The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Ininew, Anisininew, Dakota and Dene peoples, and
on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. More
The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Ininew, Anisininew, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the
National Homeland of the Red River Métis. More
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, R3T 2N2
Abbott K, Hyrsak R, Bolton JM, Sareen J, Enns MW, Konrad G, Knight E, Eltonsy S, Kowalec K, Falk J, Alessi-Severini S, Liu K, Prior H, Leong C.
Trend in prescription medication utilization for opioid use disorder and alcohol use disorder from 2015 to 2021: A population-wide study in a Canadian province.
J Addict Med
2024;Online ahead of print. [Abstract]
Balkaran K, Linton J, Doupe M, Roger K, Kelly C.
Research on abuse in home care: A scoping review.
Trauma Violence Abuse
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Balneaves LG, Hammond D, Turner S, Nickel N, Woodgate RL, Watling CA.
Youth and young adults' knowledge and perceptions of risks and benefits regarding cannabis products: A cross-sectional analysis of over 1,700 individuals.
J Psychoactive Drugs
2024;Online ahead of print. [Abstract]
Bernstein CN, Fisk JD, Dolovich C, Hitchon CA, Graff LA, El-Gabalawy R, Lix LM, Bolton JM, Patten SB, Marrie RA.
Understanding predictors of fatigue over time in persons with IBD: The importance of depressive and anxiety symptoms.
Am J Gastroenterol
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Brar R, Whitlock RH, Katz A, DiNella M, Komenda P, Bohm C, Rigatto C, Tangri N, Solmundson C, Collister Dr.
Impact of a medical fitness model on incident major adverse cardiovascular events: A prospective cohort study of 11,000 members.
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Brownell M, Nickel NC, Frank K, Flaten L, Sinclair S, Murdock N, Enns JE, Pfau J, Durksen A, Scatliff C, Prior H, Walld R, Turnbull L, Levasseur K, Mayer T, Chartrand J, Nash C, Decaire E, Casiano H, Bennett M, Casidsid HJM, Hunter M, Owczar H, Brownell E, Stukel T.
Impact of being taken into out-of-home care on children's health, education, and legal system outcomes: A longitudinal cohort study of First Nations and other child welfare agencies in Manitoba, Canada.
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Chartier MJ, Brownell M, Star L, Murdock N, Campbell R, Phillips-Beck, W, Horton M, Meade C, Au W, Schultz J, Bowes JM, Cochrane B.
The mental health of first nations children in Manitoba: A population-based retrospective cohort study using linked administrative data.
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Dahl L, Singal D, Brownell M, Dormuth C, Chateau D, Dahl M, Kim J, Nickel N. Concurrent opioid and psychotropic drug use during pregnancy: Descriptive study in Manitoba, Canada. Poster presentation at the International Population Data Linkage Network (IPDLN) conference, September 15-18, 2024, Chicago, IL [Related Links]
Faisal N, Lix LM, Walld R, Singer A, Kosowan L, Singh H, Renner E, Mahar A.
Identifying patients with diagnosed cirrhosis in administrative health databases: a validation study.
Canadian Liver Journal
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Filiatreault S, Kreindler SA, Grimshaw JM, Chochinov A, Doupe MB.
Developing a set of emergency department performance measures to evaluate delirium care quality for older adults: A modified e-Delphi study.
BMC Emerg Med
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Friesen EL, Mataruga A, Nickel N, Kurdyak P, Bolton JM.
Outcomes in clinical subgroups of patients with alcohol-related hospitalizations.
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Ginsburg LR, Essterbrook A, Massie A, Berta W, Doupe M, Hoben M, Norton P, Reid C, Song Y, Wagg A, Estabrooks C.
Building a program theory of implementation using process evaluation of a complex quality improvement trial in nursing homes.
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Ginsburg L, Hoven M, Berta W, Doupe M, Estabrooks CA, Norton PG, Reid C, Geerts A, Wagg A.
Development and validation of the Overall Fidelity Enactment Scale for Complex Interventions (OFES-CI).
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Goerz CJ, Kanungo A, Lix LM, Leslie WD, Burchill C, Hobson DE.
Determining the impact of specialized care on health outcomes and health care utilization in Parkinsonism.
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Halas G, Baldwin A, LaBine L, MacKay K, Singer A, Katz A.
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Halas G, Baldwin A, Mackau K, Cardenas E, LaBine L, Cherrett P, Abraham L, Fogarty V, Singer A, Katz A, Kirby S.
Patients' and caregivers' experiences of virtual care in a primary care setting during the COVID-19 pandemic: A patient-oriented research study.
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Hamad AF, Monchka BA, Bolton JM, Plana-Ripoli O, Roos LL, Elgendi N, Lix LM.
The Intergenerational Transfer of Mental Disorders: A Population-Based Multigenerational Linkage Study: Le transfert intergénérationnel des troubles mentaux: une étude sur les liens multigénérationnels basée sur la population.
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Hamm NC, Marrie RA, Jiang DIrani, P, Lix LM.
Building and validating trend-based multiple sclerosis case definitions: A population-based cohort study for Manitoba, Canada.
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Hansford RL, Ouelette-Kuntz H, Griffiths R, Hallet J, Decker K, Dawe DE, Kristjanson M, Cobigo V, Shooshtari S, Stirling M, Kelly C, Brownell M, Turner D, Mahar A.
Breast (female), colorectal, and lung cancer survival in people with intellectual or developmental disabilities: A population-based retrospective cohort study.
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Hansford R, Ouelette-Kuntz H, Bourque MA, Decker K, Derksen S, Hallet J, Dawe DE, Cobigo V, Shooshtari S, Stirling M, Kelly C, Brownell M, Turner D, Mahar AL.
Investigating inequalities in cancer staging and survival for adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities and cancer: A population-based study in Manitoba, Canada.
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Haque MA, Gedara MLB, Nickel N, Turgeon M, Lix LM.
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Hoben M, Maxwell CJ, Ubell A, Doupe MB, Goodarzi Z, Allana S, Beleno R, Berta W, Bethell J, Daly T, Gindsburg L, Rahman A, Nguyen H, Tate K, McGrail K.
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Hoben M, Dymchuk E, Doupe MB, Keefe J, Aubrecht K, Kelly C, Stajduhar K, Banerjee S, O'Rourke HM, Chamberlain S, Beeber A, Salma J, Jarrett P, Arya A, Corbett K, Devkota R, Ristau M, Shresta S, Estabrooks CA.
Counting what counts: Assessing quality of life and its social determinants among nursing home residents with dementia.
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Iskander C, Stukel TA, Diong C, Guan J, Saunders N, Cohen E, Brownell M, Mahar A, Shulman R, Ghandi S, Guttmann A.
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Janus M, Brownell M, Reid-Westoby C, Pottruff M, Forer B, Guhn M, Duku E.
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Johnson G, Singh H, Helewa RM, Sibley KM, Reynolds KA, El-Kefraoui C, Doupe MB.
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Katz A, Singer AG.
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Kenny KS, Wanigaratne S, Merry L, Siddiqui A, Urquia ML.
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Kenny KS, Wall-Wieler E, Frank K, Courchene L, Burton M, Dreaver C, Champagne M, Bennett M, Rocke C, Brownell M, Anderson M, Urquia M.
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Larose G, Al-Azazi S, Lix LM, Bohm E, Leslie WD.
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Lavu A, Vaccaro C, Zusman E, Abolutta L, Aloud B, Alessi-Severini S, Haidar L, Peymani P, Ng NC, Ruth C, Falk J, Desrochers B, Valencia E, Shouman W, Rabbani R, Eltonsy S.
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Louis D, Akil H, Oberi S, Sirski M, Alvaro R, Seshia M, Moddemann D, Lix LM, Ruth C, Garland A.
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Mahar AL, Biggs K, Hansford RL, Derksen S, Griffiths R, Enns JE, Dawe DE, Hallet J, Kristjanson M, Decker K, Cobigo V, Shooshtari S, Stirling M, Kelly C, Brownell M, Turner D, Ouelette-Kuntz H.
Stage IV breast, colorectal, and lung cancer at diagnosis n adults living with intellectual or developmental disabilities: A population-based cross-sectional study.
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Marrie R, Fisk JD, Dolovich C, Lix LM, Graff LA, Patten SB, Bernstein CN, CIHR Team in Defining the Burden and Managing the Effects of Immune-Meditated Inflammatory Disease.
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Mesidor M, Sirois C, Guertin JR, Schnitzer ME, Candas B, Blais C, Cossette B, Poirier, P, Brophy JM, Lix L, Tadrous M, Diop A, Hamel D, Talbot D.
Effect of statin use for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease among older adults: A cautionary tale concerning target trials emulation.
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Nickel NC, Enns JE, Brownell M, Quddus F, Walld R, Brownell E, Turnbull L, Casiano H, Decaire E, Mahar A'Wall-Wieler, E, Campbell R, Durksen A, Lee JB, Tso Deh, M, Ferland I, Granger M, PhillipsBeck W.
Birth outcomes among First Nations birthing parents incarcerated while pregnant: A linked administrative data study from Manitoba, Canada.
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Nickel NC, Phillips-Beck W, Enns JE, Taylor C, Fileatreault S, Eze N, Star L, Lavioe J, Katz A, Brownell Mahar, A, Urquia M, Chateau D, Lix L, Chartier M, Brownell M, Tso Deh M, Durksen A, Romanescu R.
COVID-19 diagnostic testing and vaccinations among First Nations in Manitoba: A nations-based retrospective cohort study using linked administrative data.
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Oberoi S, Garland A, Yan AP, Lambert P, Xue L, Decker K, Israels SJ, Banerji S, Bolton JM, Deleemans JM, Garand-Sheridan B, Louis D, Lix LM, Mahar AL.
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Sajobi TT, Sanusi RA, Mayo NE, Sawatzky R, Kongsgaard Nielsen L, Sebille V, Liu J, Bohm E, Awosoga O, Norris CM, Wilton SB, James MT, Lix LM.
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Salman MS, Ruth CA, Yogendran MS, Zrinyi A, Morris M.
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Salman MS, Ruth CA, Yogendran MS, Rozovsky K, Lix LM.
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Sellers EAC, McLeod L, Prior HJ, Dragan R, Wicklow BA, Ruth C.
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Shah BR, Austin PC, Ivers NM, Katz A, Singer A, Sirski M, Thiruchelvam D, Tu K.
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Shah VN, Leslie WD, Lautatzis ME, Liu K, Prior H, Wicklow B.
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Slade S, Katz A.
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Slater J, Katz A, Pilli B, Hinds A, Urquia ML, Sanguins J, Green C, Cidro J, Chateau D, Nickel N.
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Tate K, Cummings G, Jacobsen F, Halas G, Van den Bergh G, Devkota R, Shreshta S, Doupe M.
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Teckchandani TA, Shields RE, Andrews KL, Maguire KQ, Jamshidi L, Nisbet J, Afifi TO, Lix LM, Stewart SH, Sauer-Zavala S, Krakauer RL, Neary JP, Krätzig, GP, Carleton RN.
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Wiik AB, Doupe MB, Bakken MS, Kittang BR, Jacobsen FF, Førland O.
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Ye C, Schousboe JY, Morin SN, Lix LM, McCloskey EV, Johansson H, Harvey NC, Kanis JA, Leslie WD.
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Aboulatta L, Kowalec K, Leong C, Delaney JA, Falk J, Alessi-Severini S, Chateau D, Tan Q, Kearns K, Raimondi C, Vaccaro C, Lavu A, Haidar L, Peymani P, Eltonsy S.
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Almweisheer S, Bernstein CN, Graff LA, Patten SB, Bolton J, Fisk JD, Hitchon CA, Marriott JJ, Marrie RA, CIHR Team in Defining the Burden and Managing the Effects of Immune-mediated Inflammatory Disease.
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Andrews KL, Jamshidi L, Nisbet J, Brunet A, Afifi TO, Asmundson GJG, Fletcher AJ, Maguire KQ, Teckchandani TA, Lix L, Sauer-Zavala S, Sareen J, Keane TM, Patrick Neary J, Nicholas Carleton R.
Potentially psychologically traumatic event exposure histories of new Royal Canadian Mounted Police cadets.
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Andrews KL, Jamshidi L, Nisbet J, Brunet A, Afifi TO, Asmundson GJG, Fletcher AJ, Maguire KQ, Teckchandani TA, Lix L, Sauer-Zavala S, Sareen J, Keane TM, Patrick Neary J, Nicholas Carleton R.
Potentially psychologically traumatic event exposure histories of new Royal Canadian Mounted Police cadets.
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Antonova L, Somayaji C, Cameron J, Sirski M, Sundaram ME, McDonald JT, Mishra S, Kwong JC, Katz A, Baral S, Caulley L, Calzavara A, Corsten M, Johnson-Obaseki S.
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Debbarman S, Prior H, Walld R, Urquia ML.
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Diop A, Sirois C, Guertin JR, Schnitzer ME, Candas B, Cossette B, Poirier P, Brophy J, Mesidor M, Blais C, Hamel D, Tadrous M, Lix L, Talbot D.
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Enns MW, Bernstein CN, Graff L, Lix LM, Hitchon CA, Fisk JD, Dufault B, Marrie RA.
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Estabrooks CA, Duan Y, Cummings GG, Doupe M, Hoben M, Keefe J, Poss J, Song Y, Squires JE, Wagg A, Norton PG.
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Evans A, Mahar AL, Boblitz DB, Brownell M, Guttmann A, Stukel TA, Cohen E, Sarkar J, Eze N, Katz A, Raveendran T, Saunders N.
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Faford St-Germain AA, Busby K, Urquia ML.
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Faisal N, Kosowan L, Zafari H, Zulkernine F, Lix L, Mahar A, Singh H, Renner E, Singer A.
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Filiatreault S, Grimshaw JM, Kreindler SA, Chochinov A, Linton J, Chatterjee R, Azeez R, Doupe MB.
A critical appraisal and recommendation synthesis of delirium clinical practice guidelines relevant to the care of older adults in the emergency department: An umbrella review.
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Filiatreault S, Kriendler S, Grimshaw J, Chochinov A, Doupe M.
Protocol for developing a set of performance measures to monitor and evaluate delirium care quality for older adults in the emergency department using a modified e-Delphi process.
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Friesen KJ, Falk J, Chateau D, Kuo IF, Bugden S.
Signal and noise: Proton-pump inhibitors and the risk of dementia.
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Froese B, Aquino G, Valencia E, Tan Q, Yogendran M, Katz C, Bolton JM, Falk J, Kowalec K, Chateau D, Delaney JC, Logsetty S, Spiwak R, Enns MW, Sareen J, Alessi-Severini S, Olafson K, Eltonsy S, Leong C.
Adherence to psychotropic medication before and during COVID-19: A population-wide retrospective observational study.
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Goodon H, Gawaziuk J, Comaskey. B, Afifi TO, Chateau D, Brownell M, Sareen J, Morgan C, Logsetty S, Spiwak R.
Investigating social determinants of child health and their implications in reducing pediatric traumatic injury: A framework and 17-year retrospective case-control study protocol.
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Gudi SK, Eltonsy S, Delaney J, Osiowy C, Taylor C, Kaita K, Alessi-Severini S.
Annual trends of hepatitis C virus infection in Manitoba between 1998 and 2018: A focus on special populations.
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Hamad AF, Yan L, Jafari Jozani M, Hu P, Delaney JA, Lix LM.
Developing a prediction model of children asthma risk using population-based family history health records.
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Hansford R, Ouelette-Kuntz H, Bourque M, Decker K, Derksen S, Hallet J, Dawe D, Cobigo V, Shooshtari S, Morgan S, Kelly C, Brownell M, Turner D, Mahar A.
Investigating inequalities in cancer staging and survival for adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities and cancer: A population-based study in Manitoba, Canada.
Cancer Epidemiology
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Friesen KJ, Chateau D, Falk J, Alessi-Severini S, Bugden S.
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Jun M, Lix LM, Durand M, Dahl M, Paterson JM, Dormuth CR, Ernst P, Yao S, Renoux C, Tamim H, Wu C, Mahmud SM, Hemmelgarn BR, Canadian Network for Observational Drug Effect Studies (CNODES) Investigators.
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Family doctors should engage with patients about mammography.
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Leong C, Sareen J, Leslie WD, Enns MW, Bolton J, Alessi-Severini S, Katz LY, Logsetty S, Snider C, Berry J, Prior HJ, Chateau D.
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Leong C, Enns MW, Sareen J, Alessi-Severini S, Bolton J, Prior HJ, Chateau D.
New antidepressant use in older adults: A Canadian population-based study (1997-2013).
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Leong C, Alessi-Severini S, Enns MW, Nie Y, Sareen J, Bolton J, Prior HJ, Chateau D.
Cerebrovascular, cardiovascular, and mortality events in new users of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors.
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Leong C, Raymond C, Chateau D, Alessi-Severini S, Falk J, Bugden S, Katz A.
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Leslie WD, Majumdar SR, Morin SN, Hans D, Lix LM.
Change in trabecular bone score (TBS) with antiresorptive therapy does not predict fracture in women: The Manitoba BMD cohort.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
2017;32(3):618-623. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Lix LM, Majumdar SR, Morin SN, Johansson H, Oden A, McCloskey EV, Kanis JA.
