Max Rady College of Medicine

How are Manitoba Kids Doing? Data Extras

These are the data extras (supplemental figures and tables that were not printed in the report. The files are grouped by chapter.

Chapter 02: Demographics
Chapter 03: Physical and Emotional Health
Chapter 04: Safety and Security
Chapter 05: Successful Learning
Chapter 06: Social Engagement and Responsibility

Additional figures and tables on drug prescriptions


 Chapter 02: Demographics (ZIP) (Click to download the zip file for all data extras for Chapter 2)


  • Table OA2.1a: Demographic Summary by Regional Health Authority (RHA), 2009
  • Table OA2.1b: Demographic Summary by Regional Health Authority (RHA), 2000
  • Figure OA2.1c: Summary of Regional Health Authority (RHA) Demographics, 2009
  • Figure OA2.1d: Summary of Regional Health Authority (RHA) Demographics, 2000


  • Figure OA2.2a: Age Profile of South Eastman Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2009
  • Figure OA2.2b: Age Profile of South Eastman Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2000 and 2009


  • Figure OA2.3a: Age Profile of Central Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2009
  • Figure OA2.3b: Age Profile of Central Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2000 and 2009


  • Figure OA2.4a: Age Profile of Assiniboine Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2009
  • Figure OA2.4b: Age Profile of Assiniboine Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2000 and 2009


  • Figure OA2.5a: Age Profile of Brandon Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2009
  • Figure OA2.4b: Age Profile of Brandon Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2000 and 2009


  • Figure OA2.6a: Age Profile of Winnipeg Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2009
  • Figure OA2.6b: Age Profile of Winnipeg Regional Health Aothority by Sex, 2000 and 2009


  • Figure OA2.7a: Age Profile of Interlake Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2009
  • Figure OA2.7b: Age Profile of Interlake Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2000 and 2009


  • Figure OA2.8a: Age Profile of North Eastman Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2009
  • Figure OA2.8b: Age Profile of North Eastman Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2000 and 2009


  • Figure OA2.9a: Age Profile of Parkland Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2009
  • Figure OA2.9b: Age Profile of Parkland Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2000 and 2009


  • Figure OA2.10a: Age Profile of Nor-Man Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2009
  • Figure OA2.10b: Age Profile of Nor-Man Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2000 and 2009


  • Figure OA2.11a: Age Profile of Burntwood Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2009
  • Figure OA2.11b: Age Profile of Burntwood Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2000 and 2009


  • Figure OA2.12a: Age Profile of Churchill Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2009
  • Figure OA2.12b: Age Profile of Churchill Regional Health Authority by Sex, 2000 and 2009

Chapter 03: Physical and Emotional Health (ZIP)(Click to download the zip file for all data extras for Chapter 3)


  • Table OA3.1a: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Child Mortality in Children aged 1-19, per 100,000, by Manitoba RHA: 2000-2004 (ref) and 2005-2009
  • Table OA3.1b: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Child Mortality in Children aged 1-19, per 100,000, by Winnipeg Community Area: 2000-2004 (ref) and 2005-2009


  • Table OA3.2A-a: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Hospital Utilization (Hospital episode) in Children Aged 0-19, per 1000, by Manitoba RHA, fiscal yrs 00/01 (ref) to 09/10
  • Table OA3.2A-b: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Hospital Utilization (Hospital episode) in Children Aged 0-19, per 1000, by Manitoba RHA District, fiscal yrs 00/01 (ref) to 09/10
  • Table OA3.2A-c: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Hospital Utilization (Hospital episode) in Children Aged 0-19, per 1000, by Winnipeg Community Area, fiscal yrs 00/01 (ref) to 09/10
  • Table OA3.2A-d: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Hospital Utilization (Hospital episode) in Children Aged 0-19, per 1000, by Winnipeg Neighbourhood Cluster, fiscal yrs 00/01 (ref) to 09/10


  • Table OA3.2B-a: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Hospital Utilization (Hospital episode, excl. pregnancy) in Children Aged 0-19, per 1000, by Manitoba RHA, fiscal yrs 00/01 (ref) to 09/10
  • Table OA3.2B-b: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Hospital Utilization (Hospital episode, excl. pregnancy) in Children Aged 0-19, per 1000, by Manitoba RHA District, fiscal yrs 00/01 (ref) to 09/10
  • Table OA3.2B-c: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Hospital Utilization (Hospital episode, excl. pregnancy) in Children Aged 0-19, per 1000, by Winnipeg Community Area, fiscal yrs 00/01 (ref) to 09/10
  • Table OA3.2B-d: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Hospital Utilization (Hospital episode, excl. pregnancy) in Children Aged 0-19, per 1000, by Winnipeg Neighbourhood Cluster, fiscal yrs 00/01 (ref) to 09/10


  • Figure OA3.3: Hospital Episode Rates by Aggregate Region and 13 to 17 Age Group, 2000/01-2009/10
  • Crude hospital rates (per 1000) by year, RHA and age groups (0-17, 0-18, and 0-19) for Manitoba children

