Max Rady College of Medicine

Term: ALC (Alternate Level of Care) Reason Code

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Glossary Definition

Last Updated: 2013-10-04


In Manitoba there are five major categories (each with additional detailed codes) of ALC Reason Codes for why a patient is designated as ALC, and each patient can be assigned up to three ALC Reason Codes in one hospitalization. The major category codes are not intended to be used on their own - one of the detail codes within each group is supposed to be coded. However, some early cases are coded with only the major category code. Coding rules have since changed to avoid this in the future. The five major ALC Reason Codes are (Manitoba Health, 2010):

    "10" - Panel,
    "20" - Home Care/Community Service,
    "30" - Other Placement,
    "40" - Other Reasons, and
    "50" - Rehabilitation. (Manitoba Health, 2010)
For a list of major and detailed ALC Reason codes, please see the listing in the glossary term ALC Reason Code in Fransoo et al. (2013).

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  • Fransoo R, Martens P, The Need to Know Team, Prior H, Burchill C, Koseva I, Rajotte L. Who is in our Hospitals.and why? Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2013. [Report] [Summary] [Additional Materials] (View)
  • Manitoba Health (2010). Manitoba Abstract Manual for Hospital Use, 2010/2011. .(View)

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy

Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3P5 Canada
