Max Rady College of Medicine

Concept: Senior's Residences

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Concept Description

Last Updated: 2000-07-10


    Addresses (postal codes) of senior's residences in Winnipeg were obtained from the 1997 Winnipeg Seniors Housing Directory published by Age & Opportunity. Using Manitoba Health Insurance registry data for 1997 containing postal code and age of each Manitoba resident during 1997, we examined the age distribution of the residents at each of the postal codes identified, in the above directory, as senior's residences.

    If more than 15% of the population were less than 55 years old at a given postal code, we excluded it from the list of senior's residences. Other possible senior's residences were excluded because it was determined from Canada Post postal directories that the postal code pertained to a series of addresses. Thus, while these postal codes may have contained senior's residences, we could not be sure about the neighbouring residences with the same postal code.

    Overall, 111 of 130 (85%) of senior's residences listed in the Winnipeg Seniors Housing Directory were included in the present report. In the end this list of senior's apartment postal codes also contained a few persons less than 55 years of age - 13% of the Manitoba Health Research Repository for 1997 with these postal codes were less than 55.

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University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