MB_Kids_Chap_3_OA4_Hosp_Utilization_Cause_Set1_ OA3.4a_OA3.4f

  • Figure OA3.4a: Proportions (%) of hospital episodes by cause of hospitalization for Manitoba children (age 0-19): 2000/01-2009/10
  • Figure OA3.4b: Proportions (%) of hospital episodes by cause of hospitalization and age group (0-5, 6-12 & 13-19)  for Manitoba children: 2000/01-2009/10
  • Figure OA3.4c: Proportions (%) of hospital episodes by cause of hospitalization and year for Manitoba children (age 0-19): 2000/01-2009/10
  • Figure OA3.4d: Crude rate (per 1000) of hospital episodes for cause of hospitalization by year for Manitoba children (0-19): 2000/01-2009/10
  • Figure OA3.4e: Proportions (%) of hospital episodes by cause of hospitalization, year and age group (0-5, 6-12 & 13-19) for Manitoba: 2000/01-2009/10
  • Figure OA3.4f: Crude rate (per 1000) of hospital episodes by cause of hospitalization, year and age group (0-5, 6-12 & 13-19) for Manitoba: 2000/01-2009/10


  • Figure OA 3.5a: Proportions (%) of hospital episodes by cause of hospitalization and income for Manitoba children (age 0-19): 2000/01-2009/10
  • Figure OA 3.5b: Proportions (%) of hospital episodes by cause of hospitalization, income and age group (0-5, 6-12 & 13-19) for Manitoba children: 2000/01-2009/10
  • Figure OA 3.5c: Proportions (%) of hospital episodes by cause of hospitalization, time period and income for Manitoba children (age 0-19): 2000/01-2004/05 and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Figure OA3.5d: Crude rates (per 1000) of hospital episodes by cause of hospitalization, time period and income for Manitoba children (age 0-19): 2000/01-2004/05 and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Figure OA3.5e: Proportions (%) of hospital episodes by cause of hospitalization, time period, income and age group (0-5, 6-12 & 13-19) for Manitoba children: 2000/01-2004/05 and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Figure OA 3.5f: Crude rates (per 1000) of hospital episodes by cause of hospitalization, time period, income and age group (0-5, 6-12 & 13-19) for Manitoba children: 2000/01-2004/05 and 2005/06-2009/10


  • Figure OA3.6a: Proportions (%) of hospital episodes for causes of hospitalization by aggregate regions, children age 0-19: 2000/01-2009/10
  • Figure OA3.6b: Proportions (%) of hospital episodes for causes of hospitalization by aggregate regions and year, children age 0-19: 2000/01-2009/10
  • Figure OA3.6c: Crude rates (per 1000) of hospital episodes for cause of hospitalization by year and aggregate regions (age 0-19): 2000/01-2009/10
  • Figure OA3.6d: Proportions (%) of hospital episodes by cause of hospitalization, year and age group (0-5, 6-12 & 13-19) for aggregate regions: 2000/01-2009/10
  • Figure OA3.6e: Crude rate (per 1000) of hospital episodes by cause of hospitalization, year and age group (0-5, 6-12 & 13-19) for aggregate regions: 2000/01-2009/10


  • Figure OA3.7a: Causes of Hospitalizations for 13 to 17 Age Group, 2000/01
  • Figure OA3.7b: Causes of Hospitalizations for 13 to 17 Age Group, 2009/10


  • Table OA3.8a: Crude and Adjusted Rates of Physician Visit in Children Aged 0-19, per Child, Manitoba RHA: 2000/01 (ref) - 2009/10
  • Table OA3.8b: Crude and Adjusted Rates of Physician Visit in Children Aged 0-19, per Child, Manitoba RHA District: 2000/01 (ref) - 2009/10
  • Table OA3.8c: Crude and Adjusted Rates of Physician Visit in Children Aged 0-19, per Child, Winnipeg Community Area: 2000/01 (ref) - 2009/10
  • Table OA3.8d: Crude and Adjusted Rates of Physician Visit in Children Aged 0-19, per Child, Winnipeg Neighbourhood Cluster: 2000/01 (ref) - 2009/10


  • Table OA3.9a: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of Asthma in children aged 6-19, per 100, Manitoba RHA: 00/01-01/02 (ref) to 08/09-09/10
  • Table OA3.9b: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of Asthma in children aged 6-19, per 100, Manitoba RHA District: 00/01-01/02 (ref) to 08/09-09/10
  • Table OA3.9c: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of Asthma in children aged 6-19, per 100, Winnipeg Community Area: 00/01-01/02 (ref) to 08/09-09/10
  • Table OA3.9d: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of Asthma in Children aged 6-19, per 100, by Winnipeg Neighbourhood Cluster: 00/01-01/02 (ref) to 08/09-09/10


  • Table OA3.10a: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of Diabetes in children aged 6-19, per 100, by Manitoba RHA: 01/02-03/04 (ref) to 07/08-09/10
  • Table OA3.10b: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of Diabetes in children aged 6-19, per 100, by Manitoba RHA District: 01/02-03/04 (ref) to 07/08-09/10
  • Table OA3.10c: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of Diabetes in children aged 6-19, per 100, by Winnipeg Community Area: 01/02-03/04 (ref) to 07/08-09/10
  • Table OA3.10d: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of Diabetes in children aged 6-19, per 100, by Winnipeg Neighbourhood Cluster: 01/02-03/04 (ref) to 07/08-09/10


