Term: Non-Normed Fit Index (NNFI)
Glossary Definition
Last Updated: 2012-10-16
Incremental measure of goodness of fit for a statistical model, which takes into account the size of the correlations in the data and the number of parameters in the model. This index provides an adjustment to the Normative Fit Index that incorporates the degrees of freedom in the model (Ullman JB, 1996).
Related terms
Ullman JB. "Structural equation modeling."
In: Tabachnick BG, Fidell LS (ed).
Using Multivariate Statistics. 5th ed.
Boston, MA:
Pearson Education Inc. 1996.
Term used in
Brownell M, Chartier M, Santos R, Ekuma O, Au W, Sarkar J, MacWilliam L, Burland E, Koseva I, Guenette W.
How are Manitoba's Children Doing?
Winnipeg, MB:
Manitoba Centre for Health Policy,
2012. [Report] [Summary] [Updates and Errata] [Additional Materials] (View)