Total hip bone area affects fracture prediction with FRAX® in Canadian white women.
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Mamiya H, Lix LM, Gardner W, Bartlett SJ, Ahmed S, Buckeridge D.
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Marrie RA, Zhang L, Lix LM, Graff LA, Walker JR, Fisk JD, Patten SB, Hitchon CA, Bolton JM, Sareen J, El-Gabalawy R, Marriott JJ, Bernstein CN.
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Marrie RA, Walld R, Bolton JM, Sareen J, Walker JR, Patten SB, Singer A, Lix LM, Hitchon CA, El-Gavalawy R, Katz A, Fisk JD, Bernstein CN.
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Marrie RA, Walld R, Bolton JM, Sareen J, Walker R, Patten SB, Singer A, Lix LM, Hitchon CA, El-Gabalawy R, Katz A, Fisk JD, Bernstein CN.
Rising incidence of psychiatric disorders before diagnosis of immune-mediated inflammatory disease.
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Marrie RA, Hitchon CA, Peschken CA, Chen H, Bernstein CN, Garland A.
Health care utilization before and after intensive care unit admission in rheumatoid arthritis.
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Marrie RA, Sellers EAC, Chen H, Fransoo R, Bernstein C, Hitchon A, Peschken CA, Garland A.
Markedly increased incidence of critical illness in adults with type 1 diabetes.
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Marrie RA, Bernstein CN, Peschken CA, Hitchon CA, Chen H, Garland A.
Increased incidence of critical illness in psoriasis.
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Marriott JJ, Cjen H, Fransoo R, Marrie RA.
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Melesse DY, Lix LM, Nugent Z, Targownik LE, Singh H, Blanchard JF, Bernstein CN.
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Randall JR, Roos LL, Lix L, Katz L, Bolton J.
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Randall J, Chateau D, Bolton JM, Smith M, Katz L, Burland E, Taylor C, Nickel N, Enns J, Katz A, Brownell M, PATHS Equity Team.
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Schacter GI, Leslie WD, Majumdar SR, Morin SN, Lix LM, Hans D.
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Schultz A, Goertzen L, Rothney J, Wener P, Enns J, Halas G, Katz A.
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Singal D. Chateau D, Brownell M.
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Singal D, Brownell M, Chateau D, Wall-Wieler E, Longstaffe S, Hanlon-Dearman A, Roos LL.
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Singal D, Brownell M, Chateau D, Hanlon-Dearman A, Longstaffe S, Roos LL.
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Sipsma HL, Jones K, Nickel NC.
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Snider CE, Brownell M, Dufault B, Barrett N, Prior H, Cochrane C.
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Targownik L, Tennakoon A, Leung S, Lix LM, Nugent Z, Singh H, Bernstein CN.
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Tennenhouse LG, Leslie WD, Lix LM.
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Thompson GN, Doupe M, Reid RC, Baumbusch J, Estabrooks CA.
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Wall-Wieler E, Roos LL, Bolton J, Brownell M, Nickel NC, Chateau D.
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Wall-Wieler E, Roos LL, Brownell M, Nickel NC, Chateau D.
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Wall-Wieler E, Roos LL.
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Wall-Wieler E, Roos LL.
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Yang S. Leslie WD, Luo Y, Goertzen AL, Ahmed S, Ward LM, Delubac I, Lix LM.
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Yang SY, Leslie WD, Walld R, Roos LL, Morin SN, Majumdar SR, Lix LM.
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Azoulay L, Fillion KB, Platt RW, Dahl M, Dormuth CR, Clemens, KK, Durand M, Juurlink DN, Targownik LE, Turin TC, Paterson JM, Ernst P, Canadian Network for Observational Drug Effect Studies (CNODES) Investigators.
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Bernstein CN, Banerjee A, Targownik LE, Singh H, Ghia JE, Burchill C, Chateau D, Roos LL.
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Bolton JM, Au W, Chateau D, Walld R, Leslie WD, Enns J, Martens PJ, Katz LY, Logsetty S, Sareen J.
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Brownell MD, Chartier MJ, Nickel NC, Chateau D, Martens PJ, Sarkar J, Burland E, Jutte DP, Taylor C, Santos RG, Katz A, the PATHS Equity for Children Team.
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Brownell MD, Ekuma O, Nickel NC, Chartier N, Koseva I, Santos RG.
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Chen G, Lix L, Hemmelgarn BR, Campbell NRC, McAlister FA, Quan H, Hypertension Outcome and Surveillance Team.
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Doupe M, Day S, McGregor MJ, St. John P, Chateau D, Puchniak J, Dik N, Sarkar J.
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Enns J, Holmqvist M, Wener P, Halas G, Rothney J, Schultz A, Goertzen L, Katz A.
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Enns J, Gawaziuk JP, Khan S, Chateau D, Bolton JM, Sareen J, Stone J, Doupe M, Logsetty S.
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Filion KB, Azoulay L, Platt RW, Dahl M, Dormuth CR, Clemens KK, Hu N, Paterson M, Targownik L, Turin TC, Udell JA, Ernst P, for the CNODES Investigators.
A multicenter observational study of incretin-based drugs and heart failure.
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Fitzgerald TD, Hadjistravropoulos T, Williams J, Lix L, Zahir S, Alfano D, Scudds R.
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Friesen KJ, Alessi-Severini S, Chateau D, Falk J, Bugden S.
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Graham MR, Brownell M, Chateau DG, Dragan RD, Burchill C, Fransoo RR.
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Guhn M, Janus M, Enns J, Brownell M, Forer B, Duku E, Muhajarine N, Raos R.
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Hinds A, Lix LM, Smith M, Quan H, Sanmartin C.
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Hinds AM, Bechtel B, Distasio J, Roos LL, Lix LM.
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Karaceper MD, Chakraborty P, Coyle D, Wilson K, Kronick JB, Hawken S, Davies C, Brownell M, Dodds L, Feigenbaum A, Fell DB, Grosse SD, Guttmann A, Laberge A-M, Mhanni A, Miller FA, Mitchell JJ, Nakhla M, Prasad C, Rockman-Greenberg C, Sparkes R, Wilson B, Potter BK, Canadian Inherited Metabolic Diseases Research Network.
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Kuwornu JP, Lix LM, Quail JM, Forget E, Muthukumarana S, Wang XE, Osman M, Teare G.
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Leslie WD, Lix LM, Morin SN, Johansson H, Oden A, McCloskey EV, Kanis JA.
Adjusting hip fracture probability in men and women using hip axis lenght: The Manitoba Bone Density Database.
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Leslie WD, Majumdar SR, Morin SN, Lix LM.
Change in bone mineral density is an indicator of treatment-related antifracture effect in routine clinical practice.
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Leslie WD, Majumdar SR, Lix LM, Josse RG, Johansson H, Oden A, McCloskey EV, Kanis JA.
Direct comparison of FRAX and a simplified fracture risk assessment tool in routine clinical practice: A registry-based cohort study.
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Leslie WD, Brennan-Olsen SL, Morin SN, Lix LM.
Fracture prediction from repeat BMD measurements in clinical practice.
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Lix LM, Wu X, Hopman W, Mayo N, Sajobi TT, Liu J, Prior JC, Papaioannou A, Josse RG, Towhead TE, Davison S, Sawatzky R.
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Lix LM, Kuwornu JP, Kroeker K, Kephart G, Sikdar KC, Smith M, Quan H.
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Logsetty S, Shamlou A, Gawaziuk JP, March J, Doupe M, Chateau D, Hoppensack M, Khan S, Medved M, Lesllie WD, Enns MW, Stein MB, Asmundson GJG, Sareen J.
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Majumdar SR, Leslie WD, Lix LM, Morin SN, Johansson H, Oden A, McCloskey EV, Kanis JA.
Longer duration of diabetes strongly impacts fracture risk assessment: The Manitoba BMD cohort.
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Manyanga T, Sellers EAC, Wicklow BA, Doupe M, Fransoo R.
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Manyanga T, Sellers EAC, Wicklow BA, Doupe M, Fransoo R.
Not as skinny as we used to think: Body mass index in children and adolescents at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus.
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Marrie RA, Walker JR, Graff LA, Lix LM, Bolton JM, Nugent Z, Targownik LE, Bernstein CN.
Performance of administrative case definitions for depression and anxiety in inflammatory bowel disease.
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Martens PJ, Shafer LA, Dean HJ, Sellers EAC, Yamamoto J, Ludwig S, Heaman M, Phillips-Beck W, Prior HJ, Morris M, McGavock J, Dart AB, Shen GX.
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Naylor KL, Lix LM, Hans D, Garg AX, Rush DN, Hodsman AB, Leslie WD.
Trabecular bone score in kidney transplant recipients.
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Nickel NC, Brownell MD. Supporting breastfeeding among very low-income dyads: A PATHS Equity project. Abstracts from the 18th International Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation Conference.
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O'Donnell M, MacLean M, Sims S, Brownell M, Ekuma O, Gilbert R.
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Orr J, Smith M, Burchill C, Katz A, Fransoo R.
Outcomes of an investment in administrative data infrastructure: An example of capacity building at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy.
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Padwal R, Leslie WD, Lix LM, Majumdar SR.
Relationship among body fat percentage, body mass index, and all-cause mortality: A cohort study.
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Peschken CA, Hitchon CA, Garland A, Bernstein CN, Chen H, Fransoo R, Marrie RA.
A population-based study of intensive care unit admissions in rheumatoid arthritis.
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Platt RW, Dormuth CR, Chateau D, Filion K.
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Quon HC, Smith M, Lix L, Griffith H, Prior H, Hong S, Banerjee A, Koseva I, Kulbaba C.
Emergency department utilization among patients with cancer.
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Randall JR, Chateau D, Smith M, Taylor C, Bolton J, Katz L, Burland E, Katz A, Nickel N, Enns J, Brownell M, the PATHS Equity Team.
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Roos LL, Jarmasz JS, Martens PJ, Katz A, Fransoo R, Soodeen R-A, Smith M, Ginter J, Burchill C, Roos NP, Doupe MB, Brownell M, Lix LM, Finlayson G, Heaman M.
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Russell K, Hutchison MG, Selci E, Leiter J, Chateau D, Ellis MJ.
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Sareen J, Wang Y, Mota N, Henriksen CA, Bolton J, Lix LM, Mojtabai R, Bienvenu OJ, Crum RM, Afifi TO.
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Shaw SY, Metge C, Taylor C, Chartier M, Charette C, Lix L, Santos R, Sarkar S, Katz A, Brownell M, Chateau D, Nickel NC, Burland E, Martens PJ, PATHS Equity Team.
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Shooshtari S, Brownell M, Mills RSL, Dik N, Yu DC, Chateau D, Burchill CA, Wetzel M.
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Singal D, Brownell M, Hanlon-Dearman A, Chateau D, Longstaffe S, Roos LL.
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Singer A, Yakubovich S, Kroeker AL, Dufault B, Duarte R, Katz A.
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Smith M, Roos LL, Burchill C, Turner K, Ostapyk T, Towns D, Hong SP, Jarmasz JS, Ginter J, Martens PJ, Roos NP, Lix LM, Brownell M, Finlayson G, Azimaee M, Soodeen R-A, Nicol JP.
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Stone J, Gawaziuk JP, Khan S, Chateau D, Bolton JM, Sareen J, Enns J, Doupe M, Brownell M, Logsetty S.
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Thiessen K, Heaman M, Mignone J, Martens P, Robinson K.
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Brownell M, Nickel NC, Chateau D, Martens PJ, Taylor C, Crockett L, Katz A, Sarkar J, Burland E, Goh CY, the PATHS Equity Team.
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Carleton RN, Teale Sapach MJ, Oriet C, Duranceau S, Lix. LM, Thibodeau A, Horswill SC, Ubbens JR, Asmundson GJG.
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Goertzen L, Halas G, Rothney J, Schultz ASH, Wener P, Enns JE, Katz A.
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Halas G, Singer A, Styles C, Katz A.
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Halas G, Schultz AS, Rothney J, Goertzen L, Wener P, Katz A.
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Hogg WE, Wodchis WP, Katz A, Wong ST, Cullen R, Yelland G.
Bringing Canada together.
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Isaac MR, Chartier M, Brownell M, Chateau D, Nickel N, Martens P, Katz A, Sarkar J, Hu M, Burland E, Goh C, Taylor C, PATHS Equity Team Members.
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Katz A, Enns JE, Chateau D, Lix L, Jutte D, Edwards J, Brownell M, Metge C, Nickel N, Taylor C, Burland E, the PATHS Equity Team.
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Leslie WD, Lix LM, Morin SN, Johansson H, Odén A, McCloskey EV, Kanis JA.
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Leslie WD, Majumdar SR, Morin SN, Lix LM.
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Martens PJ, Chateau DG, Burland EMJ, Finlayson GS, Smith MJ, Taylor CR, Brownell MD, Katz A, Bolton JM, the PATHS Equity Team.
American Journal of Public Health
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Mutter TC, Chateau D, Moffatt M, Ramsey C, Roos LL, Kryger M.
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Olafson K, Ramsey C, Yogendran M, Fransoo R, Chrusch C, Forget E, Garland A.
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Ouelette-Kuntz H, Shooshtari S, Balogh R, Martens P.
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Penner-Goeke K, Henriksen CA, Chateau D, Latimer E, Sareen J, Katz LY.
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Randall JR, Vokey S, Loewen H, Martens PJ, Brownell M, Katz A, Nickel NC, Burland E, Chateau D.
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Razaz N, Thomas Boyce W, Brownell M, Jutte D, Tremlett H, Marrie RA, Joseph KS.
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Renoux C, Lix LM, Patenaude V, Bresee LC, Paterson JM, Lafrance JP, Tamim H, Mahmud SM, Alsabbagh MW, Hemmelgarn B, Dormuth CR, Ernst P, Canadian Network of Observational Drug Effect Studies (CNODES) Investigators.
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Shooshtari S, Brownell M, Ouelette-Kuntz H, Yu CT, Naghipur S, Hennen B, Temple B, Dik N, Burchill C.
Comparing Hospitalized Dental Care Between Individuals With and Without Developmental Disabilities in Manitoba: A Population-based Study.
Journal on Developmental Disabilities
Singh H, Nugent Z, Brownell M, Targownik LE, Roos LL, Bernstein CN.
Academic performance among children with inflammatory bowel disease: A population-based study.
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Singh H, Nugent Z, Targownik LE, El-Matary W, Brownell M, Bernstein CN.
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Stergiopoulos V, Hwang SW, Gozdzik A, Nisenbaum R, Latimer E, Rabouin D, Adair CE, Bourque J, Connelly J, Frankish J, Katz LY, Mason K, Misir V, O'Brien K, Sareen K, Schutz CG, Singer A, Streiner D, Vasiliadis HM, Goering PN, the AT Home/Chez Soi Investigators.
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Wong ST, Chau LW, Hogg W, Teare GF, Miedema B, Breton M, Aubrey-Bassler K, Katz A, Burge F, Boivin A, Cooke T, Francoeur D, Wodchis WP.
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Alessi-Severini S, Dahl M, Bolton JM, Enns MW, Collins DM, Chateau D, Sareen J.
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Bolton JM, Au W, Walld R, Chateau D, Martens PJ, Leslie WD, Enns MW, Sareen, J.
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Brennan SL, Leslie WD, Lix L, Johansson H, Oden A, McCloskey E, Kanis JA.
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Brennan SL, Leslie WD, Lix LM.
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Broten L, Aviña-Zubieta JA, Lacaille D, Joseph L, Hanly JG, Lix L, O'Donnel S, Barnabe C, Fortin PR, Hudson M, Jean S, Peschke C, Edworthy SM, Svenson L, Pineau CA, Clarke AE, Smith M, Bélisle P, Badley EM, Bergeron L, Bernatsky S.
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Chartier MJ, Finlayson G, Prior H, McGowan K-L, Walld R, de Rocquigny J.
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Choi BCK, Decou ML, Rasali D, Martens PJ, Mancuso M, Plotnikoff RC, Neudorf C, Thanos J, Svenson LW, Denny K, Orpana H, Stewart P, King M, Griffith J, Erickson T, van Dorp R, White D, Ali A.
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Clouston KM, Katz A, Martens PJ, Sisler J, Turner D, Lobchuk M, McClement S, CIHR/CCMB Team in Primary Oncology.
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Dart AB, Wicklow BA, Sellers EA, Dean HJ, Malik S, Walker J, Chateau D, Blydt-Hansen TD, McGavock JM, iCARE Investigators.
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Dart AB, Martens PJ, Rigatto C, Brownell MD, Dean HJ, Sellers EA.
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Deber R, Lam KCK, Roos LL.
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Filion KB, Chateau D, Targownik LE, Gerson A, Durand M, Tamim H, Teare GF, Ravani P, Ernst P, Dormuth CR, the CNODES Investigators.
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Garland A, Olafson K, Ramsey C, Yogendran M, Fransoo R.
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Garland A, Olafson K, Ramsey C, Yogendran M, Fransoo R.
