Max Rady College of Medicine

Term list


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You are now viewing entries beginning with the letter O (page 3 (entries 41 to 60) of 4 pages)

41. Osteoporosis Prevalence
The percent of residents aged 50 and older with osteoporosis in a three-year period. Please see the Osteoporosis concept for more information on how this is defined, including the ICD codes and medications used...
42. OTC Medications
acronym for Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications
43. Other Disorders
In this report, "Other Disorders" was defined as the presence of one or more ICD-9-CM code for any psychiatric condition, in either hospital discharge abstracts or medical services/physician claims data, except those who fit the descriptions used in this ...
44. Other Hospitals
All other hospitals (excluding target hospitals and Winnipeg hospitals), including smaller rural hospitals, as well as out of province hospitals and nursing stations.
45. Other Mental Health Disorders
Mental health disorders that include pediatric behavioural disorders, organic states and mental disorders attributable to addiction and mental retardation. The ICD-9-CM codes range from 290-294, 302-305, 310, 317-319.
46. Other Specialist Visits
This indicator counts the number of ambulatory visits to specialist physicians, as defined in Chartier et al. (2015). In this research, specialist physicians included: internal medicine (MD Bloc 01), psychiatry (MD Bloc 03), general surgery (MD Bloc 0...
47. Out of Hospital (OOH)
A flag used to indicate an intervention that was performed in an outpatient basis of one hospital while a patient is currently admitted as an inpatient in another hospital. For example, a patient currently admitted to a Small Rural hospital may require an...
48. Out of Province (OOP)
Out of province (OOP) may be used in two ways: it may refer to OOP patients - those who are admitted to a Manitoba hospital, but do not live in Manitoba, or it may refer to OOP hospitalizations - when Manitoba residents are admitted to ...
49. Out of Province Unique Identifier (OOPUI)
An identifier assigned to non-Manitobans in the WICUDB allowing for the identification of individuals in that database. Each time a record is added to the WICUDB for a non-Manitoban, a search is done by name and date of birth to identify prior WICUDB reco...
50. Outcome / Health Outcomes Quality Indicators (QIs)
Indicators of quality care reflect the consequences of care by evaluating the health status of individuals. (Campbell et al., 2000).
51. Outcome Assessment
A methodology to assess (health) outcomes and evaluate the effectiveness of hospital activities.
52. Outcome Measures
Reflect the consequences of care rather than the components of care. One of three key categories of measurement of quality of care, its two main domains are health status and user evaluation. The other categories are process measures and structure.
53. Outpatient
This term has different definitions in MCHP research. The majority use definition 1, or a slight variation of this defintion ... A patient who receives treatment or surgery from a hospital, but who is not admitted as an inpatient (Finlayso...
54. Outpatient Encounters
Includes visits or treatment provided by hospitals to patients on an outpatient basis.
55. Outpatient Hospital Care
Hospital care (e.g. chemotherapy, surgery) provided on an outpatient basis.
56. Outpatient Hospital Expenditures
The amount of money spent by a hospital that is attributable to outpatient services / departments.
57. Outpatient Surgical Care
Outpatient cases (day care with zero day length of stay) for surgical care recognized as falling into a surgical DRG category. Surgical procedures that could have been alternately performed on an inpatient basis like cataract surgery and hernia repair ar...
58. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications
Medications legally available without a physician prescription. Examples of OTC medications include acetaminophen, Tylenol, aspirin, and multivitamins.
59. Overall Acuity During Peak Flu Period
Analyses at MCHP have demonstrated seasonal patterns in the numbers of patients in hospital at Winnipeg acute care hospitals. Examining the patterns found that high-pressure periods leading to bed shortages consistently occurred during the winter months, ...
60. Ovulation
"Normal process of discharging a mature ovum from an ovary approximately 14 days prior to the onset of menses." (Olds SB et al., 2004).

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Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