  • Table OA3.11a: Crude and Adjusted Proportion of children (ages 13-19) that had a positive detetection of Chlamydia by Manitoba RHA (fy: 2008/09) - sex and age adjusted.
  • Table OA3.11b: Crude and Adjusted Proportion of children (ages 13-19) that had a positive detetection of Chlamydia by Manitoba RHA District (fy: 2008/09) - sex and age adjusted.
  • Table OA3.11c: Crude and Adjusted Proportion of children (ages 13-19) that had a positive detetection of Chlamydia by Winnipeg Community Area (fy: 2008/09) - sex and age adjusted.
  • Table OA3.11d: Crude and Adjusted Proportion of children (ages 13-19) that had a positive detetection of Chlamydia by Winnipeg Neighbourhood Cluster (fy: 2008/09) - sex and age adjusted.


  • Table OA3.12a: Crude and Adjusted Proportion of children (ages 13-19) that had a positive detetection of Gonorrhea by Manitoba RHA (fy: 2008/09) - sex and age adjusted.
  • Table OA3.12b: Crude and Adjusted Proportion of children (ages 13-19) that had a positive detetection of Gonorrhea by Manitoba RHA District (fy: 2008/09) - sex and age adjusted.
  • Table OA3.12b: Crude and Adjusted Proportion of children (ages 13-19) that had a positive detetection of Gonorrhea by Winnipeg Community Area (fy: 2008/09) - sex and age adjusted.
  • Table OA3.12d: Crude and Adjusted Proportion of children (ages 13-19) that had a positive detetection of Gonorrhea by Winnipeg Neihgbourhood Cluster (fy: 2008/09) - sex and age adjusted.


  • Table OA3.13a: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of Maternal mood and anxiety disorder among Moms of children age 0-19, per 100, by Manitoba RHA: 00/01-01/02 (ref) to 08/09-09/10
  • Table OA3.13b: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of Maternal mood and anxiety disorder among Moms of children age 0-19, per 100, by Manitoba RHA District: 00/01-01/02 (ref) to 08/09-09/10
  • Table OA3.13c: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of Maternal mood and anxiety disorder among Moms of children age 0-19, per 100, by Winnipeg Community Area: 00/01-01/02 (ref) to 08/09-09/10
  • Table OA3.13d: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of Maternal mood and anxiety disorder among Moms of children age 0-19, per 100, by Winnipeg Neighbourhood Cluster: 00/01-01/02 (ref) to 08/09-09/10


  • Table OA3.14a: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of Mood and Anxiety Disorder in Children Aged 13-19, by Manitoba RHA: 2000/01-2001/02 (ref) to 2008/09-2009/10
  • Table OA3.14b: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of Mood and Anxiety Disorder in Children Aged 13-19, by Manitoba RHA District: 2000/01-2001/02 (ref) to 2008/09-2009/10
  • Table OA3.14c: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of Mood and Anxiety Disorder in Children Aged 13-19, by Winnipeg Community Area: 2000/01-2001/02 (ref) to 2008/09-2009/10
  • Table OA3.14d: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of Mood and Anxiety Disorder in Children Aged 13-19, by Winnipeg Neighbourhood Cluster: 2000/01-2001/02 (ref) to 2008/09-2009/10


  • Table OA3.15a: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of ADHD in Children aged 6-19, per 100, by Manitoba RHA: 2000/01 (ref) to 2009/10
  • Table OA3.15b: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of ADHD in Children aged 6-19, per 100, by Manitoba RHA District: 2000/01 (ref) to 2009/10
  • Table OA3.15c: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of ADHD in Children aged 6-19, per 100, by Winnipeg Community Area: 2000/01 (ref) to 2009/10
  • Table OA3.15d: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence of ADHD in Children aged 6-19, per 100, by Winnipeg Nieghbourhood Cluster: 2000/01 (ref) to 2009/10


  • Table OA3.16a: Crude Prevalence of FASD in Children Aged 0-19, by Manitoba RHA: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Table OA3.16b: Crude Prevalence of FASD in Children Aged 0-19, by Winnipeg Community Area: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/10

 Chapter 04: Safety and Security (ZIP) (Click to download the zip file for all data extras for Chapter 4)


  • Table OA4.1a: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Injury Hospitalization (hospital episode) in Children Aged 0-19, per 10000, by Manitoba RHA: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Table OA4.1b: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Injury Hospitalization (hospital episode) in Children Aged 0-19, per 10000, by Manitoba RHA District: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Table OA4.1c: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Injury Hospitalization (hospital episode) in Children Aged 0-19, per 10000, by Winnipeg Community Area: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Table OA4.1d: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Injury Hospitalization (hospital episode) in Children Aged 0-19, per 10000, by Winnipeg Neighbourhood Cluster: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/10