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Greiver M, Williamson T, Barber D, Birtwhistle R, Aliarzadeh B, Khan S, Morkem R, Halas G, Harris S, Katz A.
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Halas G, Styles C, Katz A.
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Katz A, Levitt C, Grava-Gubins I, Fredo S.
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Katz A, Martens P, Chateau D, Bogdanovic B, Koseva I.
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Kredentser MS, Martens PJ, Chochinov HM, Prior HJ.
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Lau D, Eurich DT, Majumdar SR, Katz A, Johnson JA.
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Leslie WD, Aubry-Rozier B, Lix LM, Morin SN, Majumdar SR, Hans D.
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Leslie WD, Majumdar SR, Lix LM, Morin SN, Johansson H, Oden A, McCloskey E, Kanis JA.
Can change in FRAX score be used to "treat-to-target"? A population-based cohort study.
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Letourneau KM, McDonald K, Soni R, Karlicki F, Horne D, Hall PF, Fransoo R.
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Lipscombe LL, Austin PC, Alessi-Severini S, Blackburn DF, Blais L, Bresee L, Filion KB, Kawasumi Y, Kurdyak P, Platt RW, Tamim H, Paterson JM, The Canadian Network for Observational Drug Effect Studies (CNODES) Investigators.
Atypical antipsychotics and hyperglycemic emergencies: Multicentre, retrospective cohort studies of administrative data.
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Lix LM, Yan L, Blackburn D, Hu N, Schneider-Lindner V, Teare GF.
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March J, Sareen J, Gawaziuk JP, Doupe M, Chateau D, Hoppensack M, Nour S, Husarewycz W, Palitsky D, Khan S, Leslie WD, Enns MW, Stein MB, Asmundson GJ, Medved M, Logsetty S.
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Marrie RA, Garland A, Peschken CA, Hitchon CA, Chen H, Fransoo R, Bernstein CN.
Increased Incidence of Critical Illness Among Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: a Population-based Study.
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2014;12(12):2063-2070. [Abstract]
Marrie RA, Bernstein CN, Peschken CA, Hitchon CA, Chen H, Fransoo R, Garland A.
Intensive Care Unit Admission in Multiple Sclerosis: Increased Incidence and Increased Mortality.
2014;82(23):2112-2119. [Abstract]
Martens PJ, Chateau DG, Burland EM, Finlayson GS, Smith MJ, Taylor CR, Brownell MD, Nickel NC, Bolton JM, the PATHS Equity Team.
The Effect of Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status on Education and Health Outcomes for Children Living in Social Housing.
Am J Public Health
2014;104(11):2103-2113. [Abstract]
Morin SN, Lix LM, Leslie WD.
The importance of previous fracture site on osteoporosis diagnosis and incident fractures in women.
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Mutter TC, Chateau D, Moffatt M, Ramsey C, Roos LL, Kryger M.
A matched cohort study of postoperative outcomes in obstructive sleep apnea: Could preoperative diagnosis and treatment prevent complications?
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Nickel NC, Martens PJ, Chateau D, Brownell MD, Sarkar J, Goh CY, Burland E, Taylor C, Katz A, PATHS Equity Team.
Have we left some behind? Trends in socio-economic inequalities in breastfeeding initiation: A population-based epidemiological study.
Can J Public Health
2014;105(5):e362-368. [Abstract]
Nickel NC, Chateau DG, Martens PJ, Brownell MD, Katz A, Burland EMJ, Walld R, Hu M, Taylor CR, Sarkar J, Goh CY, the PATHS Equity Team.
Data resource profile: Pathways to health and social equity for children (PATHS Equity for Children).
International Journal of Epidemiology
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Norton PG, Murray M, Doupe MB, Cummings GG, Poss JW, Squires JE, Teare GF, Estabrooks CA.
Facility versus unit level reporting of quality indicators in nursing homes when performance monitoring is the goal.
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Raghavan M, Martens PJ, Burchill C, Chateau D.
Breed-specific legislation.
J AM Vet Med Assoc
2014;245(5):484. [Abstract]
Raghavan M, Martens PJ, Burchill C.
Exploring the relationship between socioeconomic status and dog-bite injuries through spatial analysis.
Rural and Remote Health
2014;14(3):2846. [Abstract]
Randall JR, Walld R, Finlayson G, Sareen J, Martens PJ, Bolton JM.
Acute risk of suicide and suicide attempts associated with recent diagnosis of mental disorders: A population-based, propensity score-matched analysis.
Can J Psychiatry
2014;59(10):531-538. [Abstract]
Ravinsky E, Gartner JG, Chateau D.
Recommendations on quality assurance practices stemming from the findings of an audit of randomly selected negative breast core biopsies.
Canadian Journal of Pathology
Roos LL, Walld R, Witt J.
Adolescent outcomes and opportunities in a Canadian province: Looking at siblings and neighbors.
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2014;14(1):506. [Abstract]
Rosella L, Peirson L, Bornbaum C, Kotnowski K, Lebenbaum M, Fransoo R, Martens P, Caetano P, Ens C, Gardnier C, Mowat D.
Supporting collaborative use of the diabetes population risk tool (DPoRT) in health-related practice: A multiple case study research protocol.
Implementation Science
2014;9(1):35. [Abstract]
Ruth CA, Roos NP, Hildes-Ripstein E, Brownell MD.
Early term infants, length of birth stay and neonatal readmission for jaundice.
Paediatr Child Health
Safdar N, O'Horo JC, Ghufran A, Bearden A, Didier ME, Chateau D, Maki DG.
Chlorhexidine-Impregnated Dressing for Prevention of Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection: A Meta-Analysis.
Critical Care Medicine
2014;42(7):1703-1713. [Abstract]
Schroth RJ, Pang JL, Levi JA, Martens PJ, Brownell MD.
Trends in pediatric dental surgery for sever early childhood caries in Manitoba, Canada.
J Can Dent Assoc
2014;80:e65. [Abstract]
Spiwak R, Mullins M, Isaak C, Barakat S, Chateau D, Sareen JS.
Medical students' and postgraduate residents' observations of professionalism.
Education for Health
2014;27(2):193-199. [Abstract]
Trachtenberg AJ, Dik N, Chateau D, Katz A.
Inequities in ambulatory care and the relationship between socioeconomic status and respiratory hospitalizations: A population-based study of a Canadian city.
Annals of Family Medicine
Alessi-Severini S, Dahl M, Schultz J, Metge C, Raymond C.
Prescribing of psychotropic medications to the elderly population of a Canadian province: A retrospective study using administrative databases.
2013;1:e168. [Abstract]
Balogh R, Ouelette-Kuntz H, Brownell M, Colantonio A.
Factors associated with hospitalizations for ambulatory care sensitive conditions among persons with an intellectual disability-a publicly insured population perspective.
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
2013;57(3):226-239. [Abstract]
Bolton JM, Au W, Leslie WD, Martens PJ, Enns MW, Roos LR, Katz LY, Wilcox HC, Erlangsen A, Chateau D, Walld R, Spiwak R, Seguin M, Shear K, Sareen J.
Parents bereaved by offspring suicide. A population-based longitudinal case-control study.
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2013;70(2):158-167. [Abstract]
Brennan SL, Leslie WD, Lix LM.
Associations between adverse social position and bone mineral density in women aged 50 years or older: data from the Manitoba Bone Density Program.
Osteoporosis International
2013;24(9):2405-2412. [Abstract]
Brownell M, Jutte DP.
Administrative data linkage as a tool for child maltreatment research.
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Brownell MD, Hanlon-Dearman AC de B, Macwilliam LR, Chudley AE, Roos NP, Yallop LP, Longstaffe SEA.
Use of health, education, and social services by individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology
2013;20(2):e95-e106. [Abstract]
Burland E, Martens P, Brownell M, Doupe M, Fuchs D.
The evaluation of a fall management program in a nursing home population.
The Gerontologist
2013;53(5):826-838. [Abstract]
Cui Y, Doupe M, Katz A, Nyhof P, Forget E.
Economic evaluation of Manitoba health lines in the management of congestive heart failure.
Healthcare Policy
2013;9(2):36-50. [Abstract]
Decker KM, Turner D, Demers AA, Martens PJ, Lambert P, Chateau D.
Evaluating the effectiveness of cervical cancer screening invitation letters.
Journal of Women's Health
2013;22(8):687-693. [Abstract]
Dormuth CR, Hemmelgarn BR, Paterson JM, James MT, Teare GF, Raymond CB, Levy AR, Garg AX, Ernst P, for the CNODES Investigators.
Use of high potency statins and rates of admission for acute kidney injury: Multicenter, retrospective observational analysis of administrative databases.
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Estabrooks CA, Poss JW, Squires JE, Teare GF, Morgan DG, Stewart N, Doupe MB, Cummings DD, Norton PG.
A profile of residents in prairie nursing homes.
Canadian Journal on Aging
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Fransoo R, Martens PJ, The Need to Know Team, Burland E, Prior HJ, Katz A, Nickel NC, Chateau D.
The rising prevalence of asthma: true increase, diagnostic exchange, or diagnostic accuracy?
Healthcare Policy
2013;8(4):27-34. [Abstract]
Fransoo R, Bucklaschuk J, Prior H, Burland E, Chateau D, Martens P, Need to Know Team.
Social gradients in surgical sterilization rates: Opposing patterns for males and females.
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2013;35(5):454-460. [Abstract]
Garland A, Ramsey CD, Fransoo R, Olafson K, Chateau D, Yogendran M, Kraut A.
Rates of readmission and death associated with leaving hospital against medical advice: A population-based study.
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Garland A, Olafson K, Ramsey CD, Yogendran M, Fransoo R.
Epidemiology of critically ill patients in intensive care units: A population-based observational study.
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Ghandehari OO, Hadjistavropoulos T, Williams J, Thorpe L, Alfano DP, Dal Bello-Haas V, Malloy DC, Martin RR, Rahaman O, Zwakhalen SM, Carleton RN, Hunter PV, Lix LM.
A controlled investigation of continuing pain education for long-term care staff.
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Green ME, Wong ST, Lavoie JG, Kwong J, MacWilliam L, Peterson S, Liu G, Katz A.
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Hinds A, Distasio J, Martens PJ, Smith M.
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Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada
Hopkins R, Tarride JE, Leslie WD, Metge C, Lix L, Morin S, Finlayson G, Azimaee M, Pullenaygum E, Goeree R, Adachi JD, Papaioannou A, Thabane, L.
Estimating the excess costs for patients with incident fractures, prevalent fractures, and non-fracture osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis International
2013;24(2):581-593. [Abstract]
Hudson M, Avina-Zubieta A, Lacaille D, Bernatsky S, Lix L, Jean S.
The validity of administrative data to identify hip fractures is high--a systematic review.
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Kraut A, Fransoo R, Olafson K, Ramsey CD, Yogendran M, Garland A.
A population-based analysis of leaving the hospital against medical advice: Incidence and associated variables.
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Lau D, Eurich ET, Majumdar SR, Katz A, Johnson JA.
Effectiveness of influenza vaccination in working-age adults with diabetes: A population-based cohort study.
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Leslie WD, Lix LM, Johansson H, Oden A, McCloskey E, Kanis JA, Manitoba Bone Density Program.
Selection of Women Aged 50-64 Yr for Bone Density Measurement.
Journal of Clinical Densitometry
2013;16(4):570-578. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Brennan SL, Prior HJ, Lix LM, Metge C, Elias B.
The contributions of First Nations ethnicity, income, and delays in surgery on mortality post-fracture: A population-based analysis.
Osteoporosis International
2013;24(4):1247-1256. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Lix LM, Wu X.
Competing mortality and fracture risk assessment.
Osteoporosis International
2013;24(2):681-688. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Lix LM, Finlayson GS, Metge C, Morin SN, Majumdar SR.
Direct healthcare costs for five years post-fracture in Canada: A long-term population-based assessment.
Osteoporosis International
2013;24(5):1697-1705. [Abstract]
Lix LM, Quali J, Fadahunsi O, Teare GF.
Predictive performance of comorbidity measures in administrative databases for diabetes cohorts.
BMC Health Services Research
2013;17(13):340. [Abstract]
Marchildon GP, Verma JY, Roos N.
Opinion editorials: The science and art of combining evidence with opinion.
Evidence Based Medicine
2013;18(5):161-164. [Abstract]
Martens PJ, Chochinov HM, Prior HJ.
Where and how people with schizophrenia die: A population-based matched cohort study in Manitoba, Canada.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
2013;74(6):551-557. [Abstract]
Metcalfe A, Lyon AW, Johnson J, Bernier F, Currie G, Lix LM, Tough SC.
Improving completeness of ascertainment and quality of information for pregnancies through linkage of administrative and clinical data records.
Annals of Epidemiology
2013;23(7):444-447. [Abstract]
Metcalfe A, Lix LM, Johnson J, Bernier F, Currie G, Lyon AW, Tough SC.
Assessing the impact of the SOGC recommendations to increase access to prenatal screening on overall use of health resources in pregnancy.
J Obstet Gynaecol Can
2013;35(5):444-453. [Abstract]
Metcalfe A, Currie G, Johnson JA, Bernier F, Lix LM, Lyon AW, Tough SC.
Impact of observed versus hypothesized service utilization on the incremental cost of first trimester screening and prenatal diagnosis for trisomy 21 in a Canadian province.
Prenatal Diagnosis
2013;33(5):429-435. [Abstract]
Nickel NC, Taylor EC, Labbok MH, Weiner BJ, Williamson NE.
Applying organisation theory to understand barriers and facilitators to the implementation of baby-friendly: A multisite qualitative study.
2013;29(8):956-964. [Abstract]
Nickel NC, Labbok MH, Hudgens MG, Daniels JL.
The extent that noncompliance with the ten steps to successful breastfeeding influences breastfeeding duration.
Journal of Human Lactation
2013;29(1):59-70. [Abstract]
O'Donnell S, Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System (CCDSS) Osteoporosis Working Group.
Use of administrative data for national surveillance of osteoporosis and related fractures in Canada: Results from a feasibility study.
Arch Osteoporos
2013;8(1-2):143. [Abstract]
Raghavan M, Martens PJ, Chateau D, Burchill C.
Effectiveness of breed-specific legislation in decreasing the incidence of dog-bite injury hospitalisations in people in the Canadian province of Manitoba.
Injury Prevention
2013;19(3):177-183. [Abstract]
Robitaille C, Bancej C, Dai S, Tu K, Rasali D, Blais C, Plante C, Smith M, Svenson LW, Reimer K, Casey J, Puchtinger R, Johansen H, Gurevich Y, Waters C, Lix LM, Quan H.
Surveillance of ischemic heart disease should include physician billing claims: Population-based evidence from administrative health data across seven Canadian provinces.
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2013;13:88 doi 10.1186/1471-2261-13-88. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Hiebert B, Manivong P, Edgerton J, Walld R, MacWilliam L, de Rocquigny J.
What is most important: Social factors, health selection, and adolescent educational achievement.
Social Indicators Research
2013;110(1):385-414. [Abstract]
Sareen J, Isaak C, Bolton SL, Enns MW, Elias B, Deane F, Munro G, Stein MB, Chateau D, Gould M, Katz LY.
Gatekeeper training for suicide prevention in First Nations community members: A randomized controlled trial.
Depression and Anxiety
2013;30:1021-1029. [Abstract]
Sareen J, Erickson J, Medved MI, Asmundson GJG, Enns MW, Stein M, Leslie WD, Doupe M, Logsetty S.
Risk factors for post-injury mental health problems.
Depression and Anxiety
2013;30(4):321-327. [Abstract]
Sareen J, Henriksen CA, Stein MB, Afifi TO, Lix LM, Enns MW.
Common mental disorder diagnosis and need for treatment are not the same: Findings from a population-based longitudinal survey.
Psychological Medicine
2013;43(9):1941-1951. [Abstract]
Vasilyeva I, Biscontri RG, Enns MW, Metge CJ, Alessi-Severini S.
Adverse Events in Elderly Users of Antipsychotic Pharmacotherapy in the Province of Manitoba: a Retrospective Cohort Study.
J Clin Psychopharmacol
2013;33(1):24-30. [Abstract]
Alessi-Severini S, Biscontri R, Collins DM, Sareen J, Enns MW.
Ten years of antipsychotic prescribing to children: A Canadian population-based study.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
2012;57(1):52-58. [Abstract]
Bapuji SB, Lobchuk MM, McClement SE, Sisler JJ, Katz A, Martens P.
Fecal occult blood testing instructions and impact on patient adherence.
Cancer Epidemiology
2012;36(4):e258-e264. [Abstract]
Bernstein CN, Longobardi T, Finlayson G, Blanchard JF.
Direct medical cost of managing IBD patients: A Canadian population-based study.
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2012;18(8):1498-1508. [Abstract]
Bolton J, Dahl M, Sareen J, Enns M, Leslie W, Coling D, Alessi-Severini S.
A population-based study of the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) before and after introduction of generic equivalents.
Can J Psychiatry
Chateau D, Metge C, Prior H, Soodeen RA.
Learning from the census: The socio-economic factor index (SEFI) and health outcomes in Manitoba.
Canadian Journal of Public Health
2012;103(Suppl 2):S23-S27. [Abstract] [Report]
Chochinov HM, Martens PJ, Prior HJ, Kredentser MS.
