Max Rady College of Medicine

Methamphetamine Use in Manitoba: A Linked Administrative Data Study - Online Supplement

The online supplement for this Deliverable contains two appendices (PDF).

  • Appendix 2 presents results for the prevalence of mental disorders for the entire cohort and is stratified by which dataset had the first recording of methamphetamine, and this is compared with the prevalence of mental disorders among all other Manitobans using risk (and rate) ratios. The results are presented for mental disorders in the 5 years before first methamphetamine-related health care contact as well as for mental disorders in the year after first methamphetamine-related health care contact.
  • Appendix 3 presents results for the annual rates of hospitalizations and physician visits among the Winnipeg cohort for those whose methamphetamine use was documented in the administrative health data.

When using information from this online supplement in presentations or publications, proper attribution of credit for the research should be included by making reference to this report.

How to cite these supplements:

Nickel NC, Chartier M, McDonald N, Sarkar J, Dragan R, McCulloch S, Burchill C, Reimer J, Green C, Jones J, Sanguins J. Methamphetamine Use in Manitoba: A Linked Administrative Data Study. Winnipeg, MB. Manitoba Centre for Health Policy. Autumn 2020. Suppl.


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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