  • Table OA4.2a: Proportions (%) of hospital episodes by cause of injury for Manitoba children (age 0-19): 2000/01-2004/05 and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Table OA4.2b: Crude rates (per 10000) of injury hospitalizations (Hospital episodes) for causes of injury by age group (0-5, 6-12 & 13-19) for Manitoba children: 2000/01-2004/05 and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Table OA4.2c: Crude rates (per 10000) of injury hospitalizations (Hospital episodes) for top 5 causes of injury by age group (0-5, 6-12 & 13-19) for Manitoba children: 2000/01-2004/05 and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Table OA4.2d: Proportions (%) of injury hospitalization causes (hospital episodes) among Manitoba children (age 0-19) by time period, region and age groups: 2000/01-2004/05 and 2005/06-2009/10


  • Table OA4.3a: Proportions (%) of injury hospitalization causes (hospital episodes) among Manitoba children (age 0-19) by time period and income quintile: 2000/01-2004/05 and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Table OA4.3b: Crude rates (per 1000) of hospital episodes by cause of hospitalization, time period and income for Manitoba children (age 0-19): 2000/01-2004/05 and 2005/06-2009/10


  • Table OA4.4a: Crude Rates of Intentional Injury hospitalization (hospital episode) in Children, Age 0-19, per 10000, by Manitoba RHA: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Table OA4.4b: Crude Rates of Intentional Injury hospitalization (hospital episode) in Children, Age 0-19, per 10000, by Manitoba RHA District: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Table OA4.4c: Crude Rates of Intentional Injury hospitalization (hospital episode) in Children, Age 0-19, per 10000, by Winnipeg Community Area: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Table OA4.4D: Crude Rates of Intentional Injury hospitalization (hospital episode) in Children, Age 0-19, per 10000, by Winnipeg Neighbourhood Cluster: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/10


  • Table OA4.5a: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Unintentional Injury Hospitalization (hospital episode) in Children Aged 0-19, per 10000, by Manitoba RHA: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Table OA4.5b: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Unintentional Injury Hospitalization (hospital episode) in Children Aged 0-19, per 10000, by Manitoba RHA District: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Table OA4.5c: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Unintentional Injury Hospitalization (hospital episode) in Childrne Aged 0-19, per 10000, by Winnipeg Community Area: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/100-19
  • Table OA4.5d: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Unintentional Injury Hospitalization (hospital episode) in Children Aged 0-19, per 10000, by Winnipeg Neighbourhood Cluster: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/10


  • Table OA4.6a: Number of children inCIC per fy
  • Table OA4.6b: Number of children that were inCIC at least once in each of the time periods


  • Table OA4.7a: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence for children inCIC (ages 0-17) by Manitoba RHA (fys: 2000/01-2002/03(ref), 2003/04-2005/06, 2006/07-2008/09) - sex and age adjusted.
  • Table OA4.7b: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence for children inCIC (ages 0-17) by Manitoba RHA District (fys: 2000/01-2002/03(ref), 2003/04-2005/06, 2006/07-2008/09) - sex and age adjusted.
  • Table OA4.7c: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence for children inCIC (ages 0-17) by Winnipeg Community Area (fys: 2000/01-2002/03(ref), 2003/04-2005/06, 2006/07-2008/09) - sex and age adjusted.


  • Table OA4.8a: Number of children in Protection or VFS per fy
  • Table OA4.8b: Number of children that were in Protection or VFS for at least one day in each of the time periods


  • Table OA4.9a: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence for children in Protection_VFS (ages 0-17) by Manitoba RHA (fys: 2000/01-2002/03(ref), 2003/04-2005/06, 2006/07-2008/09) - sex and age adjusted. 
  • Table OA4.9b: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence for children in Protection_VFS (ages 0-17) by Manitoba RHA District (fys: 2000/01-2002/03(ref), 2003/04-2005/06, 2006/07-2008/09) - sex and age adjusted. 
  • Table OA4.9c: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence for children in Protection_VFS (ages 0-17) by Winnipeg Community Area (fys: 2000/01-2002/03(ref), 2003/04-2005/06, 2006/07-2008/09) - sex and age adjusted. 
  • Table OA4.9d: Crude and Adjusted Prevalence for children in Protection_VFS (ages 0-17) by Winnipeg Neighbourhood Cluster (fys: 2000/01-2002/03(ref), 2003/04-2005/06, 2006/07-2008/09) - sex and age adjusted.

(ZIP)Chapter 05: Successful Learning (ZIP) (Click to download the zip file for all data extras for Chapter 5)


  • Table OA5.1: Level II and III Funding Rates by Student Age, 2000/01–2009/10


  • Table OA5.2a: Crude and Adjusted Rates for MALE students (ages 5-18) that recieved Level II/III Funding (acadyrs: 2000(ref)-2009), per 1000 students - age adjusted.
  • Table OA5.2b: Crude and Adjusted Rates for FEMALE students (ages 5-18) that recieved Level II/III Funding (acadyrs: 2000(ref)-2009), per 1000 students - age adjusted.


  • Table OA5.3a: Crude and Adjusted Rates for MALE students (ages 5-18) that recieved Level II/III Funding by Income Quintile (acadyrs: 2000(ref)-2009), per 1000 students - adjusted by age.
  • Table OA5.3b: Crude and Adjusted Rates for FEMALE students (ages 5-18) that recieved Level II/III Funding by Income Quintile (acadyrs: 2000(ref)-2009), per 1000 students - adjusted by age.


