Max Rady College of Medicine

Term list


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You are now viewing entries beginning with the letter F (page 1 (entries 1 to 20) of 5 pages)

1. Facility Fee
A fee charged by private clinics to patients for overhead and support services; also called "tray fee". As of January 1, 1999, such extra billing is prohibited by the Surgical Facilities Regulation. This fee is now paid by the Manitoba Government.
2. Factor Analysis
A statistical procedure that identifies the common variance amongst a set of observed variables (i.e., indicators), and creates a factor (i.e., index) comprised of that common variance. The factor scores are calculated with a linear equation that incorpor...
3. Factors Associated With Readmission
A series of logistic regression analyses were performed to determine which of a number of factors were related to hospital readmission within 30 days, based on the investigation and findings of previous studies (Battistella, Torabian, & Siadatan, 1997; Ca...
4. Failed
For students who wrote a standards exam, an outcome of "failed" was assigned for a mark between 0 and 49.9%.
5. Falls
Generally associated with ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes in the range E880 to E888.
6. Families First
Families First offers home visiting supports to families with children, from pregnancy to school entry. NOTE: In 2003, the screen and the home visiting program changed names from BabyFirst to Families First to better reflect a family-centered ap...
7. Families First Screen (FFS) / Screening Form
A brief measure of biological, social, and demographic risk factors. Public Health Nurses in Manitoba attempt to assess all families with newborns within a week of discharge from the hospital. Families are asked about supports and challenges, including pa...
8. Families First Screening (FFS) Data
Social data maintained by Manitoba Health (previously maintained by Healthy Child Manitoba (HCM)) that contains information about biological, social, and demographic risk factors that Manitoba families with children may be exposed to. The screen captures ...
9. Family Physician (FP) / Family Physicians
Physicians who operate a family practice and are not certified in another specialty in Manitoba. Such physicians are identified by a code in MCHP's physician data. Previously referred to as a General Practitioner (GP) or Family Practitioner (FP), thes...
10. Family Physician With Non-Ambulatory Care Focus
Practitioners who focus their practice (i.e., 70% or more of billings) on serving hospital patients (e.g., surgical assistants or inpatients) and/or nursing home residents.
11. Family Practitioner
Physician specialty of general practice or primary care, as recorded in the physician supply database which identifies the physician specialty classification. NOTE: The term "Family Practitioner" is no longer being used in MCHP research. The t...
12. Family Receiving Provincial Income Assistance (IA)
All children living within a family unit that was receiving income assistance (IA) were identified. Once children turn 18 years of age they are no longer considered dependents and may thereafter apply for their own income assistance. The crude and adjust...
13. Family Registration Number (REGNO) / (REGNO_CODE)
See Registration Number (REGNO) / (REGNO_CODE) glossary term.
14. Family Relief
Care provided at home for short periods during the week; provides relief to family caregivers to permit them time to shop, attend to business or to obtain needed rest. Such care is not available to licensed/approved family care/boarding care/guest homes.
15. Family Size
concept/Social Determinants of Health-SDOH-Digital Library-Image.jpg The number of individuals in a family according to the Manitoba Health Registry (REGNO). T...
16. Family Stress Checklist (FSC)
In the second stage of the BabyFirst screening process, families scoring "at-risk" on the BabyFirst Screen are assessed for caregiving difficulties by public health nurses with a semi-structured interview known as the Family Stress Checklist. Families sco...
17. Family Structure, Registry
concept/Social Determinants of Health-SDOH-Digital Library-Image.jpg The structure of a family was derived from the Manitoba Health Insurance Registry data us...
18. Family-managed Care
Modeled after the self-managed care program. Started on a trial basis in 1997/98.
19. FAS
acronym for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
20. Feasibility Study
Also known as pilot studies, these are used to help researchers determine whether or not to proceed with a new research project. For more information, please see the

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