Comparative health care use patterns of people with schizophrenia near the end of life: A population-based study in Manitoba, Canada.
Schizophrenia Research
2012;141(2-3):241-246. [Abstract]
Dal Bello-Haas VP, Thorpe LU, Lix LM, Scudds R, Hadjistavropoulos T.
The effects of a long-term care walking program on balance, falls and well-being.
BMC Geriatrics
2012;12(76). [Abstract]
Dart AB, Sellers EA, Martens PJ, Rigatto C, Brownell MD, Dean HJ.
High burden of kidney disease in youth-onset type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes Care
2012;35(6):1265-1271. [Abstract]
Doupe M, St. John P, Chateau D, Strang D, Smele S, Bozat-Emre S, Fransoo R, Dik N.
Profiling the multidimensional needs of new nursing home residents: evidence to support planning.
2012;13(5):487.e9-487.e17. [Abstract]
Doupe MB, Palatnick W, Day S, Chateau D, Soodeen RA, Burchill C, Derksen S.
Frequent Users of Emergency Departments: Developing Standard Definitions and Defining Prominent Risk Factors.
Annals of Emergency Medicine
2012;60(1):24-32. [Abstract]
Fransoo R, Yogendran M, Olafson K, Ramsey C, McGowan KL, Garland A.
Constructing episodes of inpatient care: Data infrastructure for population-based research.
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Fransoo R. "My mum, my dad, and sex differences in cardiac care: How a sex-based analysis revealed the importance of age.".
CIHR-IGH Casebook: What a Difference Sex and Gender Make.
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CIHR Institute of Gender and Health; 2012.
Garland A, Yogendran M, Olafson K, Scales DC, McGowan KL, Fransoo R.
The accuracy of administrative data for identifying the presence and timing of admission to intensive care units in a Canadian province.
Medical Care
2012;50(3):e1-e6. [Abstract]
Gilbert R, Fluke J, O'Donnell M, Gonzalez-Izquierdo A, Brownell M, Gulliver P, Janson S, Sidebotham P.
Child maltreatment: Variation in trends and policies in six developed countries.
The Lancet
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Hobson DE, Lix LM, Azimaee M, Leslie WD, Burchill C, Hobson S.
Healthcare utilization in patients with Parkinson's disease: A population-based analysis.
Parkinsonism and Related Disorders
2012;18(8):930-935. [Abstract]
Katz A, Bogdanovic B, Ekuma O, Soodeen R, Enns J.
Pediatric primary care services in Manitoba: Is the health of the next generation of children at risk?
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2012;105(1):84-91. [Abstract]
Konrad G, Katz A.
Are medication restrictions before FOBT necessary? Practical advice based on a systematic review of the literature.
Canadian Family Physician
2012;58(9):939-948. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Morin SN, Lix LM, Manitoba Bone Density Program.
Rate of bone density change does not enhance fracture prediction in routine clinical practice.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab
2012;97(4):1211-1218. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Brennan SL, Prior HJ, Lix LM, Metge C, Elias B.
The post-fracture care gap among Canadian First Nations peoples: A retrospective cohort study.
Osteoporosis International
2012;23(3):929-936. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Giangregorio LM, Yogendran M, Azimaee M, Morin S, Metge C, Caetano P, Lix L.
A population-based analysis of the post-fracture care gap 1996-2008: The situation is not improving.
Osteoporosis International
2012;23:1623-1629. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Morin S, Lix LM, Johansson H, Oden A, McCloskey E, Kanis JA.
Fracture risk assessment without bone density measurement in routine clinical practice.
Osteoporosis International
2012;23(1):75-85. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Majumdar SR, Lix LM, Johansson H, Oden A, McCloskey E, Kanis JA.
High fracture probability with FRAX® usually indicates Densitometric Osteoporosis: Implications for clinical practice.
Osteoporosis International
2012;23(1):391-397. [Abstract]
Lix LM, Azimaee M, Osman BA, Caetano P, Morin S, Metge C, Goltzman D, Krieger N, Prior J, Leslie WD.
Osteoporosis-related fracture case definitions for population-based administrative data.
BMC Public Health
2012;12(301). [Abstract]
Lobchuk M, Bapuji SB, McClement SE, Sisler JJ, Katz A, Martens P, Turner D, Clouston K.
What is the role of family in promoting faecal occult blood test screening? Exploring physician, average-risk individual, and family perceptions.
Cancer Epidemiology
2012;36(3):e190-e199. [Abstract]
Luo Z-C, Wilkins R, Heaman M, Smylie J, Martens PJ, Mchugh NGL, Labranche E, Simonet F, Wassimi S, Minich K, Fraser WD.
Birth outcomes and infant mortality among First Nations Inuit, and non-Indigenous women by northern versus southern residence, Quebec.
J Epidemiol Community Health
2012;66(4):328-333. [Abstract]
Majumdar SR, Ezekowitz JA, Lix LM, Leslie WD.
Heart failure is a clinically and densitometrically independent risk factor for osteoporotic fractures: Population-based cohort study of 45,509 subjects.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab
2012;97(4):1179-1186. [Abstract]
Majumdar SR, Lix LM, Yogendran M, Morin SN, Metge CJ, Leslie WD.
Population-based trends in osteoporosis management after new initiations of long-term systemic glucocorticoids (1998-2008).
J Clin Endocrin Metab
2012;97(4):1236-1242. [Abstract]
Martens PJ.
The right kind of evidence--integrating, measuring, and making it count in health equity research.
Journal of Urban Health
2012;89(6):925-936. [Abstract]
Martens PJ.
What do Kramer's baby-friendly hospital initiative PROBIT studies tell us? A review of a decade of research.
Journal of Human Lactation
2012;28(3):335-342. [Abstract]
Patten SB, Lin E, Martens PJ, Stiff D, Smetanin P, Adair CE.
Synthesis through simulaton: Insights on the epidemiology of mood and anxiety disorders in Canada.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
2012;57(12):765-771. [Abstract]
Quan H, Smith M, Bartlett-Esquilant G, Johansen H, Tu K, Lix L, Hypertension Outcome Surveillance Team.
Mining administrative health databases to advance medical science: Geographical considerations and untapped potential in Canada.
Can J Cardiol
2012;28(2):152-154. [Abstract]
Roos NP, O'Grady K, Singer SM, Turczak S, Tapp C.
Making evidence on health policy issues accessible to the media.
Healthcare Policy
2012;8(2):37-45. [Abstract]
Rosella LC, Mustard CA, Stukel TA, Corey P, Hux J, Roos L, Manuel DG.
The role of ethnicity in predicting diabetes risk at the population level.
Ethnicity and Health
2012;17(4):419-437. [Abstract]
Ruth CA, Roos N, Hildes-Ripstein E, Brownell M.
The influence of gestational age and socioeconomic status on neonatal outcomes in late preterm and early term gestation: a population based study'.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth
2012;12 (1): 62. [Abstract]
Ruth CA, Roos NP, Hildes-Ripstein E, Brownell M.
Infants born to mothers with diabetes in pregnancy at the population level in Manitoba: More questions than answers.
Canadian Journal of Diabetes
Sisler JJ, Seo B, Katz A, Shu E, Chateau D, Czaykowski P, Wirtzfield D, Singh H, Turner D, Martens P.
Concordance with ASCO guidelines for surveillance after colorectal cancer treatment: A population-based analysis.
Journal of Oncology Practice
2012;8(4):e69-79. [Abstract]
Spiwak R, Sareen J, Elias B, Martens P, Munro G, Bolton J.
Complicated grief in aboriginal populations.
Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience
2012;14(2):204-209. [Abstract]
Spiwak R, Elias B, Bolton JM, Martens PJ, Sareen J.
Suicide policy in Canada: Lessons from history.
Can J Public Health
Suissa S, Henry D, Caetano P, Dormuth CR, Ernst P, Hemmelgarn B, LeLorier J, Levy A, Martens PJ, Paterson JM, Platt RW, Sketris I, Teare G.
CNODES: The Canadian network for observational drug effect studies.
Open Medicine
2012;6(4):134-140. [Abstract]
Taylor EC, Nickel NC, Labbok MH.
Implementing the Ten Steps for Successful Breastfeeding in hospitals serving low-wealth patients.
American Journal of Public Health
2012;102(12):2262-2268. [Abstract]
Afifi TO, Cox BJ, Martens PJ, Sareen J, Enns MW.
Developing a population health framework for studying problem gambling.
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Balogh RS, Ouelette-Kuntz H, Brownell M, Colantonio A.
Ambulatory care sensitive conditions in persons with an intellectual disability - development of a consensus.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
2011;24(2):150-158. [Abstract]
Bernatsky S, Lix L, Hanly JG, Hudson M, Bradley E, Peschken C, Pineau C.A. Clarke A.E. Fortin P.R. Smith M, Belisle P, Lagace C, Bergeron L, Joseph L.
Surveillance of systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases using administrative data.
Rheumatol Int
2011;31(4):549-554. [Abstract]
Bolton JM, Targownik LE, Leung S, Sareen J, Leslie WD.
Risk of low bone mineral density associated with psychotropic medications and mental disorders in postmenopausal women.
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
2011;31(1):56-60. [Abstract]
Brownell MD, Chartier M, Au W, Schultz J.
Program for expectant and new mothers: A population-based study of participation.
BMC Public Health
2011;11(691). [Abstract]
Brownell MD, Chartier M, Santos R, Au W, Roos NP, Girard D.
Evaluation of a newborn screen for predicting out-of-home placement.
Child Maltreatment
2011;16(4):239-249. [Abstract]
Brownell M, Kozyrskyj A, Fuchs D, Santos R.
Using administrative data to study child health.
Healthcare Policy
2011;6(Special Issue):91-93.
Dart AB, Martens PJ, Sellers EA, Brownell MD, Rigatto C, Dean HJ.
Validation of a pediatric diabetes case definition using administrative health data in Manitoba, Canada.
Diabetes Care
2011;34:898-903. [Abstract]
Doupe M, Brownell M, St. John P, Strang DG. Chateau D, Dik N.
Nursing home adverse events: Further insight into highest risk periods.
J Am Med Dir Assoc
2011;12(6):467-474. [Abstract]
Doupe M, Shapiro E, Cloutier R.
Healthcare services for an aging population: Using administrative data to help prepare for the future.
Healthcare Policy
2011;6(Special Issue):114-116.
Elias B, Kliewer EV, Hall M, Demers AA, Turner D, Martens P, Hong SP, Hart L, Chartrand C, Munro G.
The burden of cancer risk in Canada's indigenous population: A comparative study of known risks in a Canadian region.
International Journal of General Medicine
2011;4:699-709. [Abstract]
Finlayson GS, Lix LM, Roos LL.
The whole is greater than the sum of the parts: Using data linkage and cohort designs to create data synergy at MCHP.
Healthcare Policy
2011;6(Special Issue):83-85.
Forget EL.
The town with no poverty: The health effects of a Canadian guaranteed annual income field experiment.
Canadian Public Policy
Fransoo R, Marchessault G, Black C, De Coster C.
Panning for population gold: 20 years of research at MCHP.
Healthcare Policy
2011;6(Special Issue):80-82.
Fransoo R, Martens PJ, Dick S, Erickson T, Malazdrewicz D, Burland E, Soltys P.
The inside story: Knowledge translation lessons from the Need to Know Team.
Healthcare Policy
2011;6(Special Issue):111-113.
Hottes TS, Skowronski DM, Hiebert B, Janjua NZ, Roos LL, Van Caeseele P, Law BJ, De Serres G.
Influenza vaccine effectiveness in the elderly based on administrative databases: Change in immunization habit as a marker for bias.
2011;6(7):E22618. [Abstract]
Jetté N, Lix LM, Metge CJ, Prior HJ, McChesney J, Leslie WD.
Association of antiepileptic drugs with nontraumatic fractures.
Archives of Neurology
2011;68(1):107-112. [Abstract]
Jutte DP, Roos LL, Brownell M.
Administrative record linkage as a tool for public health research.
Annual Review of Public Health
2011;32:91-108. [Abstract]
Katz LY, Au W, Singal D, Brownell M, Roos N, Martens PJ, Chateau D, Enns MW, Kozyrskyj AL, Sareen J.
Suicide and suicide attempts in children and adolescents in the child welfare system.
2011;183(7):1977-1981. [Abstract]
Katz A.
Healthcare Policy
2011;6(Special Issue):14.
Katz A, Garland A, Leslie WD, Moffatt M.
Clinical research at MCHP over the next 20 years.
Healthcare Policy
2011;6(Special Issue):88-90.
Katz A, Barre L, Fogg T, Lewis S.
Beyond administrative data: A vision for health information systems for Canada.
Healthcare Policy
2011;6(Special Issue):107-110.
Lavoie JG, Forget EL, Dahl M, Martens PJ, O'Neil JD.
Is it worthwhile to invest in home care?
Healthcare Policy
Leslie WD, Lix LM, Langsetmo L, Berger C, Goltzman D, Hanley DA, Adachi JD, Johansson H, Oden A, McCloskey E, Kanis JA.
Construction of a FRAX® model for the assessment of fracture probability in Canada and implications for treatment.
Osteoporos Int
2011;22(3):817-827. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Lix LM, Johansson H, Oden A, McCloskey E, Kanis JA.
Spine-hip discordance and fracture risk assessment: A physician-friendly FRAX enhancement.
Osteoporos Int
2011;22(3):839-847. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Sadatsafavi M, Lix LM, Azimaee M, Morin S, Metge CJ, Caetano P.
Secular decreases in fracture rates 1986-2006 for Manitoba, Canada: A population-based analysis.
Osteoporosis International
2011;22(7):2137-2143. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Metge C, Azimaee M, Lix LM, Finlayson G, Morin SN, Caetano P.
Direct costs of fractures in Canada and trends 1996-2006: A population-based cost-of-illness analysis.
J Bone Miner Res
2011;26(10):2419-2429. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Berger C, Langsetmo L, Lix LM, Adachi JD, Hanley DA, Ioannidis G, Josse RG, Kovacs CS, Towheed T, Kaiser S, Olszynski WP, Prior JC, Jamal S, Kreiger N, Goltzman D, The Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study (CaMos) Research Group.
Construction and validation of a simplified risk assessment tool for Canadian women and men: Results from the CaMos and Manitoba cohorts.
Osteoporosis International
2011;22(6):1873-1883. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Lix LM, Yogendran MS.
Validation of a case definition for osteoporosis disease surveillance.
Osteoporosis International
2011;22(1):37-46. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Lix LM, Manitoba Bone Density Program.
Effects of FRAX® model calibration on intervention rates: A simulation study.
Journal of Clinical Densitometry
2011;14(3):272-278. [Abstract]
Marchessault G.
The Manitoba Centre for Health Policy: A case study.
Healthcare Policy
2011;6(Special Issue):29-43.
Martens PJ. "How and why does it "work" at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy? A model of data linkage, interdisciplinary research, and scientist/user interactions."
In: Flood, CM (ed).
Data Data Everywhere: Access and Accountability?
Kingston, ON:
McGill-Queen's University Press; 2011.
Martens PJ.
Are we in a pickle? Rethinking the world of research and user interaction.
Healthcare Papers
2011;11(2):42-46. [Abstract]
Martens PJ.
Straw into gold: Lessons learned (and still being learned) at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy.
Healthcare Policy
2011;6(Special issue):44-54.
Martens PJ, Bartlett JG, Prior HJ, Sanguins J, Burchill CA, Burland EM, Carter S.
What is the comparative health status and associated risk factors for the Metis? A population-based study in Manitoba, Canada.
BMC Public Health
2011;11(814). [Abstract]
Morin S, Lix LM, Azimaee M, Metge C, Caetano P, Leslie WD.
Mortality rates after incident non-traumatic fractures in older men and women.
Osteoporos Int
2011;2(9):2439-2448. [Abstract]
Mulvey MR, Doupe M, Prout M, Leong C, Hizon R, Grossberndt A, Klowak M, Gupta A, Melanson M, Gomori A, Esfahani F, Klassen L, Frost EE, Namaka M.
Staphylococcus aureus harbouring Enterotoxin A as a possible risk factor for multiple sclerosis exacerbations.
Multiple Sclerosis Journal
2011;17(4):397-403. [Abstract]
Mutch WAC, Fransoo RF, Campbell BI, Chateau D, Sirski M, Warrian RK.
Dementia and depression with ischemic heart disease: A population-based longitudinal study comparing interventional approaches to medical management.
PloS One
2011;6(2):e17457. [Abstract]
Rach J, Welch MA, Cloutier R, Doupe M.
Dancing with the media - be careful not to step on your partner's toes: The challenge of working with the media to share research findings with the public.
Healthcare Policy
2011;6(Special Issue):97-99.
Roos NP, Freemantle J, Farthing G, Carr J.
Taking it to the streets: Figuring out and communicating what's really important in children's health and well-being research.
Healthcare Policy
2011;6(Special Issue):86-87.
Roos NP, Roos LL.
Administrative data and the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy: Some reflections.
Healthcare Policy
2011;6(Special Issue):16-28.
Rosella LC, Manuel D, Burchill C, Stukel TA, PHIAT-DM team.