  • Table OA5.4a: Crude and Adjusted Rates for students (ages 5-18) that recieved Level II/III Funding (acadyrs: 2000(ref)-2009), per 1000 students, by Manitoba RHA - sex and age adjusted.
  • Table OA5.4b: Crude and Adjusted Rates for students (ages 5-18) that recieved Level II/III Funding (acadyrs: 2000(ref)-2009), per 1000 students, by Winnipeg Community Area - sex and age adjusted.


  • Table OA5.5a: Crude and Adjusted Rates for MALE students (ages 5-20) that recieved Level II/III Funding (acadyrs: 2000(ref)-2009), per 1000 students - age adjusted.       
  • Table OA5.5b: Crude and Adjusted Rates for FEMALE students (ages 5-20) that recieved Level II/III Funding (acadyrs: 2000(ref)-2009), per 1000 students - age adjusted.


  • Table OA5.6a: Crude and Adjusted Rates for MALE students (ages 5-20) that recieved Level II/III Funding by Income Quintile (acadyrs: 2000(ref)-2009), per 1000 students - adjusted by age.
  • Table OA5.6b: Crude and Adjusted Rates for FEMALE students (ages 5-20) that recieved Level II/III Funding by Income Quintile (acadyrs: 2000(ref)-2009), per 1000 students - adjusted by age.


  • Table OA5.7: Crude Rate (per 1000) for Level II and III funding combined per acadyear and Manitoba RHA - Level II and III funding for METs aged 5-20 for acadyears 2000/01-2009/10 by RHA (school exclusion format applied)


  • Table OA5.8a: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Grade Repetition (K-8) by Manitoba RHA, acadyrs 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and acadyrs 2004/05-2008/09 - sex and age adjusted.
  • Table OA5.8b: Crude and Adjusted Rates for Grade Repetition (K-8) by Winnipeg Community Area, acadyrs 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and acadyrs 2004/05-2008/09 - sex and age adjusted.


  • Figure OA5.9: Grade 3 Student Reading Competency by Income Quintile, 2009/10


  • Figure OA5.10a: Grade 3 Student Performance in Reading Competency 0080* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA5.10b: Grade 3 Student Performance in Reading Competency 0081* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA5.10c: Grade 3 Student Performance in Reading Competency 0082* by Income Quintile, 2009/10


  • Table OA5.11a: Crude and Adjusted Grade 3 Reading Rates for students that achieved a valueid = (Meeting or Approaching) in all 2 of their competencies (acadyr: 2009) by Manitoba RHA
  • Table OA5.11b: Crude and Adjusted Grade 3 Reading Rates for students that achieved a valueid = (Meeting or Approaching) in all 2 of their competencies (acadyr: 2009) by Winnipeg Community Area


  • Figure OA5.12a: Grade 3 Student Performance in Numeracy Competency 0076* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA5.12b: Grade 3 Student Performance in Numeracy Competency 0077* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA5.12c: Grade 3 Student Performance in Numeracy Competency 0078* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA5.12d: Grade 3 Student Performance in Numeracy Competency 0079* by Income Quintile, 2009/10


  • Table OA5.13a: Crude and Adjusted Grade 3 Numeracy Rates for students that achieved a valueid = (Meeting or Approaching) in all 4 of their competencies (acadyr:2009) by Manitoba RHA- sex and age adjusted.
  • Table OA5.13b: Crude and Adjusted Grade 3 Numeracy Rates for students that achieved a valueid = (Meeting or Approaching) in all 4 of their competencies (acadyr:2009) by Winnipeg Community Area- sex and age adjusted.


  • Figure OA5.14a: Grade 7 Student Performance in Mathematics Competency 0046* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA5.14b: Grade 7 Student Performance in Mathematics Competency 0046* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA5.14c: Grade 7 Student Performance in Mathematics Competency 0046* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA5.14d: Grade 7 Student Performance in Mathematics Competency 0047* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA5.14e: Grade 7 Student Performance in Mathematics Competency 0047* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA5.14f: Grade 7 Student Performance in Mathematics Competency 0047* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA5.14g: Grade 7 Student Performance in Mathematics Competency 0048* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA5.14h: Grade 7 Student Performance in Mathematics Competency 0048* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA5.14i: Grade 7 Student Performance in Mathematics Competency 0048* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA5.14j: Grade 7 Student Performance in Mathematics Competency 0049* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA5.14k: Grade 7 Student Performance in Mathematics Competency 0049* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA5.14l: Grade 7 Student Performance in Mathematics Competency 0049* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA5.14m: Grade 7 Student Performance in Mathematics Competency 0050* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA5.14n: Grade 7 Student Performance in Mathematics Competency 0050* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA5.14o: Grade 7 Student Performance in Mathematics Competency 0050* by Income Quintile, 2009/10


  • Figure OA5.15a: Crude and Adjusted Grade 7 Number Skills and Number Sense Rates for students that achieved a valueid = (Meeting or Approaching) in all 5 or their competencies by Manitoba RHA (acadyrs:2007/08(ref)-2009/10) - sex and age adjusted.
  • Figure OA5.15b: Crude and Adjusted Grade 7 Number Skills and Number Sense Rates for students that achieved a valueid = (Meeting or Approaching) in all 5 or their competencies by Winnipeg Community Area (acadyrs:2007/08(ref)-2009/10) - sex and age adjusted.


