Max Rady College of Medicine

Who's In Our Hospitals... and Why?

These are the data extras (supplemental figures and tables that were not printed in the report). The files are grouped by chapter.

Executive Summary
Chapter 1 (ZIP)
Chapter 2 (ZIP)
Chapter 3 (ZIP)
Chapter 4 (ZIP)
Chapter 5
Appendix (ZIP)

Executive Summary:

Table OE.1: Top Causes of Hospital Use by Service Type

Chapter 1:

  • Table O1.1: Facility Information for Hospitals in Manitoba, 2009/10–2010/11
  • Figure 1.1: Location of Hospitals in Northern Manitoba, and Winnipeg, 2009/10-2010/11
  • Figure 1.2: Location of Hospitals in Southern Manitoba, 2009/10-2010/11
  • Figure O1.4: Hospital Bed Supply by Region, 2009/10-2010/11
  • Figure 1.4: Flow Chart for Patient Service Types


Chapter 2:

Figure O2.1: Hospitalizations by Age and Sex, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O2.2: Days of Hospital Care by Age and Sex, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O2.3: Hospitalizations by Urban and Rural Income Quintile, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O2.4: Days of Hospital Care by Urban and Rural Income Quintile, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O2.5: Hospitalizations by Sickness Level (RUB), 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O2.6: Days of Hospital Care by Sickness Level (RUB), 2009/10-2010/11
Table O2.7: Distribution of Manitoba Population, Hospitalizations, and Days of Hospital Days Care by Sickness Level (RUB), 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O2.8a: Hospitalization Rate by Service Type and Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O2.8b: Hospitalizations by Service Type and Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O2.9a: Rate of Days of Hospital Care by Service Type and Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O2.9b: Days of Hospital Care by Service Type and Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O2.10: Where RHA Residents Went for Hospitalizations, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O2.11: Where RHA Residents Went for Days of Hospital Care, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O2.12: Where Patients Came From for Hospitalizations, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O2.13: Where Patients Came From for Days of Hospital Care, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O2.14: Logistic Regression: Probability of Hospitalization in 2010/11

Chapter 3

Table O3.1a: Summary of Average Annual Number of ALC Hospitalizations* and Days of Hospital Care by ALC Group, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O3.1b: Average Annual Number of ALC Hospitalizations* and Days of Hospital Care by ALC Reason Code, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O3.2: ALC Hospitalizations by Age and Sex, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O3.3: ALC Days of Hospital Care by Age and Sex, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O3.4: ALC Hospitalizations by Urban and Rural Income Quintile, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O3.5: ALC Days of Hospital Care by Urban and Rural Income Quintile, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O3.6: ALC Hospitalizations by Sickness Level (RUB), 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O3.7: ALC Days of Hospital Care by Sickness Level (RUB), 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O3.8: ALC Hospitalizations by Region of Hospital Location, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O3.9: ALC Days of Hospital Care by Region of Hospital Location, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O3.10: Where RHA Residents Went for ALC Hospitalizations, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O3.11: Where RHA Residents Went for ALC Days of Hospital Care, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O3.12: Where Patients Came From for ALC Hospitalizations, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O3.13: Where Patients Came From for ALC Days of Hospital Care, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O3.14: Logistic Regression: Probability of Fully Coded ALC Hospitalization, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O3.15: Distribution of ALC-Related Z Codes Used to Identify Possible ALC Cases Among Acute Care Hospitalizations, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O3.16: Possible ALC Hospitalizations and Days of Hospital Care Identified by Data Source, 2009/10-2010/11