A population-based risk algorithm for the development of diabetes: development and validation of the Diabetes Population Risk Tool (DPoRT).
J Epidemiology Community Health
2011;65(7):613-620. [Abstract]
Santos RG, Chartier MJ, Whalen JC, Chateau D, Boyd L.
Effectiveness of school-based violence prevention for children and youth.
Healthcare Quarterly
2011;14(Special Issue): 80-91.
Shooshtari S, Martens PJ, Burchill CA, Dik N, Naghipur S.
Prevalence of depression and dementia among adults with developmental disabilities in Manitoba, Canada.
International Journal of Family Medicine
2011;2011. [Abstract]
Smith M, Roos LL, Burchill C.
Expanding the data repository: New technology and resources for the 21st century.
Healthcare Policy
2011;6(Special Issue):104-106.
Afifi T, Cox B, Martens P, Sareen J, Enns M.
The relationship between problem gambling and mental and physical health correlates among a nationally representative sample of Canadian women.
Can J Public Health
2010;101(2):171-175. [Abstract]
Afifi TO, Cox BJ, Martens PJ, Sareen J, Enns MW.
The relation between types and frequency of gambling activities and problem gambling among women in Canada.
Can J Psychiatry
2010;55(1):21-28. [Abstract]
Afifi TO, Cox BJ, Martens PJ, Sareen J, Enns MW.
Demographic and social variables associated with problem gambling among men and women in Canada.
Psychiatry Research
2010;178(2):395-400. [Abstract]
Alvaro C, Lyons R, Warner G, Hobfoll SE, Martens PJ, Labonte R, Brown R.
Conservation of resources theory and research use in health systems.
Implement Sci
2010;5(79). [Abstract]
Balogh R, Brownell M, Ouelette-Kuntz H, Colantonio A.
Hospitalisation rates for ambulatory care sensitive conditions for persons with and without an intellectual disability--a population perspective.
J Intellect Disabil Res
2010;54(9):820-832. [Abstract]
Brownell M, Roos N, MacWilliam L, Leclair L, Ekuma O, Fransoo R.
Academic and social outcomes for high-risk youths in Manitoba.
Canadian Journal of Education
2010;33(4):804-836. [Abstract]
Brownell MD, Derksen SA, Jutte DP, Roos NP, Ekuma O, Yallop L.
Socio-economic inequities in children's injury rates: Has the gradient changed over time?
Canadian Journal of Public Health
2010;101(Suppl. 3):S28-S31. [Abstract]
Currie J, Stabile M, Manivong P, Roos LL.
Child health and young adult outcomes.
Journal of Human Resources
2010;45(3):517-548. [Abstract]
Denny K, Brownell M.
Taking a social determinants perspective on children's health and development. (Editorial).
Canadian Journal of Public Health
2010;101(Suppl 3):S4-S7. [Abstract]
Dreger LC, Kozyrskyj AL, HayGlass KT, Becker AB, MacNeil BJ.
Lower cortisol levels in asthmatic children exposed to recurrent maternal distress from birth.
J Allergy Clin Immunol
2010;125(1):116-122. [Abstract]
Evans RG, Barer ML, Hertzman C, Roos NP.
Why are some books important (and others not)?
Canadian Journal of Public Health
Fransoo R, Martens P, The Need to Know Team, Prior H, Burland E, Chateau D, Katz A.
Age difference explains gender difference in cardiac intervention rates after acute myocardial infarction.
Healthcare Policy
2010;6(1):88-103. [Abstract]
Hack TF, Kwan WB, Thomas-Maclean RL, Towers A, Miedema B, Tilley A, Chateau D.
Predictors of arm morbidity following breast cancer surgery.
2010;19(11):1205-1212. [Abstract]
Heaman M, Martens P, Hart L, Smylie J, Agnew E, Simonet F, Wassimi S, Fraser WD, Luo Z-C.
Does living on-reserve versus off-reserve make a difference in First Nations birth outcomes in Manitoba, Canada? (Issue topic: What we have known about community characteristics, birth outcomes and infant mortality among Aboriginal population?).
The Open Women's Health Journal
Jutte D, Brownell M, Roos NP, Schippers C, Boyce WT, Syme SL.
Rethinking what is important: Biologic versus social predictors of childhood health and educational outcomes.
2010;21(3):314-323. [Abstract]
Jutte DP, Roos NP, Brownell M, Briggs G, MacWilliam L, Roos L.
The ripples of adolescent motherhood: Social, educational, and medical outcomes for children of teen and prior teen moms.
Academic Pediatrics
2010;10(5):293-301. [Abstract]
Katz A, Katz AJ.
Erectile dysfunction.
2010;182(4):381-382. [Abstract]
Lavoie JG, Forget EL, Prakash T, Dahl M, Martens P, O'Neil JD.
Have investments in on-reserve health services and initiatives promoting community control improved First Nations' health in Manitoba?
Social Science & Medicine
2010;71(4):717-724. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Morin S, Lix LM.
A before-and-after study of fracture risk reporting and osteoporosis treatment initiation.
Annals of Internal Medicine
2010;153(9):580-586. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Lix LM, Johansson H, McCloskey E, Kanis JA, Manitoba Bone Density Program.
Independent clinical validation of a Canadian FRAX® tool: Fracture prediction and model calibration.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
2010;25(11):2350-2358. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Lix LM, Manitoba Bone Density Program.
Imputation of ten-year osteoporotic fracture rates from hip fractures: A clinical validation study.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
2010;25(2):388-392. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Lix LM, Manitoba Bone Density Program.
Simplified 10-year absolute fracture risk assessment: A comparison of men and women.
Journal of Clinical Densitometry
2010;13(2):141-146. [Abstract]
Lix LM, Yogendran MS, Shaw SY, Targownik LE, Jones J, Bataineh O.
Comparing administrative and survey data for ascertaining cases of irritable bowel syndrome: A population-based investigation.
BMC Health Serv Res
2010;10(31). [Abstract]
Lix LM, Hobson DE, Azimaee M, Leslie WD, Burchill C, Hobson S.
Socioeconomic variations in the prevalence and incidence of Parkinson's Disease: A population-based analysis.
J Epidemiol Community Health
2010;64(4):335-340. [Abstract]
Luo Z-C, Wilkins R, Heaman M, Martens P, Smylie J, Hart L, Wassimi S, Simonet F, Wu Y, Fraser WD.
Neighborhood socioeconomic characteristics, birth outcomes and infant mortality among First Nations and non-First Nations in Manitoba, Canada (Issue topic: What we have known about community characteristics, birth outcomes and infant mortality among Aboriginal population?).
The Open Women's Health Journal
Martens PJ, Heaman M, Hart L, Wilkins R, Smylie J, Wassimi S, Simonet F, Wu Y, Fraser WD, Luo Z-C.
North-South gradients in adverse birth outcomes for First Nations and others in Manitoba, Canada. (Issue topic: What we have known about community characteristics, birth outcomes and infant mortality among Aboriginal population?).
The Open Women's Health Journal
Menec VH, Shooshtari S, Nowicki S, Fournier S.
Does the relationship between neighborhood socioeconomic status and health outcomes persist into very old age? A population-based study.
Journal of Aging and Health
2010;22(1):27-47. [Abstract]
Menec VH, Nowicki S, Kalischuk A.
Transfers to acute care hospitals at the end of life: Do rural/remote regions differ from urban region?
Rural and Remote Health
Murray RP, Tyas SL, Snow W, Ekuma O, Bond R, Barnes G.
Exploring the boundary between health protective and hazardous drinking in a community cohort.
Addictive Behaviors
2010;35(3):278-281. [Abstract]
Ouelette-Kuntz H, Shooshtari S, Temple B, Brownell M, Burchill C, Yu CT, Holden J, Hennen B.
Estimating administrative prevalence of intellectual disabilities in Manitoba.
Journal on Developmental Disabilities
2010;15(3):69-80. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Magoon J, Chateau D.
Does it matter what you measure? Neighborhood effects in a Canadian setting.
Healthcare Policy
2010;6(1):47-63. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Roos LL, Brownell M, Fuller EL.
Enhancing policymakers' understanding of disparities: Relevant data from an information-rich environment.
Milbank Quarterly
2010;88(3):382-403. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Baird P.
CIHR appointment (letter to the editor).
Canadian Medical Association Journal
2010;182(1):65. [Abstract]
Simonet F, Wilkins R, Heaman M, Smylie J, Martens P, Mchugh NGL, Labranche E, Wassimi S, Fraser WD, Luo Z-C.
Urban living is not associated with better birth and infant outcomes among Inuit and First Nations in Quebec (Issue topic: What we have known about community characteristics, birth outcomes and infant mortality among Aboriginal population?).
The Open Women's Health Journal
Simonet F, Wassimi S, Heaman M, Smylie J, Martens P, Mchugh NGL, Labranche E, Wilkins R, Fraser WD, Luo Z-C.
Individual- and community-level disparities in birth outcomes and infant mortality among First Nations, Inuit and other populations in Quebec (Issue topic: What we have known about community characteristics, birth outcomes and infant mortality among Aboriginal population?).
The Open Women's Health Journal
Targownik LE, Lix LM, Leung S, Leslie WD.
Proton pump inhibitor use is not associated with osteoporosis or accelerated bone mineral density loss.
2010;138(3):896-904. [Abstract]
Wassimi S, Mchugh NGL, Wilkins R, Heaman M, Martens P, Smylie J, Simonet F, Fraser WD, Luo Z-C.
Community remoteness, perinatal outcomes and infant mortality among First Nations in Quebec (Issue topic: What we have known about community characteristics, birth outcomes and infant mortality among Aboriginal population?).
The Open Women's Health Journal
Banno K, Ramsey C, Walld R, Kryger MH.
Expenditure on health care in obese women with and without sleep apnea.
2009;32(2):135-136. [Abstract]
Bernatsky S, Joseph L, Pineau CA, Belisle P, Lix L, Banerjee D, Clarke AE.
Polymyalgia rheumatica prevalence in a population-based sample.
Arthritis and Rheumatism
2009;61(9):1264-1267. [Abstract]
Bowen S, Erickson T, Martens PJ, Crockett S.
More than "using research": The real challenges in promoting evidence-informed decision-making.
Healthcare Policy
2009;4(3):87-102. [Abstract]
Chochinov H, Martens PJ, Prior HJ, Fransoo R, Burland E, The Need to Know Team.
Does a diagnosis of schizophrenia reduce rates of mammography screening? A Manitoba population-based study.
Schizophrenia Research
2009;113(1):95-100. [Abstract]
Cranney A, Tsang JH, Leslie WD.
Factors predicting osteoporosis treatment initiation in a regionally based cohort.
Osteoporosis International
2009;20(9):1621-1625. [Abstract]
Deber R, Lam KCK.
Handling the High Spenders: Implications of the Distribution of Health Expenditures for Financing Health Care (online paper). 2009.
Available from: Social Science Research Network. [Abstract]
Kozyrskyj AL, HayGlass KT, Sandford AJ, Pare PD, Chan-Yeung M, Becker AB.
A novel study design to investigate the early-life origins of asthma in children (SAGE study).
2009;64(8):1185-1193. [Abstract]
Lau YK, Lee CE, Prior HJ, Lix LM, Metge CJ, Leslie WD.
Fracture risk in androgen-deprivation therapy: A Canadian population based analysis.
Can J Urol
2009;16(6):4908-4914. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Pahlavan P, Tsang JF, Lix LM.
Prediction of hip and other osteoporotic fractures from hip geometry in a large clinical cohort.
Osteoporosis International
2009;20(10):1767-1774. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Tsang JF, Lix LM, Manitoba Bone Density Program.
Simplified system for absolute fracture risk assessment: Clinical validation in Canadian women.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
2009;24(2):353-360. [Abstract]
Lewis S, Martens PJ, Barre L. "Estimating the return on investment from health services reseach: A theoretical and empirical analysis."
In: Panel on Return on Investment in Health Research (ed).
Making an Impact: A Preferred Framework and Indicators to Measure Returns on Investment in Health Research.
Ottawa, ON:
Canadian Academy of Health Sciences; 2009.
Lix LM, Metge C, Leslie WD.
Measurement equivalence of osteoporosis-specific and general quality of life instruments in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women.
Quality of Life Research
2009;18(5):619-627. [Abstract]
Martens PJ, Chochinov H, Prior HJ, Fransoo R, Burland E, The Need to Know Team.
Are cervical cancer screening rates different for women with schizophrenia? A Manitoba population-based study.
Schizophrenia Research
2009;113(1):101-106. [Abstract]
Menec VH, Nowicki S, Blandford AA, Veselyuk DM.
Hospitalizations at the end of life among long-term care residents.
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci
Morin S, Leslie WD, The Manitoba Bone Density Program.
High Bone Mineral Density is Associated with High Body Mass Index.
Osteoporosis International
2009;20(7). [Abstract]
Morin S, Tsang JF, Leslie WD.
Weight and body mass index predict bone mineral density and fractures in women aged 40 to 59 years.
Osteoporosis International
2009;20(3):363-370. [Abstract]
Protudjer JL, Kozyrskyj AL, Becker AB, Marchessault G.
Normalization strategies of children with asthma.
Qualitative Health Research
2009;19(1):94-104. [Abstract]
Sadowski CA, Carrie AG, Grymonpre RE, Metge CJ, St.John P.
Access and intensity of use of prescription analgesics among older Manitobans.
Canadian Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
2009;16(2):e322-e330. [Abstract]
Strohschein L, Roos N, Brownell M.
Family structure histories and high school completion: Evidence from a population-based registry.
Canadian Journal of Sociology
2009;34(1):83-103. [Abstract]
Targownik LE, Bolton JM, Metge CJ, Leung S, Sareen J.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are associated with a modest increase in the risk of upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
The American Journal of Gastroenterology
2009;104(6):1475-1482. [Abstract]
Alessi-Severini S, Biscontri RG, Collins D, Kozyrskyj A, Sareen J, Enns MW.
Utilization and costs of antipsychotic agents: A Canadian population-based study, 1996-2006.
Psychiatric Services
2008;59(5):547-553. [Abstract]
Barnabe C, Elias B, Bartlett J, Roos LL, Peschken CA.
Arthritis in Aboriginal Manitobans: Evidence for a high burden of disease.
Journal of Rheumatology
2008;35(6):1145-1150. [Abstract]
Bratu I, Martens PJ, Leslie WD, Dik N, Chateau D, Katz A.
Pediatric appendicitis rupture rate: Disparities despite universal health care.
Journal of Pediatric Surgery
2008;43(11):1964-1969. [Abstract]
Cooke AL, Metge C, Lix L, Prior HJ, Leslie WD.
Tamoxifen use and osteoporotic fracture risk: A population based analysis.
Journal of Clinical Oncology
2008;26(32):5227-5232. [Abstract]
Currie J, Stabile M, Manivong P, Roos LL.
Child health and young adult outcomes.
2008;National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 14482. [Abstract] [Related Links]
Deber R, Lam K, Roos N, Walld R, Finlayson G, Roos L.
Canadian Healthcare: Need and Utilization in an Almost-Universal System.
Harvard Health Policy Review
Fisher S, Kells L, Picard JP, Gelskey SC, Singer DL, Lix L, Scott DA.
Progression of periodontal disease in a maintenance population of smokers and non-smokers: A 3-year longitudinal study.
J Periodontol
2008;79(3):461-468. [Abstract]
Forget EL, Roos LL, Deber RB, Walld R.
Variations in lifetime health care costs across a population.
Healthcare Policy
2008;4(1):61-80. [Abstract]
Fransoo R, Roos NP, Martens PJ, Heaman M, Levin B, Chateau D.
How health status affects progress and performance in school: A population-based study.
Canadian Journal of Public Health
2008;99(4):344-349. [Abstract]
Katz LY, Kozyrskyj AL, Prior H, Enns MW, Cox BJ, Sareen J.
Effect of regulatory warnings on antidepressant prescription rates, use of health services and outcomes among children, adolescents and young adults.
2008;178(8):1005-1011. [Abstract]
Keselman HJ, Algina J, Lix LM, Wilcox RR, Deering KN.
A generally robust approach for testing hypothesis and setting confidence intervals for effect sizes.
Psychological Methods
Kozyrskyj A, Mai XM, McGrath P, HayGlass KT, Becker AB, MacNeil B.
Continued exposure to maternal distress in early life increases the risk of childhood asthma.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med
2008;177(2):142-147. [Abstract]
Kozyrskyj AL, McDonald KL, Huq SI, Lix LM, Becker AB.
Reply to the Editor.
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Kwong JC, Stukel TA, Lim J, McGeer AJ, Upshur EG, Johansen H, Sambell C, Thompson WW, Thiruchelvam D, Marra F, Svenson LW, Manuel DG.
The effect of universal influenza on mortality and health care use.
PLOS Medicine
Leslie WD, Tsang JF, Lix L.
Validation of ten-year fracture risk prediction: A clinical cohort study from the Manitoba Bone Density Program.
2008;43(4):667-671. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Tsang JF, Lix LM.
Effect of total hip bone area on osteoporosis diagnosis and fractures.
J Bone Miner Res
2008;23(9):1468-1476. [Abstract]
Leslie WD, Weiler HA, Lix LM, Nyomba BL.