  • Figure OA5.16a: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0066* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA5.16b: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0066* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA5.16c: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0066* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA5.16d: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0065* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA5.16e: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0065* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA5.16f: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0065* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA5.16g: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0064* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA5.16h: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0064* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA5.16i: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0064* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA5.16j: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0061* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA5.16k: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0061* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA5.16l: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0061* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA5.16m: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0060* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA5.16n: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0060* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA5.16o: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0060* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA5.16p: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0059* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA5.16q: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0059* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA5.16r: Grade 8 Student Performance in Reading and Writing Competency 0059* by Income Quintile, 2009/10


  • Table OA5.17a: Crude and Adjusted Grade 8 Reading Comprehension and Expository Writing Rates for students that achieved a valueid = (Meeting or Approaching) in all 6 of their competencies by Manitoba RHA (acadyrs:2007/08(ref)-2009/10) - sex and age adjusted.
  • Table OA5.17b: Crude and Adjusted Grade 8 Reading Comprehension and Expository Writing Rates for students that achieved a valueid = (Meeting or Approaching) in all 6 of their competencies by Winnipeg Community Area (acadyrs:2007/08(ref)-2009/10) - sex and age adjusted.


  • Table OA5.18a: Crude and Adjusted Proportion of students that passed their Grd 12 LA Standards Test by Manitoba RHA (acadyr: 2001(ref)-2009) - sex adjusted.
  • Table OA5.18b: Crude and Adjusted Proportion of students that passed their Grd 12 LA Standards Test by Winnipeg Community Area (acadyr: 2001(ref)-2009) - sex adjusted.


  • Table OA5.19a: Crude and Adjusted Proportion of students that passed their Grd 12 Math Standards Test by Manitoba RHA (acadyr: 2001(ref)-2009) - sex adjusted.
  • Table OA5.19b: Crude and Adjusted Proportion of students that passed their Grd 12 Math Standards Test by Winnipeg Community Area (acadyr: 2001(ref)-2009) - sex adjusted.


  • Table OA5.20a: Crude graduation rate by area for students followed 6 years of grade 9 enrolment by Manitoba RHA (1997/98-2004/05), all ages, per 100: 2002/03 (ref) to 2009/10
  • Table OA5.20b: Crude graduation rate by area for students followed 6 years of grade 9 enrolment by Winnipeg Community Area (1997/98-2004/05), all ages, per 100: 2002/03 (ref) to 2009/10


  • Figure OA5.21: High School Completion by Aggregate Area (4-Year Cohort Method), 2000/01-2009/10


  • Figure OA5.22a: High School Completion by Rural Income Quintile (4-Year Cohort Method), 2000/01−2009/10
  • Figure OA5.22b: High School Completion by Urban Income Quintile (4-Year Cohort Method), 2000/01−2009/10


  • Figure OA5.23a: Lorenz Curve for High School Completion in Rural Areas (4-Year Cohort Method), 2000/01
  • Figure OA5.23b: Lorenz Curve for High School Completion in Rural Areas (4-Year Cohort Method), 2009/10
  • Figure OA5.23c: Lorenz Curve for High School Completion in Urban Areas (4-Year Cohort Method), 2000/01


  • Table OA5.24a: Crude graduation rate by area for students followed 4 years of grade 9 enrolment by Manitoba RHA (1997/98-2006/07), all ages, per 100: 2000/01 (ref) to 2009/10
  • Table OA5.24b: Crude graduation rate by area for students followed 4 years of grade 9 enrolment by Winnipeg Community Area (1997/98-2006/07), all ages, per 100: 2000/01 (ref) to 2009/10




  • Table OA5.27a: Summary of Structural Equation Models of Early Developmental Instruments and Grade 3 Outcomes for Children of Teen Mothers
  • Table OA5.27b: Summary of Structural Equation Models of Early Developmental Instruments and Grade 3 Outcomes for Children in a Family Involved with Child and Family Services.
  • Table OA5.27c: Summary of Structural Equation Models of Early Developmental Instruments and Grade 3 Outcomes for Children in a Family on Income Assistance.







  • Table OA5.34: Factors Associated with Trajectories from EDI in Kindergarten to Grade 3 Reading Assessment (Adjusted Multinomial Regression)


  • Table OA5.35: Factors Associated with Trajectories from EDI in Kindergarten to Grade 3 Numeracy Assessment (Adjusted Multinomial Regression)


  • Table OA5.36a: Factors Associated with Trajectories from EDI Communication Skills and General Knowledge to Grade 3 Reading Assessment (Logistic Regression)
  • Table OA5.36b: Factors Associated with Trajectories from EDI Emotional Maturity to Grade 3 Reading Assessment (Logistic Regression)
  • Table OA5.36c: Factors Associated with Trajectories from EDI Language and Cognitive Development to Grade 3 Reading Assessment (Logistic Regression)
  • Table OA5.36d: Factors Associated with Trajectories from EDI Physical Health and Well-Being to Grade 3 Reading Assessment (Logistic Regression)
  • Table OA5.36e: Factors Associated with Trajectories from EDI Social Competence to Grade 3 Reading Assessment (Logistic Regression)


