Rady College of Medicine

The Mental Health of Manitoba's Children

Chartier M, Brownell M, MacWilliam L, Valdivia J, Nie Y, Ekuma O, Burchill C, Hu M, Rajotte L, Kulbaba C. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2016.

Canadian studies suggest that 1 in 7 children experience mental disorders at any given time, however less than a third of these children receive the clinical treatment services they require. This project examines the diagnostic prevalence of mental disorders in children according to diagnostic categories such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia, mood and anxiety disorders and substance use disorder. Use of services for mental disorders, including hospitalizations, physician visits, justice system involvement, and child and family services for those identified with mental disorders are examined, as well as the relationship between mental health and educational outcomes. In addition, the project team is exploring factors that contribute to the development of mental disorders in children. Results from this report will inform ongoing work by the Healthy Child Manitoba Strategy, the Provincial Mental Health Strategy (Rising to the Challenge) and the implementation of a Child and Youth Mental Health Strategy.


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The Mental Health of Manitoba's Children

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Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
