Max Rady College of Medicine

Describing Patient Populations for the My Health Team Initiative - Supplementary Content

The supplementary content for this report includes a Report Supplement document and a set of Supplementary Data Files.

Report Supplement (PDF)

The MCHP report Describing Patient Populations for the My Health Team Initiative contains some of the key indicators of health, health service use, and social determinants of health for the existing and projected My Health Team (MyHT) areas in Manitoba.

The on-line Report Supplement (PDF) complements the report by including additional details on the creation of the cohorts, the indicator definitions, the methods used to analyse the data.  Detailed results for all indicators for each MyHT are presented in the Supplementary Data files and outlined in the Report Supplement.

Supplementary Data Files

The Supplementary Data files contain rates or proportions for the various indicators for each My Health Team and are available in downloadable Excel files. Small numbers have been suppressed (denoted by ‘s’). For each indicator, a list of the worksheets in the Excel file is provided. These files can be used to create figures or tables for visualization of the data. In the case that these data and/or the accompanying text are used in a presentation or publication, proper attribution of credit for the research should be included by making reference to this report.

NOTE: Each of the individual Supplementary Data files are available below. The entire set of Excel and "Map" (jpg) files are available to download in one "ZIP" file: Supplementary Data Files - ZIP file (ZIP)

How to cite these supplements:

Chateau D, Katz A, Metge C, Taylor C, McDougall C, McCulloch S. Describing Patient Populations for the My Health Team Initiative. Winnipeg, MB. Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, Fall 2017 Suppl.

My Health Team Geographies

Patient Populations within the My Health Team Boundaries

Indicators of High Use of Health Services

  • File 12. Ambulatory Visits to Primary Care (XLSX)
    • Concentration Curve
    • Graph of Rates of High Users (10+ visits)
    • Table of Rates of High Users
    • Age Distribution of High Users
    • Sex Distribution of High Users
    • Income Quintile Distribution of High Users
  • File 14. Number of Hospitalizations (XLSX)
    • Concentration Curve
    • Graph of Rates of High Users (3+ hospitalizations)
    • Table of Rates of High Users
    • Age Distribution of High Users
    • Sex Distribution of High Users
    • Income Quintile Distribution of High Users
  • File 15. Number of Hospital Days (XLSX)
    • Concentration Curve
    • Graph of Rates of High Users (30+ hospital days)
    • Table of Rates of High Users
    • Age Distribution of High Users
    • Sex Distribution of High Users
    • Income Quintile Distribution of High Users

Indicators of Medical Complexity

  • File 19. Polypharmacy (XLSX)
    • Concentration Curve
    • Graph of Rates of Medically Complex Patients (10+ Drugs)
    • Table of Rates of Medically Complex Patients
    • Age Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
    • Sex Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
    • Income Quintile Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
  • File 20. Major Mental Health Diagnosis (XLSX)
    • Graph of Rates of Medically Complex Patients (ever diagnosed with a disorder with symptoms of psychosis)
    • Table of Rates of Medically Complex Patients
    • Age Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
    • Sex Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
    • Income Quintile Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
  • File 21. Substance Use Disorder (XLSX)
    • Graph of Rates of Medically Complex Patients (1+ hospitalization or 1+ physician visit with substance use disorder diagnosis)
    • Table of Rates of Medically Complex Patients
    • Age Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
    • Sex Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
    • Income Quintile Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
  • File 22. Resource Utilization Bands (RUBs)
    • Graph of Rates of Medically Complex Patients (RUB 4 or 5)
    • Table of Rates of Medically Complex Patients
    • Age Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
    • Sex Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
    • Income Quintile Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
  • File 23. Multiple Specialists (Non-Psychiatric)
    • Graph of Rates of Medically Complex Patients (3+ specialists in 1 year for those without cancer, 5+ specialists in 1 year for those with cancer)
    • Table of Rates of Medically Complex Patients
    • Age Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
    • Sex Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
    • Income Quintile Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
  • File 24. Specialist Visit for Psychiatric Care (XLSX)
    • Graph of Rates of Medically Complex Patients (1+ visit)
    • Table of Rates of Medically Complex Patients
    • Age Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
    • Sex Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
    • Income Quintile Distribution of Medically Complex Patients
  • File 26. Physical Health Medical Complexity Composite Index (XLSX)
    • Graph of Rates of Physical Health Medically Complex Patients
    • Table of Rates of Physical Health Medically Complex Patients
    • Age Distribution of Physical Health Medically Complex Patients
    • Sex Distribution of Physical Health Medically Complex Patients
    • Income Quintile Distribution of Physical Health Medically Complex Patients
  • File 27. Mental Health Medical Complexity Composite Index (XLSX)
    • Graph of Rates of Mental Health Medically Complex Patients
    • Table of Rates of Mental Health Medically Complex Patients
    • Age Distribution of Mental Health Medically Complex Patients
    • Sex Distribution of Mental Health Medically Complex Patients
    • Income Quintile Distribution of Mental Health Medically Complex Patients

Indicators of Social Complexity

  • File 29. Child in Care (XLSX)
    • Graph of Rates of Socially Complex Patients (ever received care from Child And Family Services)
    • Table of Rates of Socially Complex Patients
  • File 30. Teen Mom (XLSX)
    • Graph of Rates of Socially Complex Patients (ever a teen mom)
    • Table of Rates of Socially Complex Patients
  • File 36. Newcomer (XLSX)
    • Graph of Rates of Socially Complex Patients (newcomer)
    • Table of Rates of Socially Complex Patients
  • File 42. Social Complexity Composite Index (XLSX)
    • Graph of Rates of Socially Complex Patients
    • Table of Rates of Socially Complex Patients
    • Age Distribution of Socially Complex Patients
    • Sex Distribution of Socially Complex Patients
    • Income Quintile Distribution of Socially Complex Patients

Overlap of High Use of Services, Medical Complexity, and Social Complexity

  • File 44. Overlap of High Use of Services, Medical Complexity, and Social Complexity (XLSX)
    • Overlap across the Three Types of Patients based on Physical Health Medical Complexity Composite Indices (residence-based cohort)
    • Overlap across the Three Types of Patients based on Physical Health Medical Complexity Composite Indices (provider-based cohort)
    • Overlap across the Three Types of Patients based on Mental Health Medical Complexity Composite Indices (residence-based cohort)
    • Overlap across the Three Types of Patients based on Mental Health Medical Complexity Composite Indices (provider-based cohort)

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
