Max Rady College of Medicine

Concept: Residential Persistence

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Concept Description

Last Updated: 2007-09-20


    This concept provides a look at Manitoba data on residential persistence, defined as the percent of residents living in the same postal code year after year, and the correlations of mean household income (Socio-Economic Status (SES)) of these individuals during the same time period. The data is based on:

    • 1978-1987 birth cohorts (except 1983 cohort),
    • MCHP enumeration area-level income based on 1991 census data, and
    • a data sample of approximately 100,000 (all children).

    The information presented below provides feedback on two questions asked in Kunz, J et al. (2003) :

    1. How persistent is residence in the same area (postal code) ?
    2. How good a proxy is mean household income at the census area level from one point in time with such income at a different time ?

      Table A: Residential Persistence (the percent of individuals living in the same postal code year after year)
      YEAR 1992 1993 1994 1995
      1991 91 84.9 77.8 73.7
      1992 . 91.9 83.3 78.3
      1993 . . 89.3 83.4
      1994 . . . 91.8

      Table B: SES Correlations: log (enumeration area-level mean household income)

      YEAR 1992 1993 1994 1995
      1991 0.937 0.899 0.864 0.84
      1992 . 0.948 0.904 0.877
      1993 . . 0.94 0.906
      1994 . . . 0.953

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  • Kunz J, Page ME, Solon G. Are point-in-time measures of neighborhood characteristics useful proxies for children's long-run neighborhood environment? Econ Lett 2003;79(2):231-237.(View)

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy

Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3P5 Canada
