Max Rady College of Medicine

Term: Age-Appropriate Grade Placement

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Glossary Definition

Last Updated: 2007-06-12


In Manitoba, age-appropriate grade placement depends on both the month and year in which a child is born. Currently, for a child to be age-appropriately placed in Grade 1, the child must turn 6 by December 31st of their Grade 1 year. The age-appropriate range for children entering Grade 1 would be from the youngest age-appropriately placed children who turned 6 on December 31st of their Grade 1 year to the oldest age-appropriately placed children who turned 6 on January 1st prior to entering Grade 1. In other words, the appropriate age for determining when a child should enter Grade 1 would be in the fall of the calendar year, as opposed to the school year in which the child is expected to turn 6.

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University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