  • Table OA5.37a: Factors Associated with Trajectories from EDI Communication Skills and General Knowledge to Grade 3 Numeracy Assessment (Logistic Regression)
  • Table OA5.37b: Factors Associated with Trajectories from EDI Emotional Maturity to Grade 3 Numeracy Assessment (Logistic Regression)
  • Table OA5.37c: Factors Associated with Trajectories from EDI Language and Cognitive Development to Grade 3 Numeracy Assessment (Logistic Regression)
  • Table OA5.37d: Factors Associated with Trajectories from EDI Physical Health and Well-Being to Grade 3 Numeracy Assessment (Logistic Regression)
  • Table OA5.37e: Factors Associated with Trajectories from EDI Social Competence to Grade 3 Numeracy Assessment (Logistic Regression)

 Chapter 06: Social Engagement and Responsibility (ZIP)(Click to download the zip file for all data extras for Chapter 6)


  • Figure OA6.1a: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0051* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA6.1b: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0051* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA6.1c: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0051* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA6.1d: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0052* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA6.1e: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0052* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA6.1f: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0052* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA6.1g: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0053* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA6.1h: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0053* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA6.1i: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0053* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA6.1j: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0054* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA6.1k: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0054* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA6.1l: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0054* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA6.1m: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0055* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA6.1n: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0055* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA6.1o: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0055* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA6.1p: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0056* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA6.1q: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0056* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA6.1r: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0056* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA6.1s: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0057* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA6.1t: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0057* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA6.1u: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0057* by Income Quintile, 2009/10
  • Figure OA6.1v: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0058* by Income Quintile, 2007/08
  • Figure OA6.1w: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0058* by Income Quintile, 2008/09
  • Figure OA6.1x: Grade 7 Student Performance in Engagement Competency 0058* by Income Quintile, 2009/10


  • Table OA6.2a: Crude and Adjusted Grade 7 Student Engagement Rates for students that achieved a valueid = (Establishing or Developing) in all 5 or their competencies by Manitoba RHA (acadyrs:2007/08(ref)-2009/10) - sex and age adjusted.
  • Table OA6.2b: Crude and Adjusted Grade 7 Student Engagement Rates for students that achieved a valueid = (Establishing or Developing) in all 5 or their competencies by Manitoba RHA District (acadyrs:2007/08(ref)-2009/10) - sex and age adjusted.
  • Table OA6.2c: Crude and Adjusted Grade 7 Student Engagement Rates for students that achieved a valueid = (Establishing or Developing) in all 5 or their competencies by Winnipeg Community Area (acadyrs:2007/08(ref)-2009/10) - sex and age adjusted.


  • Table OA6.3a: Crude Rates of Teen Pregnancy in Female Children, Age 15-19, per 1000, by Manitoba RHA: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Table OA6.3b: Crude Rates of Teen Pregnancy in Female Children, Age 15-19, per 1000, by Manitoba RHA District: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Table OA6.3c: Crude Rates of Teen Pregnancy in Female Children, Age 15-19, per 1000, by Winnipeg Community Area: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/10
  • Table OA6.3d: Crude Rates of Teen Pregnancy in Female Children, Age 15-19, per 1000, by Winnipeg Neighbourhood Cluster: 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and 2005/06-2009/10


  • Table OA6.4a: Crude and Adjusted Rate for Teen Births, per 1,000 females (ages 15-19), by Manitoba RHA, fys 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and fys 2005/06-2009/10 - age adjusted.
  • Table OA6.4b: Crude and Adjusted Rate for Teen Births, per 1,000 females (ages 15-19), by Manitoba RHA District, fys 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and fys 2005/06-2009/10 - age adjusted.
  • Table OA6.4b: Crude and Adjusted Rate for Teen Births, per 1,000 females (ages 15-19), by Winnipeg Community Area, fys 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and fys 2005/06-2009/10 - age adjusted.
  • Table OA6.4d: Crude and Adjusted Rate for Teen Births, per 1,000 females (ages 15-19), by Winnipeg Neighbourhood Cluster, fys 2000/01-2004/05 (ref) and fys 2005/06-2009/10 - age adjusted.


  • Table OA6.5a: Crude Proportion of children between the ages 18-19 in the population that recd at least one month of IA per cal_yr, by Manitoba RHA (cal_yr: 2000-2009).
  • Table OA6.5b: Crude Proportion of children between the ages 18-19 in the population that recd at least one month of IA per cal_yr, by Manitoba RHA District (cal_yr: 2000-2009).
  • Table OA6.5c: Crude Proportion of children between the ages 18-19 in the population that recd at least one month of IA per cal_yr, by Winnipeg Community Area (cal_yr: 2000-2009).
  • Table OA6.5d: Crude Proportion of children between the ages 18-19 in the population that received at least one month of IA per cal_yr, by Winnipeg Neighbourhood Cluster (cal_yr: 2000-2009). 