Body composition and bone density in Canadian white and Aboriginal women: The First Nations bone health study.
2008;42(5):990-995. [Abstract]
Lix LM, Yogendran MS, Leslie WD, Shaw SY, Baumgartner R, Bowman C, Metge C, Gumel A, Hux J, James RC.
Using Multiple Data Features Improved the Validity of Osteoporosis Case Ascertainment from Administrative Databases.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
2008;61(12):1250-1260. [Abstract]
Lix L, Yogendran M, Shaw SY, Burchill C, Metge C, Bond R.
Population-Based data sources for chronic disease surveillance.
Chronic Diseases in Canada
2008;29(1):31-38. [Abstract]
Martens PJ. "Interpretation of statistics and quantitative research."
In: Manuel R, et. al. (eds).
Core Curriculum for Lactation Consultant Practice.
Sudbury, MA:
Jones and Bartlett Publishers; 2008.
Martens PJ.
"First, do no harm." Evaluating mental health 'action' plans and policies with population-based data.
Policy Dialogue
2008;18(Spring):19-21. [Abstract]
Martens PJ.
The regional training centre: If we build it (well), they will come (guest editorial).
Healthcare Policy
2008;3(Special Issue):7-12. [Abstract]
McDonald KL, Huq SL, Lix LM, Becker AB, Kozyrskyj AL.
Delay in diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccination is associated with a reduced risk of childhood asthma.
The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
2008;121(3):626-631. [Abstract]
Metge CJ.
Ethically speaking: Issues in the postmarketing evaluation of pharmaceuticals.
Clinical Therapeutics
2008;30(7):1342-1344. [Abstract]
Metge CJ, Leslie WD, Manness LJ, Yogendran M, Yeun CK, Kvern B, Maximizing Osteoporosis Management in Manitoba Steering Committee.
Postfracture care for older women: Gaps between optimal care and actual care.
Canadian Family Physician
2008;54(9):1270-1276. [Abstract]
Mitchell B, Carleton B, Smith A, Prosser R, Brownell M, Kozyrskyj A.
Trends in psychostimulant and antidepressant use by children in two Canadian provinces.
Can J Psychiatry
2008;53(3):152-159. [Abstract]
Moore DF, Lix L, Yogendran MS, Martens P, Tamayo A.
Stroke surveillance in Manitoba, Canada: Estimates from administrative databases.
Chronic Diseases in Canada
2008;29(1):22-30. [Abstract]
Oreopoulos P, Stabile M, Walld R, Roos LL.
Short, medium, and long term consequences of poor infant health: An analysis using siblings and twins.
J Hum Resour
2008;43(1):88-138. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Cunningham L. Take a chance on kids (View from the West). Winnipeg Free Press 2008.
Roos LL, Brownell M, Lix L, Roos NP, Walld R, MacWilliam L.
From health research to social research: Privacy, methods, approaches.
Soc Sci Med
2008;66(1):117-129. [Abstract]
Sadatsafavi M, Moayyeri A, Wang L, Leslie WD, Manitoba Bone Density Program.
Heteroscedastic regression analysis of factors affecting BMD monitoring.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research
2008;23(11):1842-1849. [Abstract]
Su RC, Becker AB, Kozyrskyj AL, HayGlass KT.
Epigenetic regulation of established human type 1 versus type 2 cytokine responses.
J Allergy Clin Immunol
2008;121(1):57-63. [Abstract]
Targownik LE, Metge C, Leung S.
Comparing resource utilization and gastrointestinal outcomes in patients treated with either standard dose or high dose proton pump inhibitors: A matched cohort study.
Dig Dis Sci
2008;53(6):1519-1526. [Abstract]
Targownik LE, Lix LM, Metge CJ, Prior HJ, Leung S, Leslie WD.
Use of proton pump inhibitors and the risk of osteoporosis related fractures.
2008;179(4):319-326. [Abstract]
Targownik LE, Metge C, Leung S, Chateau D.
The relative efficacies of gastroprotective strategies in chronic users of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
2008;134(4):937-944. [Abstract]
Ungar WJ, Kozyrskyj A, Paterson M, Ahmad F.
Effect of cost-sharing on use of asthma medication in children.
Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine
2008;162(2):104-110. [Abstract]
Walker JR, Ediger JP, Graff LA, Greenfeld JM, Clara I, Lix L, Rawsthorne P, Miller N, Rogala L, McPhail CM, Bernstein CN.
The Manitoba IBD cohort study: A population-based study of the prevalence of lifetime and 12-month anxiety and mood disorders.
American Journal of Gastroenterology
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Deber RB, Forget E, Roos LL.
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Roos NP, Sullivan K. Health inequality hurts system. Prevention carries the potential for enormous savings. Op Ed. Winnipeg Free Press 2004.
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Potential savings from reducing inequalities in health.
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2004;95(6):460-464. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Magoon J, Gupta S, Chateau D, Veugelers PJ.
Socioeconomic determinants of mortality in two Canadian provinces: multilevel modelling and neighborhood context.
Soc Sci Med
2004;59(7):1435-1447. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Menec V, Currie RJ.
Policy analysis in an information-rich environment.
Soc Sci Med
2004;58(11):2231-2241. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Forget E, Walld R, MacWilliam L.
Does universal comprehensive insurance encourage unnecessary use? Evidence from Manitoba says "no".
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2004;170(2):209-214. [Abstract]
Sketris IS, Metge C, Shevchuk Y, Comeau DG, Kephart GC, Blackburn J, MacCara M, Laturnas A.
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Sketris IS, Metge CJ, Ross JL, MacCara ME.
The use of the World Health Organization anatomical therapeutic chemical/defined daily dose methodology in Canada.
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Bernstein CN, Blanchard JF, Metge C, Yogendran M.
Does the use of 5-aminosalicylates in inflammatory bowel disease prevent the development of colorectal cancer?
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Bernstein CN, Blanchard JF, Metge C, Yogendran M.
The association between corticosteroid use and development of fractures among IBD patients in a population-based database.
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2003;98(8):1797-1801. [Abstract]
Frohlich N. Monopolies can be efficient: Canadian public health care works better than private U.S. system. Winnipeg Free Press 2003.
Gupta S, Roos LL, Walld R, Traverse D, Dahl M.
Delivering equitable care: comparing preventive services in Manitoba.
Am J Public Health
2003;93(12):2086-2092. [Abstract]
Kozyrskyj AL, Dahl M, Law BJ, Chateau D, Mazowita GB, Klassen TP.
Physician and household determinants of inappropriate antibiotic use in children.
Cdn J Clin Pharmacol
Leslie WD, Metge C.
Establishing a regional bone density program: Lessons from the Manitoba experience.
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Lix L, Algina J, Keselman HJ.
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Menec VH.
The relation between everyday activities and successful aging: a 6-year longitudinal study.
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2003;58(2):S74-S82. [Abstract]
Menec VH, Black C, MacWilliam L, Aoki FY.
The impact of influenza-associated respiratory illnesses on hospitalizations, physician visits, emergency room visits, and mortality.
Can J Public Health
2003;94(1):59-63. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Soodeen RA, Bond R, Burchill C.
Working more productively: Tools for administrative data.
Health Serv Res
2003;38(5):1339-1357. [Abstract]
Roos N, Burchill C, Carriere K.
Who are the high hospital users? A Canadian case study.
J Health Serv Res Policy
2003;8(1):5-10. [Abstract]
Brownell M, Craven K.
Improving Children's Health: How Population-Based Research Can Inform Policy - The Manitoba Experience.
Can J Public Health 2002;93(2 Suppl):S1-S80.
Brownell M, Friesen D, Mayer T.
Childhood injury rates in Manitoba: socioeconomic influences.
Can J Public Health
2002;93 Suppl 2(2 Suppl):S50-S56. [Abstract]
Brownell M.
Tonsillectomy rates for Manitoba children: temporal and spatial variations.
Healthc Manage Forum
2002;Suppl(4 Suppl):21-26. [Abstract]
Brownell M, Mayer T, Martens PJ, Kozyrskyj A, Fergusson P, Bodnarchuk J, Derksen S, Friesen D, Walld R.
Using a population-based health information system to study child health.
Canadian Journal of Public Health
2002;93(Suppl 2):S9-S14. [Abstract]
Bruce S, De Coster C, Trumble-Waddell J, Burchill C.
Patients hospitalized for medical conditions in Winnipeg, Canada: appropriateness and level of care.
Healthc Manage Forum
2002;Suppl(4 Suppl):53-57. [Abstract]
De Coster C.
Measuring and managing waiting times: what's to be done?
Healthc Manage Forum
2002;15(2):46-50. [Abstract]
Deber RB, Forget E, Roos LL, Shortt SED. Medical Savings Accounts: An idea that just won't die. Globe and Mail 2002; A15.
Forget E, Deber RB, Roos LL. Medical Savings Accounts, Let's not add to the costs of health care. Re: Squaring the circle on health care, by John Robson (31 July 2002). Ottawa Citizen 2002.
Forget EL, Deber R, Roos LL.
Medical Savings Accounts: will they reduce costs?
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Frohlich N.
An impartial reasoning solution to the prisoner's dilemma: Rejoinder to a comment by Oded Stark.
Public Choice
Frohlich N, Oppenheimer J.
Empirical approaches to normative theory.
The Good Society
Frohlich N, Fransoo R, Roos N.
Health service use in the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority: variations across areas in relation to health and socioeconomic status.
Healthc Manage Forum
2002;Suppl(4 Suppl):9-14. [Abstract]
Frohlich N, Roos NP.
Searching for El Dorado: the impossibility of finding the right rate.
2002;167(8):880-881. [Abstract]
Grymonpre RE, Charles JM, Metge C, Vercainge LM.
The development of a remuneration scheme for community-based geriatric pharmaceutical care.
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Jacobs P, Finlayson G, Faienza B, Brown M, Newson B, MacLean N.
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Disease Management Health Outcomes
Kozyrskyj A, De Coster C, St John P.
Long stay patients in Winnipeg acute care hospitals.
Healthcare Manage Forum
2002;15(4 Suppl):15-20.
Kozyrskyj A, Mustard CA, Simons FER.
Development of a drug treatment-based severity measure in childhood asthma.
J Asthma
Kozyrskyj AL, Carrie AG, Law BJ, Mazowita GB, Klassen TP, Hammond G.
Decrease in antibiotic use among Canadian children in the 1990's.
Can J Clin Pharmacol
Lix L.
Monitoring the acute care sector: assessing key measures and trends.
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Martens PJ.
First do no harm: Evaluating research for clinical practice.
Current Issues in Clinical Lactation
Martens PJ, Brownell MD, Kozyrskyj A.
The virtual classroom: a summary of child health indicators.
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2002;93 Suppl 2(2 Suppl):77-80. [Abstract]
Martens PJ, Derksen S.
A matter of life and death for Manitoba's children: an overview of birth rates and mortality rates.
Can J Public Health
2002;93 Suppl 2(2 Suppl):S21-S26. [Abstract]
Martens PJ, Mayer T, Derksen S.
Factors affecting adolescent reproductive health in Manitoba.
Can J Public Health
2002;93 Suppl 2(2 Suppl):S39-S43. [Abstract]
Martens PJ, Derksen S, Mayer T, Walld R.
Being born in Manitoba: a look at perinatal health issues.
Can J Public Health
2002;93 Suppl 2(2 Suppl):S33-S38. [Abstract]
Martens PJ, Stewart DK, Mitchell L, Black C.
Assessing the performance of rural hospitals.
Healthc Manage Forum
2002;Suppl(4 Suppl):27-34. [Abstract]
Martens PJ.
Will your breastfeeding intervention make a difference? What the lactation consultant needs to know about program evaluation.
J Hum Lact
2002;18(4):379-381. [Abstract]
Martens PJ, Romphf L, Peddlesden J.
A call for evidence in alternative feeding methods.
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2002;18(4):333-334. [Abstract]
Martens PJ.
Increasing breastfeeding initiation and duration at a community level: an evaluation of Sagkeeng First Nation's community health nurse and peer counselor programs.
J Hum Lact
2002;18(3):236-246. [Abstract]
Martens P, Frohlich N, Carriere K, Derksen S, Brownell M.
Embedding child health within a framework of regional health: Population health status and sociodemographic indicators.
Canadian Journal of Public Health
2002;93((Suppl)(2)):S15-S20. [Abstract]
Menec VH, Roos NP, MacWilliam L.
Seasonal patterns of hospital use in Winnipeg: implications for managing winter bed crises.
Healthc Manage Forum
2002;Suppl(4 Suppl):58-64. [Abstract]
Metge C, Vercainge LM, Carrie AG, Sarveiya V, Zhanel GG.
The new flouroquinolones in community-acquired pneumonia: Clinical and economic perspectives.
Ottawa, ON:
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Murray RP, Connett JE, Tyas SL, Bond R, Ekuma O, Silversides CK, Barnes GE.
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Otake K, Delaive K, Walld R, Manfreda J, Kryger MH.
Cardiovascular medication use in patients with undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnoea.
2002;57(5):417-422. [Abstract]
Reid RJ, Roos NP, MacWilliam L, Frohlich N, Black C.
Assessing population health care need using a claims-based ACG morbidity measure: a validation analysis in the Province of Manitoba.
Health Serv Res
2002;37(5):1345-1364. [Abstract]
Roberts JD, Fransoo R, Black C, Roos LL, Martens PJ.
Research meets reality: Administrative data to guide planning for Canadian Regional Health Authorities.
Healthcare Manage Forum
Roos LL, Walld R, Soodeen R, Roos NP. "Health reform and technological change in Manitoba: Treatment of acute myocardial infarction."
In: McClellan M, et. al. (eds).
A Global Analysis of Technological Change in Health Care: Heart Attacks.
Ann Arbor, MI:
University of Michigan Press; 2002.
Shapiro E.
Sharing the learning: Home Care. Health Transition Fund Synthesis Series (also published in French De la connaissance à la pratique: Les soins à domicile. Série de rapports de synthèse du Fonds pour l'adaptation des services de santé).
Ottawa, ON:
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Smith R, Ronald J, Delaive K, Walld R, Manfreda J, Kryger MH.
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Tudiver F, Guibert R, Haggerty J, Ciampi A, Medved W, Brown JB, Herbert C, Katz A, Ritvo P, Grant B, Goel V, Smith P, O'Beirne M, Williams JI, Moliner P.
What influences family physicians' cancer screening decisions when practice guidelines are unclear or conflicting?
J Fam Pract
2002;51(9):760-767. [Abstract]
Anthonisen NR, Dik N, Manfreda J, Roos LL.
Spirometry and obstructive lung disease in Manitoba.
Can Respir J
2001;8(6):421-426. [Abstract]
Berg G, Delaive K, Manfreda J, Walld R, Kryger M.
The use of health care resources in obesity-hypoventilation syndrome.
2001;120(2):377-383. [Abstract]
Berg G, Delaive K, Manfreda J, Walld R, Kryger MH.
The use of health-care resources in obesity-hypoventilation syndrome.
2001;120(2):377-383. [Abstract]
Brisson M, Edmunds WJ, Law B, Gay NJ, Walld R, Brownell M, Roos L, De Serres G.
Epidemiology of varicella zoster virus infection in Canada and the United Kingdom.
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2001;127(2):305-314. [Abstract]
Brownell MD, Roos NP, Roos LL.
Monitoring health reform: a report card approach.
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2001;52(5):657-670. [Abstract]
Brownell M, Yogendran M.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in Manitoba children: Medical diagnosis and psychostimulant treatment rates.
Can J Psychiatry
2001;46(3):264-272. [Abstract]
Chipperfield JG, Havens B.
Gender differences in the relationship between marital status transitions and life satisfaction in later life.
J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci
2001;56(3):176-186. [Abstract]
Cree M, Roos NP, Yang Q, Carriere KC.
Hypertension patients and their general practitioners.
Healthcare Manage Forum
Frohlich N, Oppenheimer J.
Choosing from a moral point of view.
J Int Econ
Frohlich N, Oppenheimer J.
Some doubts about measuring self-interest using dictator experiments: The costs of anonymity.
J Econ Behav Organ
Frohlich N, Carriere KC, Potvin L, Black C.
Assessing socioeconomic effects on different sized populations. To weight or not to weight?
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2001;55(12):913-920. [Abstract]
Havens B, Hall M.
Challenges of longitudinal research with older populations: Aging in Manitoba over thirty-years.
Kozyrskyj A, Mustard CA, Cheang MS, Simons FER.
Income-based drug benefit policy: Impact on receipt of inhaled corticosteroid prescriptions by Manitoba children with asthma.
Can Med Assoc J
2001;165(7):897-902. [Abstract]
Martens PJ.
The effect of breastfeeding education on adolescent beliefs and attitudes: a randomized school intervention in the Canadian Ojibwa community of Sagkeeng.
J Hum Lact
2001;17(3):245-255. [Abstract]
Menec V, Chipperfield JG.
A prospective analysis of the relation between self-rated health and health care use among elderly Canadians.
Can J Aging
Menec V, Black C, Roos N, Bogdanovic B.
