Term: Accuracy

Glossary Definition

Last Updated: 2012-04-20


"... is the degree to which the information correctly describes the phenomena it was designed to measure. It is usually characterized in terms of error in statistical estimates and is traditionally decomposed into bias (systematic error) and variance (random error) components. It may also be described in terms of the major sources of error that potentially cause inaccuracy (e.g., coverage, sampling, nonresponse, response)".

Source: Statistics Canada. "Data Quality Guidelines - Defining Quality" web page - http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/12-539-x/4147797-eng.htm - accessed April 20th, 2012.

Note that for a database-specific quality assessment, measures of accuracy are applied to the entire database; whereas for a project-specific assessment, they are applied to the cohort, region, or time period that is the focus of the project. (Lix et al., 2012).

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