Max Rady College of Medicine

Type 2 Diabetes in Manitoba

Ruth C, Sellers E, Chartrand C, McLeod L, Prior H, Sirski M, Dragan R, Chen H, McDougall C, Schultz J. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2020.

This deliverable, undertaken in partnership with The First Nation Health and Social Secretariat of Manitoba provides an analysis of trends in incidence and prevalence of for all types of non-gestational diabetes from the 1985 to 2017 allowing comparison to national and international statistics. Then, using the wealth of data within the Repository, especially the Diabetes Education Resource for Children and Adolescents (DER-CA) clinical database, Manitobans diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) were identified and their outcomes over the last 6 years were described. This includes diabetes control, complications, mortality and health service use including hospitalizations, continuity of primary care and specialist care. Multiple analyses were undertaken to examine whether the care received by Manitobans living with T2DM met current guidelines. There are also a number of special analyses in cohorts of people matched to those without diabetes for childhood onset T2DM, T2DM in pregnancy, and for mental health outcomes in adults. Information is presented for different age groups, by sex, by health region and by Tribal Council Area and results were compared between registered First Nation Manitobans and all other Manitobans.


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Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
