Max Rady College of Medicine

Term list


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You are now viewing entries beginning with the letter P (page 14 (entries 261 to 280) of 17 pages)

261. Preventive Services Index
See Preventive Care Index (PCI).
262. Price-Adjusted Billings
The assignment of a standardized price to each tariff code for all fiscal years, used to understand temporal changes in billings.
263. Primary Care
"Many types of care you receive can be described as primary care. For example, primary care refers to those times when you receive a diagnosis, treatment or help with a health problem, or even when a health care provider talks with you about staying healt...
264. Primary Care Physician (PCP)
A general practitioner or family physician who assesses, diagnoses, and treats common illnesses and who typically serves as a patient's first contact with the healthcare system (Orgain, 2009). NOTE: The term General Practitioner (GP) is no long...
265. Primary care practice-based research
Research that is grounded in, informed by, and intended to improve primary care practice with the goal of improving the health of patients.
266. Primary care practice-based research networks
Practice-based research networks composed primarily of primary care clinicians that focus their research and development activities on issues relevant to the primary care of patients.
267. Primary Care Providers
In MCHP research, primary care providers include Family Physicians (FP) and Nurse Practitioners that provide pr...
268. Primary care research
Research directed at understanding and improving the primary care function as defined by the Institute of Medicine ("the provision of integrated, accessible healthcare services by clinicians that are accountable for addressing a large majority of personal...
269. Primary Care Utilization
The population's use of primary care services as measured by the number of primary care visits.
270. Primary Data Sources
Sources of data that provide data to answer specific hypothetical questions. An example would be an audit of randomly selected hospital charts. Primary data sources are also used by health services research, frequently in conjunction with secondary data i...
271. Primary Diagnosis
Also known as the "most responsible diagnosis", this is the discharge diagnosis most responsible for the length of a patient's hospital stay. Used in Canada. Studies have shown a 98% equivalence rate for AMI, comparing with the term "principal diagnosis" ...
272. Primary Health Care (PHC)
In Manitoba, "the first level of contact with the health system where services are mobilized to promote health, prevent illnesses, care for common illnesses, and manage ongoing health problems." (Manitoba Health, 2006). For more information, see the
273. Primary Migration
concept/Social Determinants of Health-SDOH-Digital Library-Image.jpg First migration of an individual to a new country (e.g. Canada) directly from the country of ...
274. Primary Prevention
Prevention of disease or mental disorders in susceptible individuals or populations through promotion of health, and specific protection, as in immunization, as distinguished from the prevention of complications or after-effects of existing disease. Preve...
275. Primary Series
The first unit of recommended vaccinations. Manitoba's immunization schedule recommends immunization with DTaP-IPV-Hib (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, and Haemophilus influenzae type B) at two, four, six, and 18 months. These five antigens ...
276. Primary Service Code
The service code indicating the primary service a patient received.
277. Primigravida
"A woman who is pregnant for the first time". (Olds SB et al., 2004).
278. Primipara
"A woman who has had one birth at more than 20 weeks' gestation, regardless of whether the infant is born alive or dead." (Olds SB et al., 2004).
279. Primiparous
See Primipara glossary term.
280. Principal Components Analysis
A method of factor analysis in which the total variance in a data set of many variables is analysed. That is, every variable contributes all of its variance (the sum of each score's squared difference from the mean) in an attempt to identify an underlying...

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Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