What is the potential for formal patient registration in Canadian primary care? The scale of 'informal registration' in Manitoba.
J Health Serv Res Policy
2001;6(4):202-206. [Abstract]
Menec VH, Roos NP, Black C, Bogdanovic B.
Characteristics of patients with a regular source of care.
Can J Public Health
2001;92(4):299-303. [Abstract]
Metge CJ, Blanchard JF, Peterson S, Bernstein CN.
Use of pharmaceuticals by inflammatory bowel disease patients: a population-based study.
Am J Gastroenterol
2001;96(12):3348-3355. [Abstract]
Reid R, MacWilliam L, Verhulst L, Roos NP, Atkinson M.
Performance of the ACG case mix system in two Canadian provinces.
Med Care
2001;39(1):86-99. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Fransoo R.
How many surgeons does a province need, and how do we determine appropriate numbers?
Healthc Manage Forum
2001;14(1):11-21. [Abstract]
Roos L, Roos N.
Of space and time, of health care and health.
J Health Serv Res Policy
2001;6(2):120-122. [Abstract]
Simons FE, Peterson S, Black CD.
Epinephrine dispensing for the out-of-hospital treatment of anaphylaxis in infants and children: a population-based study.
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol
2001;86(6):622-626. [Abstract]
Tu JV, Austin PC, Walld R, Roos L, Agras J, McDonald KM.
Development and validation of the Ontario acute myocardial infarction mortality prediction rules.
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2001;37(4):992-997. [Abstract]
Watson DE, Heppner P, Roos NP, Reid RJ, Katz A.
Considering the Health Care Needs of Children Living in Households Receiving Income Assistance in Manitoba: Family Services and Manitoba Health Pilot Project.
Can J Psychiatry
2001;December(7):398-406. [Abstract]
Banno K, Delaive K, Walld R, Kryger MH.
Restless leg syndrome in 218 patients: Associated disorders.
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2000;1(3):221-229. [Abstract]
Burchill C, Roos LL, Fergusson P, Jebamani L, Turner K, Dueck S.
Organizing the present, looking to the future: an online knowledge repository to facilitate collaboration.
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2000;2(2):E10. [Abstract]
Carriere KC, Roos LL, Dover DC.
Across time and space: Variations in hospital use during Canadian health reform.
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2000;35(2):467-487. [Abstract]
De Coster C, Currie RJ. Editorial: Medical Savings Accounts prey on poor, sick in society. Winnipeg Free Press 2000; A19.
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Meta-Index Design Process Documentation.
Winnipeg, MB:
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Martens PJ.
Real World' breastfeeding definitions: Where the clinician meets the survey researcher.
Current Issues in Clinical Lactation
Martens PJ.
A risk indicator for early cessation of brestfeeding: Postpartum measures of satisfaction and reported breastfeeding problems.
Current Issues in Clinical Lactation
Martens PJ.
Does breastfeeding education affect nursing staff beliefs, exclusive breastfeeding rates, and Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative compliance? The experience of a small, rural Canadian hospital.
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2000;16(4):309-318. [Abstract]
Martens PJ, Phillips SJ, Cheang MS, Rosolowich V.
How Baby-Friendly are Manitoba hospitals? The Provincial Infant Feeding Study. Breastfeeding Promotion Steering Committee of Manitoba.
Can J Public Health
2000;91(1):51-57. [Abstract]
Menec VH, Weiner B.
Observers' reactions to genetic testing: the role of hindsight bias and judgements of responsibility.
J Appl Soc Psychol
2000;30(8):1670-1690. [Abstract]
Robinson R, Carriere KC, Young TK, Roos LL, Gelskey DE.
Health care seeking behavior following a health survey: impact on prevalence estimates of chronic diseases.
J Clin Epidemiol
2000;53(7):681-687. [Abstract]
Roos NP.
The disconnect between the data and the headlines.
2000;163(4):411-412. [Abstract]
Shapiro E.
Reaching a federal/provincial consensus on home care.
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2000;1(4):85-90, discussion. [Abstract]
Shapiro E.
Community and long-term facility care in Canada.
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2000;22(4):436-451. [Abstract]
Shapiro E, Tate RB, Wright B, Plohman J.
Changes in the perception of health care policy and delivery among Manitoba elders during the downsizing of the hospital sector.
Can J Aging
Shapiro E, Havens B.
Bridging the knowledge gap: From evidence to policy and practice that fosters seniors' independence.
Can J Aging
2000;19(Suppl 1):176-190.
Shapiro E.
Bien vieillir en dépit de ses limitations.
Soodeen RA, Roos LL, Peterson S.
Health reform and technological change: shifting hospitalization patterns for four procedures in Manitoba.
Healthc Manage Forum
2000;13(1):15-28. [Abstract]
Tomiak M, Berthelot JM, Guimond E, Mustard CA.
Factors associated with nursing-home entry for elders in Manitoba, Canada.
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci
2000;55(5):M279-M287. [Abstract]
Watson DE, Reid R, Roos N, Heppner P.
A Description of the Use of Insured Health Care Services by Income Assistance Recipients in the Province of Manitoba: A Pilot Study. Recipients of Income Assistance for Mental Health Disability.
Can J Aging
2000;December(Suppl 1):37-45. [Abstract]
Bahammam A, Delaive K, Ronald J, Manfreda J, Roos L, Kryger MH.
Health care utilization in males with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome two years after diagnosis and treatment.
1999;22(6):740-747. [Abstract]
Black C, Burchill C.
An assessment of the potential for repatriating care from urban to rural Manitoba.
Med Care
1999;37(6 Suppl):JS167-JS186. [Abstract]
Black C, Peterson S, Mansfield J, Thliveris M.
Using population-based data to enhance clinical practice guideline development.
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1999;37((Suppl)(6)):JS254-JS263. [Abstract]
Chipperfield JG, Greenslade L.
Perceived control as a buffer in the use of health care services.
J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci
1999;54 (3):54-146. [Abstract]
De Coster C, Black C.
Manitoba's academics at the interface.
De Coster C, Carriere KC, Peterson S, Walld R, MacWilliam L.
Waiting times for surgical procedures.
Medical Care
1999;37(6 Suppl):JS187-JS205. [Abstract]
De Coster C, Currie RJ, Turner D, Roos LL, Minish E.
Communicating with the public, communicating with each other.
Medical Care
1999;37(6 Suppl):JS279-JS290. [Abstract]
Evans R, Roos NP.
What is right about the Canadian health care system?
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Finlayson M, Egan M, Black C.
Secondary analysis of survey data: a research method with potential for occupational therapists.
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Frohlich N, Oppenheimer J.
What we learned when we stopped and listened.
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Houle C, Berthelot J, David P, Wolfson MC, Mustard CA, Roos LL. "Matching census database and Manitoba health care files.".
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Kozyrskyj A, O'Neil J.
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Mustard CA, Derksen S, Black C.
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Mustard C, Finlayson M, Derksen S, Berthelot JM.
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Mustard CA, Derksen S, Berthelot JM, Wolfson M.
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Mustard C, Derksen S, Black C.
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Pavletic PA, Metge C.
Utilization patterns of hormone replacement therapy in Manitoba women.
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Health care utilization in the 10 years prior to diagnosis in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients.
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Roos NP, Shapiro E.
Academics at the Policy Interface: Revisiting the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and Evaluation and Its Population-Based Health Information System.
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Roos NP.
Establishing a population data-based policy unit.
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Roos NP, Shapiro E.
From research to policy: what have we learned?
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Roos NP, Fransoo R, Bogdanovic B, Friesen D, MacWilliam L.
Issues in planning for specialist physicians.
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1999;37(6 Suppl):JS229-JS253. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Black C, Roos LL, Frohlich N, De Coster C, Mustard C, Brownell MD, Shanahan M, Fergusson P, Toll F, Carriere KC, Burchill C, Fransoo R, MacWilliam L, Bogdanovic B, Friesen D.
Managing health services: how the Population Health Information System (POPULIS) works for policymakers.
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1999;37(6 Suppl):JS27-JS41. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Fransoo R, Bogdanovic B, Carriere KC, Frohlich N, Friesen D, Patton D, Wall R.
Needs-based planning for generalist physicians.
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Roos NP, Shapiro E.
Revisiting the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and Evaluation and its population-based health information system.
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1999;37(6 Suppl):JS10-JS14. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Traverse D, Turner D.
Delivering prevention: the role of public programs in delivering care to high-risk populations.
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Roos LL, Nicol JP.
A research registry: uses, development, and accuracy.
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Shanahan M, Steinbach C, Burchill C, Friesen D, Black C.
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Shanahan M, Brownell MD, Roos NP.
The unintended and unexpected impact of downsizing: costly hospitals become more costly.
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1999;37(6 Suppl):JS123-JS134. [Abstract]
Shanahan M, Loyd M, Roos NP, Brownell M.
A comparative study of the costliness of Manitoba hospitals.
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1999;37(6 Suppl):JS101-JS122. [Abstract]
Shanahan M, Gousseau C.
Using the POPULIS framework for interprovincial comparisons of expenditures on health care. Population Health Information System.
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Black C, Roos NP.
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Brownell M, Shapiro E, Roos NP.
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Year Book of Geriatrics and Gerontology.
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Norregaard JC, Bernth-Petersen P, Alonso J, Dunn E, Black C, Andersen TF, Espallargues M, Bellan L, Anderson GF.
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Norregaard JC, Hindsberger C, Alonso J, Bellan L, Bernth-Petersen P, Black C, Dunn E, Andersen TF, Espallargues M, Anderson GF.
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How psychiatric epidemiology can become more useful to health policy & administration? A further response to Alec Leighton's letter by Noralou Roos.
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How many physicians does Canada need to care for our aging population?
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Roos NP, Brownell M, Shapiro E, Roos LL.
Good news about difficult decisions: the Canadian approach to hospital cost control.
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1998;17(5):239-246. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Carriere KC, Friesen D.
Factors influencing the frequency of visits by hypertensive patients to primary care physicians in Winnipeg.
1998;159(7):777-783. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Black C, Roos LL, Frohlich N, De Coster C, Mustard C, Brownell M, Shanahan M, Fergusson P, Toll F, Carriere KC, Burchill C, Fransoo R, MacWilliam L, Bogdanovic B, Friesen D.
Managing health services: how administrative data and population-based analyses can focus the agenda.
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Shapiro E.
Market forces and vulnerable elderly people: who cares?
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Alonso J, Espallargues M, Andersen TF, Cassard SD, Dunn E, Bernth-Petersen P, Norregaard JC, Black C, Steinberg EP, Anderson GF.
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Carriere KC, Roos LL.
A method of comparison for standardized rates of low-incidence events.
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De Coster C, Smoller M, Roos NP, Thomas E.
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De Coster C, Brownell MD.
Private health care in Canada: Savior or siren?
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De Coster C, Roos NP, Carriere KC, Peterson S.
Inappropriate hospital use by patients receiving care for medical conditions: Targeting utilization review.
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Dunn E, Black C, Alonso J, Norregaard JC, Anderson GF.
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Muhajarine N, Mustard C, Roos LL, Young TK, Gelskey DE.
Comparison of survey and physician claims data for detecting hypertension.
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Mustard CA, Derksen S, Berthelot JM, Wolfson M, Roos LL.
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Norregaard JC, Schein OD, Bellan L, Black C, Alonso J, Bernth-Petersen P, Dunn E, Andersen TF, Espallargues M, Anderson GF.
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Norregaard JC, Schein OD, Anderson GF, Alonso J, Dunn E, Black C, Andersen TF, Bernth-Petersen P, Bellan L, Espallargues M.
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Robinson JR, Tataryn DJ.
Reliability of the Manitoba Mental Health Management Information System for Research.
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Ronald J, Delaive K, Roos LL, Manfreda J, Kryger MH. Obstructive sleep apnea patients have increased relative risk of co-morbidity prior to apnea diagnosis (Presented at the Associated Professional Sleep Societies 11th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, June 10-15, 1997 and in their Abstract Book)
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Physician resource planning: ways and means.
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Variation in health and health care use by socioeconomic status in Winnipeg, Canada: does the system work well? Yes and no.
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Health Care and Information Ethics: Protecting Fundamental Human Rights.
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Sisetmas de informacion poblacionales para estudiar la salud y la atencion sanitaria(Population-based Information Systems for Studying Health and Health Care).
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Needs-based planning: the case of Manitoba.
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Roos LL, Stranc L, James RC, Li J.
Complications, comorbidities, and mortality: improving classification and prediction.
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Why are some people healthy and others not?
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Houle C, Berthelot J, David P, Mustard CA, Roos LL, Wolfson MC.
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Influence of magnetic resonance imaging on diagnosis and therapeutic intention.
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Nicolle LE, Friesen D, Harding GK, Roos LL.
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Roberts JD, Roos LL, Poffenroth LA, Hassard TH, Bebchuk JD, Carter AL, Law B.
Surveillance of vaccine-related adverse events in the first year of life: A Manitoba cohort study.
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1996;49(1):51-58. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Fedson DS, Roberts JD, Cohen MM.
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Roos LL, Walld RK, Romano PS, Roberecki S.
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Long-term care: Where do we go from here?
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Beland F, Shapiro E.
Policy issues in care for the elderly in Canada.
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Cohen MM, Roos NP, De Coster C, Black C, Decker KM.
Manitoba's population-based databases and long-term planning: beyond the hospital databases.
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De Coster C, Roos NP, Shapiro E.
A population-based analysis of Manitoba's nursing home sector.
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De Coster C, Roos N, Bogdanovic B.
Utilization of nursing home resources.
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Changes in asthma severity in Manitoba.
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Frohlich N, Markesteyn T, Roos NP, Carriere KC, Black CD, De Coster C, Burchill CA, MacWilliam L.
Stability and trends over 3 years of data.
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Grumbach K, Anderson GM, Luft HS, Roos LL, Brook R.
Regionalization of cardiac surgery in the United States and Canada. Geographic access, choice, and outcomes.
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Harrison ML, Graff LA, Roos NP, Brownell MD.
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Long-term care diversity within the care continuum.
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A population-based health information system.
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Roos NP.
From research to policy: what have we learned from designing the Population Health Information System?
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Roos NP, Shapiro E.
A productive experiment with administrative data.
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Roos NP, Shapiro E.
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Monitoring the outcomes of quality of care in nursing homes using administrative data.
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Utilization of physician resources for ambulatory care.
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Havens B.
The active role of senior citizens in modern society.
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Postl B, Wall R, Horne J, Brown K.
Use of foreign medical graduates in meeting rural physician needs (Proceedings of the IX International Congress on Circumpolar Health).
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Wall R, Birch S, McQuillin M.
Economic evaluation of alternative programmes of reduced-stay senile cataract surgery.
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Fisher ES, Malenka DJ, Wennberg JE, Roos NP.
Technology assessment using insurance claims. Example of prostatectomy.
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1990;6(2):194-202. [Abstract]
Havens B. "Table 20.1, Summary of research."
In: Kane G, et. al. (eds).
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Oxford University Press; 1990.
Medcof JW, Wall RW.
Work technology and the motive profiles of nurses.
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1990;22(3):51-65. [Abstract]
Morris AL, Roos LL, Brazauskas R, Bedard D.
Managing scarce services. A waiting list approach to cardiac catheterization.
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1990;28(9):784-792. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Brazauskas R, Cohen MM, Sharp SM. "Variations in outcomes research."
In: Andersen TF, et. al. (eds).
The Challenges of Medical Practice Variations.
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Macmillan Press Ltd. 1990.
Roos LL, Roos NP, Fisher ES, Bubolz TA. "Strengths and weaknesses of health insurance data systems for assessing outcomes."
In: Gelijns AC; (ed).
Medical Innovation at the Crossroads. Volume I. Modern Methods of Clinical Investigation.
Washington, D.C.
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Roos LL, Fisher ES, Sharp SM, Newhouse JP, Anderson G, Bubolz TA.
Postsurgical mortality in Manitoba and New England.
1990;263(18):2453-2458. [Abstract]
Cohen MM, Tate RB.
Using the McGill Pain Questionnaire to study common postoperative complications.
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Papanicolaou testing by physicians in Manitoba: Who does them?
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Ethnic variation in cholecystectomy rates and outcomes, Manitoba, Canada, 1972-84.
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1989;79(6):751-755. [Abstract]
Cohen MM, Hammarstrand KM.
Papanicolaou test coverage without a cytology registry.
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Havens B. "Linking theory, research, practice and policy."
In: Lewis S; (ed).
Aging and Health: Linking Research and Public Policy.
Chelsea, MI:
Lewis Publishers Inc. 1989.
Havens B. "Closing the gap: cultural sensitive human services."
In: Grams A; (ed).
The Many Faces of Aging Proceedings.
Burlington, VT:
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Hollander M, Shapiro E, Nahmiash D.
The analytical manager: integrating research and service delivery to build a better tomorrow.
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Martin AD, Silverthorn KG, Houston CS, Wajda A, Roos LL. "Hip fracture trends in Saskatchewan, 1972-1984."
In: Lewis S; (ed).
Aging and Health: Linking Research and Public Policy.
Chelsea, MI:
Lewis Publishers Inc. 1989.