(ZIP)Appendix (ZIP) (Click to download the zip file for all data extras for the report Appendix)


  • Table OAA.1: Summary of Statistical Analyses of Gini Coefficients for Indicators of Physical and Emotional Health


  • Table OAA.2: Summary of Statistical Analyses of Gini Coefficients for Indicators of Safety and Security


  • Table OAA.3: Summary of Statistical Analyses of Gini Coefficients for Indicators of Successful Learning


  • Table OAA.4: Summary of Statistical Analyses of Gini Coefficients for Indicators of Social Engagement


  • Figure OAA.5: Hospital Episode Rates by Aggregate Region, 2000/01–2009/10


  •  Figure X.X: Hospital Utilization Rates by Aggregate Region and Age Group, 2000/01–2009/10
  •  Figure OAA.6a: Hospital Utilization Rates by Aggregate Region, and Age Group, 2000/01–2009/10
  •  Figure OAA.6b: Hospital Utilization Rates by Aggregate Region and Age Group, 2000/01–2009/10
  •  Figure OAA.6c: Hospital Utilization Rates by Aggregate Region and Age Group, 2000/01–2009/10


  • Figure OAA.7a: Hospital Episode Rates by Rural Income Quintile, 2000/01–2009/10
  • Figure OAA.7b: Hospital Episode Rates by Urban Income Quintile, 2000/01–2009/10


  • Figure OAA.8a: Lorenz Curve for Hospital Episodes in Rural Areas, 2000/01
  • Figure OAA.8b: Lorenz Curve for Hospital Episodes in Rural Areas, 2009/10
  • Figure OAA.8c: Lorenz Curve for Hospital Episodes in Urban Areas, 2000/01
  • Figure OAA.8d: Lorenz Curve for Hospital Episodes in Urban Areas, 2009/10


  • Figure OAA.9a: Top 5 Causes of Hospitalization in Winnipeg by Fiscal Year, 2000/01-2009/10
  • Figure OAA.9b: Top 5 Causes of Hospitalization in Brandon by Fiscal Year, 2000/01-2009/10
  • Figure OAA.9c: Top 5 Causes of Hospitalization in Rural South by Fiscal Year, 2000/01-2009/10
  • Figure OAA.9d: Top 5 Causes of Hospitalization in Mid by Fiscal Year, 2000/01-2009/10
  • Figure OAA.9e: Top 5 Causes of Hospitalization in North by Fiscal Year, 2000/01-2009/10


  • Figure OAA.10a: Causes of Hospitalizations, 2000/01
  • Figure OAA.10b: Causes of Hospitalizations, 2009/10


  • Figure OAA.11: Top 5 Causes of Hospitalizations by Age Group, 2000/01 and 2009/10


  • Figure OAA.12: Rate of Children Diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) by Aggregate Region, 2000/01–2004/05 to 2005/06−2009/10


  • Figure OAA.13a: Rate of Children Diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) by Rural Income Quintile, 2000/01–2004/05 to 2005/06–2009/10
  • Figure OAA.13b: Rate of Children Diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) by Urban Income Quintile, 2000/01–2004/05 to 2005/06–2009/10


  • Figure OAA.14a: Lorenz Curve for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in Rural Areas, 2000/01−2004/05
  • Figure OAA.14b: Lorenz Curve for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in Rural Areas, 2005/06−2009/10
  • Figure OAA.14c: Lorenz Curve for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in Urban Areas, 2000/01−2004/05
  • Figure OAA.14d: Lorenz Curve for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in Urban Areas, 2005/06−2009/10


  • Figure OAA.15: Level II and III Funding by Income Quintile and Funding Category, 2000/01 and 2009/10


  • Table OAA.16a: Grade 12 LA Standards Test Scores by Educational Attainment Categories
  • Table OAA.16b: Grade 12 Math Standards Test Scores by Educational Attainment Categories


  • Table OAA.17: High School Completion Rates of Students Enrolled in Grade 9 in 1997/98-2006/07*, Measured Using Cross-Sectional and Cohort Methods


  • Figure OAA.18: High School Completion Rates by Aggregate Region for Students Enrolled in Grade 9 in 2004/05*, Measured Using Cross-Sectional and Cohort Methods


  • Figure OAA.19: High School Completion Rates by Income Quintile for Students Enrolled in Grade 9 in 2004/05*, Measured Using Cross-Sectional and Cohort Methods


  • Table OAA.20: Aggregated Diagnostic Group (ADG) Codes Used in this Study



  • Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Codes and Drug Identification Numbers (DINs) of Drugs in the Drug Program Information Network (DPIN) Used to Define Asthma in Manitoba Children from 2000/01–2001/02 to 2008/09–2009/10
  • Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Codes and Drug Identification Numbers (DINs) of Drugs in the Drug Program Information Network (DPIN) Used to Define Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Manitoba Children from 2000/01 to 2009/10
  • Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Codes and Drug Identification Numbers (DINs) of Drugs in the Drug Program Information Network (DPIN) Used to Define Diabetes in Manitoba Children from 2001/02–2003/04 to 2007/08–2009/10
  • Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Codes and Drug Identification Numbers (DINs) of Drugs in the Drug Program Information Network (DPIN) Used to Define Mood and Anxiety in Manitoba Children and Their Mothers from 2000/01–2001/02 to 2008/09–2009/10

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University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