Chapter 4

Table O4.1: Hospitalizations Summary by Hospital, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O4.2: Days of Hospital Care Summary by Hospital, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O4.3: All Manitoba Hospitals: Percentage of Hospitalizations by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O4.4: All Manitoba Hospitals: Percentage of Days of Hospital Care by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O4.5a: Southern Hospitals: Percentage of Hospitalizations by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O4.5b: Winnipeg Hospitals: Percentage of Hospitalizations by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O4.5c: Prairie Mountain Hospitals: Percentage of Hospitalizations by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O4.5d: Interlake-Eastern Hospitals: Percentage of Hospitalizations by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O4.5e: Northern Hospitals: Percentage of Hospitalizations by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O4.6a: Southern Hospitals: Percentage of Days of Hospital Care by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O4.6b: Winnipeg Hospitals: Percentage of Days of Hospital Care by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O4.6c: Prairie Mountain Hospitals: Percentage of Days of Hospital Care by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O4.6d: Interlake-Eastern Hospitals: Percentage of Days of Hospital Care by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O4.6e: Northern Hospitals: Percentage of Days of Hospital Care by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table 4.7a: Tertiary Hospitals: Percentage of Hospitalizations by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table 4.7b: Urban Community Hospitals: Percentage of Hospitalizations by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table 4.7c: Major Rural Hospitals: Percentage of Hospitalizations by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table 4.7d: Intermediate Rural Hospitals: Percentage of Hospitalizations by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table 4.7e: Small Rural Hospitals: Percentage of Hospitalizations by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table 4.7f: Transitional Care Facilities: Percentage of Hospitalizations by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table 4.8a: Tertiary Hospitals: Percentage of Days of Hospital Care by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table 4.8b: Urban Community Hospitals: Percentage of Days of Hospital Care by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table 4.8c: Major Rural Hospitals: Percentage of Days of Hospital Care by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table 4.8d: Intermediate Rural Hospitals: Percentage of Days of Hospital Care by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table 4.8e: Small Rural Hospitals: Percentage of Days of Hospital Care by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11
Table 4.8f: Transitional Care Facilities: Percentage of Days of Hospital Care by Region of Residence and Service Type, 2009/10-2010/11

Chapter 5

Table O5.1a: Hospital Use by User Group
Table O5.1b: Demographics of Hospital User Group
Table O5.1c: Hospital User Group by Urban and Rural Income Quintile
Table O5.1d: Hospital User Group by Region of Residence
Table O5.1e: Discharge Disposition of Hospitalizations For User Groups
Table O5.1f: Main Reason for Hospitalizations by User Groups
Figure O5.2: Where Heavy Users Went for Days of Hospital Care, 2009/10-2010/11
Figure O5.3: Where Heavy Users Came From for Days of Hospital Care, 2009/10-2010/11
Table O5.4: Logistic Regression: Probability of Being a Heavy User of Acute Care Hospitalizations*, 2010/11


Appendix Table 04.1: All Manitoba Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.2: All Manitoba Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.3a: Southern Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.3b: Winnipeg Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.3c: Prairie Mountain Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.3d: Interlake-Eastern Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.3e: Northern Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.4a: Southern Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.4b: Winnipeg Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.4c: Prairie Mountain Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.4d: Interlake-Eastern Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.4e: Northern Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.5a: South Eastman Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.5b: Central Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.5c: Winnipeg Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.5d: Churchill Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.5e: Assiniboine Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.5f: Brandon Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.5g: Parkland Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.5h: Interlake Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.5i: North Eastman Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.5j: NOR-MAN Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.5k: Burntwood Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.6a: South Eastman Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.6b: Central Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.6c: Winnipeg Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.6d: Churchill Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.6e: Assiniboine Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.6f: Brandon Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.6g: Parkland Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.6h: Interlake Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.6i: North Eastman Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.6j: NOR-MAN Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 04.6k: Burntwood Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.7a: Tertiary Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.7b: Urban Community Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.7c: Major Rural Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.7d: Intermediate Rural Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.7e: Small Rural Hospitals:Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.7f: Transitional Care Facilities: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.8a: Tertiary Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.8b: Urban Community Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.8c: Major Rural Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.8d: Intermediate Rural Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.8e: Small Rural Hospitals: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.8f: Transitional Care Facilities: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.9a: Bethesda Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.9b: Ste. Anne Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.9c: Desalaberry District Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.9d: Vita & District Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.10a: Bethesda Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table 4.10b: Ste. Anne Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.10c: Desalaberry District Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.10d: Vita & District Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.11a: Boundary Trails Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.11b: Portage District General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.11c: Altona Community Memorial Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.11d: Carman Memorial Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.11e: Lorne Memorial Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.11f: Morris General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.11g: Notre Dame Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.11h: Rock Lake Health District Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.11i: Emerson Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.11j: MacGregor & District Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.11k: Pembina-Manitou Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.11l: Seven Regions Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.11m: St. Claude Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.12a: Boundary Trails Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.12b: Portage District General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.11c: Altona Community Memorial Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.12d: Carman Memorial Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.12e: Lorne Memorial Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.12f: Morris General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.12g: Notre Dame Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.12h: Rock Lake Health District Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.12i: Emerson Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.12j: Seven Regions Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.12k: MacGregor & District Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.12l: Pembina-Manitou Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.12m: St. Claude Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.13a: Health Sciences Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.13b: St. Boniface General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.13c: Concordia Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.13d: Grace General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.13e: Misericordia Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.13f: Seven Oaks General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.13g: Victoria General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.14a: Health Sciences Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.14b: St. Boniface General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.14c: Concordia Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.14d: Grace General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.14e: Misericordia Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11
Appendix Table O4.14f: Seven Oaks General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.14g: Victoria General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.15: Churchill Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.16: Churchill Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.17: Brandon Regional Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.18: Brandon Regional Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.19a: Dauphin Regional Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.19b: Swan River Valley Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.19c: Ste Rose General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.19d: Grandview District Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.19e: Roblin District Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.19f: Winnipegosis General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.19g: McCreary/Alonsa Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.20a: Dauphin Regional Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.20b: Swan River Valley Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.20c: Ste Rose General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.20d: Grandview District Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.20e: Roblin District Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.20f: Winnipegosis General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.20g: McCreary/Alonsa Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21a: Hamiota District Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21b: Minnedosa Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21c: Neepawa District Memorial Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21d: Russell District Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21e: Souris Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21f: Tri-Lake Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21g: Virden Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21h: Boissevain Boissevain Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21i: Carberry Plains District Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21j: Deloraine Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21k: Glenboro Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21l: Melita Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21m: Shoal Lake-Strathclair Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21n: Tiger Hills Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21o: Baldur Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21p: Birtle Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21q: Erickson Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21r: Reston Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21s: Riverdale Health Services District: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21t: Rossburn District Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.21u: Wawanesa & District Memorial Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22a: Hamiota District Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22b: Minnedosa Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22c: Neepawa District Memorial Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22d: Russell District Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22e: Souris Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22f: Tri-Lake Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22g: Virden Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22h: Boissevain Boissevain Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22i: Carberry Plains District Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22j: Deloraine Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22k: Glenboro Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22l: Melita Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22m: Shoal Lake-Strathclair Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22n: Tiger Hills Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22o: Baldur Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22p: Birtle Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22q: Erickson Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22r: Reston Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22s: Riverdale Health Services District: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22t: Rossburn District Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.22u: Wawanesa & District Memorial Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.23a: Selkirk Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.23b: Johnson Memorial Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.23c: Stonewall & District Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.23d: Arborg & Districts Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.23e: Lakeshore General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.23f: E. M. Crowe Memorial Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.23g: Percy E. Moore Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.23h: Teulon-Hunter Memorial Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.24a: Selkirk Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.24b: Johnson Memorial Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.24c: Stonewall & District Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.24d: Arborg & Districts Health Centre: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.24e: E. M. Crowe Memorial Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.24f: Lakeshore General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.24g: Percy E. Moore Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.24h: Teulon-Hunter Memorial Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11