Mossey JM, Havens B, Wolinsky FD. "The consistency of formal health care utilization: Physician and hospital utilization."
In: Ory MG, et. al. (eds).
Aging and Health Care: Social Science and Policy Perspectives.
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Ong BY, Cohen MM, Palahniuk RJ.
Anesthesia for cesarean section--effects on neonates.
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1989;68(3):270-275. [Abstract]
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Nonexperimental data systems in surgery.
Int J Technol Assess Health Care
1989;5(3):341-356. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Freeman JL.
Potential for inpatient-outpatient substitution with diagnosis-related groups.
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1989;10(4):31-38. [Abstract]
Roos NP.
How a universal health care system responds to an aging population. Demographics, supply, and utilization in 1975 and 1983 in Manitoba, Canada.
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1989;1(4):411-429. [Abstract]
Roos NP.
Using administrative data from Manitoba, Canada to study treatment outcomes: developing control groups and adjusting for case severity.
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1989;28(2):109-113. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Roos NP. "Large data bases and research on surgery."
In: Rutkow IM; (ed).
Socioeconomics of Surgery.
St.Louis, MO:
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Roos NP, Shapiro E, Tate R.
Does a small minority of elderly account for a majority of health care expenditures? A sixteen-year perspective.
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1989;67(3-4):347-369. [Abstract]
Roos NP.
Predicting hospital utilization by the elderly. The importance of patient, physician, and hospital characteristics.
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1989;27(10):905-919. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Wennberg JE, Malenka DJ, Fisher ES, McPherson K, Andersen TF, Cohen MM, Ramsey E.
Mortality and reoperation after open and transurethral resection of the prostate for benign prostatic hyperplasia.
N Engl J Med
1989;320(17):1120-1124. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Sharp SM.
Innovation, centralization, and growth. Coronary artery bypass graft surgery in Manitoba.
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1989;27(5):441-452. [Abstract]
Roos NP.
Hospital bed availability: developing accurate estimates.
Can J Public Health
1989;80(2):105-109. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Sharp SM, Wajda A.
Assessing data quality: A computerized approach.
Social Sciences and Medicine
1989;28(2):175-182. [Abstract]
Shapiro E, Roos NP. "Predictors and patterns of nursing home and home care use."
In: Peterson MD, et. al. (eds).
Health Care for the Elderly: An Information Sourcebook.
Newbury Park, CA:
Sage Publications; 1989.
Shapiro E, Tate RB.
Is health care use changing? A comparison between physician, hospital, nursing-home, and home-care use of two elderly cohorts.
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1989;27(11):1002-1014. [Abstract]
Shapiro E.
Multidisciplinary health assessments of the elderly in Manitoba, Canada.
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Wolfson MC, Roos NP, Roos LL.
A Pilot Proposal for the Joint Analysis of Manitoba Health Care and Census Data. (CIAR Population Health Working Paper No. 7).
Cohen MM, Duncan PG, Tate RB.
Does anesthesia contribute to operative mortality?
1988;260(19):2859-2863. [Abstract]
Cohen MM, Duncan PG.
Postoperative follow-up and quality of care.
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Duncan PG, Cohen MM.
The literature of anaesthesia: what are we learning?
Can J Anaesth
1988;35(5):494-499. [Abstract]
Havens B. "Community needs assessment."
In: Maddox G; (ed).
Encyclopedia of Aging.
New York, NY:
Springer Publishing Company; 1988.
Havens B. "Multidimensional assessment of older persons."
In: Maddox G, et. al. (eds).
Highlights of 13th Congress of I.A.G.
New York, NY:
Springer Publishing Company; 1988.
Havens B, Rathbone-McCuan E.
North American Elders: United States and Canadian Perspectives.
Westport, CT:
Greenwood Press;
Medcof J, Wall R. "Technology and the motive profile of nurses."
In: McShane SL; (ed).
Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Organizational Behaviour Division (Volume 9, Part 5), Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 5-7.
Toronto, ON:
York University Press; 1988.
Montgomery PR, Kirshen AJ, Roos NP.
Long-term care and impending mortality: influence upon place of death and hospital utilization.
1988;28(3):351-354. [Abstract]
Newhouse JP, Anderson G, Roos LL.
Hospital spending in the United States and Canada: a comparison.
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1988;7(5):6-16. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Wennberg JE, McPherson K.
Using diagnosis-related groups for studying variations in hospital admissions.
Health Care Financ Rev
1988;9(4):53-62. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Roos NP. "Managing surgical admissions."
In: Finkel ML; (ed).
The Delivery of Surgical Care in the United States: A Policy Perspective.
Baltimore, MD:
Johns Hopkins University Press; 1988.
Roos LL. "What does the future hold?"
In: Finkel ML; (ed).
The Delivery Of Surgical Care in the United States: A Policy Perspective.
Baltimore, MD:
Johns Hopkins University Press; 1988.
Roos NP.
What is the potential for moving adult surgery to the ambulatory setting?
1988;138(9):809-816. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Roos LL, Mossey J, Havens B.
Using administrative data to predict important health outcomes. Entry to hospital, nursing home, and death.
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1988;26(3):221-239. [Abstract]
Shapiro E.
Hospital use by elderly Manitobans resulting from an injury.
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Shapiro E. "The relevance of epidemiological research on aging to policy making and planning: Evidence from the Manitoba Longitudinal Study of Aging."
In: Brody JA, et. al. (eds).
Epidemiology and Aging: An International Perspective.
New York, NY:
Springer Publishing Company; 1988.
Shapiro E, Tate R.
Survival patterns of nursing home admissions and their policy implications.
Can J Public Health
1988;79(4):268-274. [Abstract]
Shapiro E, Tate R.
Who is really at risk of institutionalization?
1988;28(2):237-245. [Abstract]
Wennberg JE, Mulley AG, Hanley DF, Timothy RP, Fowler FJ, Roos NP, Barry MJ, McPherson K, Greenberg ER, Soule DE, Bubolz TA, Fisher ES, Malenka DJ.
An assessment of prostatectomy for benign urinary tract obstruction. Geographic variations and the evaluation of medical care outcomes.
1988;259(20):3027-3030. [Abstract]
Mossey JM, Roos LL.
Using insurance claims to measure health status: the Illness Scale.
J Chronic Dis
1987;40 Suppl 1:41S-54S. [Abstract]
Ong B, Cohen MM, Cumming M, Palahniuk RJ.
Obstetrical anaesthesia at Winnipeg Women's Hospital 1975-83: anaesthetic techniques and complications.
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1987;34(3 (Pt 1)):294-299. [Abstract]
Ong BY, Cohen MM, Esmail A, Cumming M, Kozody R, Palahniuk RJ.
Paresthesias and motor dysfunction after labor and delivery.
Anesth Analg
1987;66(1):18-22. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Wajda A, Sharp SM, Nicol JP.
Software for health care analysts: a modular approach.
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1987;11(6):445-464. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Nicol JP, Cageorge SM.
Using administrative data for longitudinal research: comparisons with primary data collection.
J Chronic Dis
1987;40(1):41-49. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Payne H.
Health care evaluation in a government agency: goals, organization, and software.
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Roos NP, Shapiro E, Havens B. "Aging with limited resources: What should we really be worried about?".
Aging with Limited Health Resources.
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Canadian Government Publishing Centre; 1987.
Roos NP, Montgomery P, Roos LL.
Health care utilization in the years prior to death.
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1987;65(2):231-254. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Ramsey EW.
A population-based study of prostatectomy: outcomes associated with differing surgical approaches.
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1987;137(6):1184-1188. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Roos NP, Sharp SM.
Monitoring adverse outcomes of surgery using administrative data.
Health Care Financing Review
1987;7:5-16. [Abstract]
Shapiro E, Roos NP. "Predictors, patterns, and consequences of nursing home use in one Canadian province."
In: Marshall V; (ed).
Aging in Canada: A Social Perspective.
Markham, ON:
Fitzhenry and Whiteside; 1987.
Shapiro E, Tate RB, Roos NP.
Do nursing homes reduce hospital use?
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1987;25(1):1-8. [Abstract]
Wajda A, Roos LL.
Simplifying record linkage: software and strategy.
Comput Biol Med
1987;17(4):239-248. [Abstract]
Wennberg JE, Roos NP.
Letter: The use of claims data to evaluate health care - in reply.
Bienvenue RM, Havens B.
Structural inequalities, informal networks: A comparison of native and non-native elderly.
Can J Aging
Chappell NL, Havens B. "Who helps the elderly person: a discussion of informal and formal care."
In: Peterson W, et. al. (eds).
Social Bonds in Later Life.
Beverly Hills, CA:
Sage Publications; 1986.
Roos LL, Wajda A, Nicol JP.
The art and science of record linkage: methods that work with few identifiers.
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1986;16(1):45-57. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Cageorge SM, Roos NP, Danzinger R.
Centralization, certification, and monitoring. Readmissions and complications after surgery.
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1986;24(11):1044-1066. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Danzinger R.
Assessing surgical risks in a population: patient histories before and after cholecystectomy.
Soc Sci Med
1986;22(5):571-578. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Flowerdew G, Wajda A, Tate RB.
Variations in physicians' hospitalization practices: a population-based study in Manitoba, Canada.
Am J Public Health
1986;76(1):45-51. [Abstract]
Shapiro E.
High users of hospital days.
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Patterns and predictors of home care use by the elderly when need is the sole basis for admission.
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1986;7(1):29-44. [Abstract]
Bunker JP, Roos LL, Fowles J, Roos NP. "Information systems and routine monitoring in the United States and Canada - with examples from surgical practice."
In: Holland WW, et. al. (eds).
Oxford Textbook of Public Health, Volume 3: Investigative Methods in Public Health.
New York, NY:
Oxford University Press; 1985.
Mossey JM, Shapiro E.
Physician use by the elderly over an eight-year period.
Am J Public Health
1985;75(11):1333-1334. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Cageorge SM, Austen E, Lohr KN.
Using computers to identify complications after surgery.
Am J Public Health
1985;75(11):1288-1295. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Nicol JP, Wajda A.
Improving the quality of data banks through linkage.
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Roos NP, Lyttle D.
The centralization of operations and access to treatment: total hip replacement in Manitoba.
Am J Public Health
1985;75(2):130-133. [Abstract]
Shapiro E, Tate RB.
Predictors of long-term care facility use among the elderly.
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Shapiro E, Roos NP.
Elderly nonusers of health care services. Their characteristics and their health outcomes.
Med Care
1985;23(3):247-257. [Abstract]
Havens B. "Individual needs and community resources."
In: Mangen DJ, et. al. (eds).
Research Instruments in Social Gerontology, Vol III, Health, Program Evaluation, and Demography.
Minneapolis, MN:
University of Minnesota Press; 1984.
Havens B. "Health and aging: a whole perspective, past and future."
In: Williams L; (ed).
Ethel Shanas Symposium Proceedings.
Urbana, IL:
University of Illinois Press; 1984.
Roos LL, Nicol JP, Roos NP. "Using large-scale data banks - productivity and quality control."
In: Bennett EM, et. al. (eds).
Mental Health Information Systems: Problems and Prospects.
New York, NY:
Edwin Mellen Press; 1984.
Roos LL.
Surgical rates and mortality. A correlational analysis.
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1984;22(6):586-588. [Abstract]
Roos NP.
Hysterectomy: variations in rates across small areas and across physicians' practices.
Am J Public Health
1984;74(4):327-335. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Shapiro E, Roos LL.
Aging and the demand for health services: which aged and whose demand?
1984;24(1):31-36. [Abstract]
Roos NP.
Hysterectomies in one Canadian Province: a new look at risks and benefits.
Am J Public Health
1984;74(1):39-46. [Abstract]
Shapiro E, Roos LL.
Using health care: rural/urban differences among the Manitoba elderly.
Shapiro E, Webster L.
Nursing home utilization patterns for all Manitoba admissions, 1974-1981.
Havens B. "Longitudinal studies - the Canadian scene."
In: Chappell NL; (ed).
Longitudinal Design and Data Analysis in Aging.
Winnipeg, MB:
University of Manitoba Printing Services; 1983.
Havens B, Chappell NL.
Triple jeopardy: age, sex, and ethnicity.
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Morris AL, Nernberg V, Roos NP, Henteleff P, Roos L.
Acute myocardial infarction: survey of urban and rural hospital mortality.
Am Heart J
1983;105(1):44-53. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Nicol JP.
Building individual histories with registries. A case study.
Med Care
1983;21(10):955-969. [Abstract]
Roos LL.
Supply, workload and utilization: a population-based analysis of surgery in rural Manitoba.
Am J Public Health
1983;73(4):414-421. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Roos NP.
Assessing existing technologies: the Manitoba study of common surgical procedures.
Med Care
1983;21(4):454-462. [Abstract]
Shapiro E.
Impending death and the use of hospitals by the elderly.
J Am Geriatr Soc
1983;31(6):348-351. [Abstract]
Shapiro E.
The physician visit patterns of chiropractic users: health-seeking behavior of the elderly in Manitoba, Canada.
Am J Public Health
1983;73(5):553-557. [Abstract]
Sofer T, Roos NP, Nelson N.
Hysterectomy in Manitoba--1970-1978: patterns of practice and changes over time.
Can J Public Health
1983;74(2):100-105. [Abstract]
Havens B. "Population projections: certainties and uncertainties."
In: Gutman GM; (ed).
Canada's Changing Age Structure: Implications for the Future.
Burnaby, BC:
Simon Fraser University Publications; 1982.
Mossey JM, Shapiro E.
Self-rated health: a predictor of mortality among the elderly.
Am J Public Health
1982;72(8):800-808. [Abstract]
Roos LL.
Issues in studying ancillary services.
Soc Sci Med
1982;16(17):1583-1590. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Roos LL.
Surgical rate variations: do they reflect the health or socioeconomic characteristics of the population?
Med Care
1982;20(9):945-958. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Roos NP, Cageorge SM, Nicol JP.
How good are the data? Reliability of one health care data bank.
Med Care
1982;20(3):266-276. [Abstract]
Shapiro E, Roos NP.
Retired and employed elderly persons: their utilization of health care services.
1982;22(2):187-193. [Abstract]
Havens B. "Social planning implications of needs assessments."
In: Gilmore AAJ, et. al. (eds).
Aging: A Challenge to Science and Society, Vol. 2, Medicine and Social Science.
Oxford, United Kingdom:
Oxford University Press; 1981.
Korenbrot CA, Flood AB, Roos NP, Higgins M, Bunker JP.
Elective Hysterectomy: Costs, Risks, and Benefits. Health Technology Case Study #15.
Washington, D.C.
Office of Technology Assessment, Congress of the United States,
Mossey JM, Havens B, Roos NP, Shapiro E.
The Manitoba longitudinal study on aging: description and methods.
1981;21(5):551-558. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Nicol JP.
Research designs for data banks.
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Roos NP, Roos LL.
High and low surgical rates: risk factors for area residents.
Am J Public Health
1981;71(6):591-600. [Abstract]
Shapiro E, Roos NP.
The geriatric long-stay hospital patient: a Canadian case study.
J Health Polit Policy Law
1981;6(1):49-61. [Abstract]
Shapiro E.
The medicalization of aging.
Canadian Dimension
Havens B. "Health care for the aged."
In: Bayne R, et. al. (eds).
Research Issues in Aging.
Hamilton, ON:
Gerontology Research Council of Ontario; 1980.
Havens B. "Differentiation of unmet needs using analysis by age/sex cohorts."
In: Marshall V; (ed).
Aging in Canada.
Don Mills, ON:
Fitzhenry & Whitehead; 1980.
Roos LL.
Response to Mr. Chen.
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Influence diagrams and organizational power.
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Impact of the organization of practice on quality of care and physician productivity.
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1980;18(4):347-359. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Roos NP, Gilbert P, Nicol JP.
Continuity of care: does it contribute to quality of care?
Med Care
1980;18(2):174-184. [Abstract]
Shapiro E, Roos NP, Kavanagh S.
Long term patients in acute care beds: is there a cure?
1980;20(3 Pt 1):342-349. [Abstract]
Hull E, Roos NP, Havens B, Mossey JM.
An Analytic Comparison of the 1971 and 1976 Studies of Aging in Manitoba: Needs and Responses (Health and Welfare #1216-6-918).
Winnipeg, MB:
Manitoba Department of Health and Community Services,
Roos LL.
Alternative designs to study outcomes: the tonsillectomy case.
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1979;17(11):1069-1087. [Abstract]
Roos LL, Nicol JP, Johnson C, Roos NP.
Using administrative data banks for research and evaluation: a case study.
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Roos NP, Gilbert P.
Tonsillectomy in Manitoba: who are the patients? the surgeons? the hospitals?
J Community Health
1979;5(2):101-112. [Abstract]
Roos NP.
Who should do the surgery? Tonsillectomy-adenoidectomy in one Canadian province.
1979;16(1):73-83. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Roos LL, Henteleff PD.
Elective surgical rates--do high rates mean lower standards? Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy in Manitoba.
N Engl J Med
1977;297(7):360-365. [Abstract]
Roos NP, Henteleff PD, Roos LL.
A new audit prodecure applied to an old question: Is the frequency of T&A justified?
Med Care
1977;15(1):1-18. [Abstract]
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