Appendix Table O4.25a: Beausejour District Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.25b: Pine Falls Health Complex: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.25c: Pinawa Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11



Appendix Table O4.26a: Beausejour District Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.26b: Pine Falls Health Complex: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.26c: Pinawa Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11



Appendix Table O4.27a: Flin Flon General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.27b: The Pas Health Complex: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.27c: Snow Lake Medical Nursing Unit: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11



Appendix Table O4.28a: Flin Flon General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.28b: The Pas Health Complex: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.28c: Snow Lake Medical Nursing Unit: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11



Appendix Table O4.29a: Thompson General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.29b: Gillam Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.29c: Lynn Lake District Hospital: Average Annual Number of Hospitalizations, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11



Appendix Table O4.30a: Thompson General Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.30b: Gillam Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11

Appendix Table O4.30c: Lynn Lake District Hospital: Average Annual Number of Days of Hospital Care, by Patient's Region of Residence, 2009/10-2010/11



Appendix Figure O1.1: Hospitalization by Age Group for Public Trustees and All Others, 2009/10-2010/11



Appendix Figure O1.2: Days of Hospital Care by Age Group for Public Trustees and All Others, 2009/10-2010/11



Appendix Figure O1.3: ALC Hospitalization by Age Group for Public Trustees and All Others, 2009/10-2010/11



Appendix Figure O1.4: ALC Days of Hospital Care by Age Group for Public Trustees and All Others, 2009/10-2010/11



Appendix Table O2.1: Logistic Regression: Probability of Hospitalization Excluding Obstetric Hospitalizations, 2010/11



Appendix Table O3.1: Logistic Regression: Probability of Fully Coded ALC Hospitalization, 2009/10-2010/11



Appendix Table O5.1: Heavy Users in the 95th Percentile of Hospitalizations in 2009/10-2010/11


NTK_ALC_Appendix_O5.2_Logistic Regression_Heavy User_Excl_OB SEPS

Appendix Table O5.2: Logistic Regression: Probability of being a Heavy User of Acute Care Hospitalizations in 2010/11


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