Max Rady College of Medicine

Concept: School Year (Education) Data

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Concept Description

Last Updated: 2009-08-11


    NOTE: This concept contains analytical information about the contents of the Education data up until the year 2007/2008, when the data was initially received at MCHP. This includes detailed description of the school year data from 1995/1996 to 2006/2007. The concept was last updated in August 2009, so some of the information may be out-of-date. Please see the Related Concepts and Terms sections below for access to more specific, up-to-date information.

    This concept describes some of the school year data and education information that is available from the MCHP Data Repository. This includes a table of the type of school year data that is available for each year, as well as links to detailed information, analyses, and discussion of the yearly data. The type of education information that is available includes:

    • enrollment by school type, either including adult learners or excluding adult learners
    • enrollment by grade
    • enrollment in grade 12 by 17 years of age
    • enrollment in S4 University Preparation math courses, and
    • graduation rates by University Preparation math course enrollment
    • Grade 9 - 12 course marks for each student
    • Grade 3 Language Arts Standards and Grade 3 Math Standards test results
    • Grade 12 Language Arts Standards Tests - test status results and the range of marks
    • Grade 12 Math Standards Tests - test status results and the range of marks


    This is our second endeavor to describe in detail the year-to-year school data. Please note:
    1. Not all of the information described above is available for each year. For example, the grade 12 Language Arts Standards Tests were not administered during the 2000 academic year (2000/2001 school year).
    2. The first two years of data, 1995/1996 and 1996/1997 are only partially complete, meaning not all the education data is available for all registered students.

    Additional information related to the education data is available:

School Year Data - Summary of Information Available

    Enrollment data for each school year is available from 1995/96 to 2007/08.

    However for some years, the data is only partially complete or not available at all. For example, only partial data is available for the 1995/1996 and 1996/1997 school years. In addition, the grade 12 Language Arts Standards Test and grade 12 Math Standards Tests are not available for the 2000/2001 school year because they were not conducted. The following table identifies the type of school year data available and describes how complete the data is.

    Type of School Year Data Available
    Description of the Available Data
    Enrollment By School Type (including Adult Learners) (1) - partial data for 1995/1996 and 1996/1997
    - complete data from 1997/1998 through 2007/2008
    Enrollment By School Type (excluding Adult Learners) (1) - partial data for 1995/1996 and 1996/1997
    - complete data from 1997/1998 through 2007/2008
    Enrollment By Grade - partial data for 1995/1996 and 1996/1997
    - complete data from 1997/1998 through 2007/2008
    Enrollment in Grade 12 By 17 Years of Age (1) - partial data for 1995/1996 and 1996/1997
    - complete data from 1997/1998 through 2007/2008
    Enrollment in S4 University Preparation Math Course (1) - partial data for 1995/1996 and 1996/1997
    - complete data from 1997/1998 through 2006/2007
    - no data for 2007/2008 (yet)
    Graduation Rates By University Preparation Math Course Enrollment (1) - complete data from 1998/1999 through 2006/2007
    - no data from 1995/1996 to 1997/1998
    - no data for 2007/2008 (yet)
    Grades 9 - 12 Course Marks for each student (2) - complete for 1995/1996 to 2006/2007
    - no data for 2007/2008 (yet)
    Grade 3 Language Arts Standards Test results - data available for 1998/1999 only
    Grade 3 Math Standards Test results - data available for 1997/1998 and 1998/1999 only
    Grade 12 Language Arts Standards Test (Test Status Results) - complete data from 1995/1996 through 2006/2007, except for 2000/2001
    Grade 12 Language Arts Standards Test (Range of Marks) (1) - complete data from 1995/1996 through 2006/2007, except for 2000/2001
    Grade 12 Math Standards Test (Test Status Results) - complete for 1995/1996 to 2007/2008, except for partial data in 1999/2000 and no data in 2000/2001
    Grade 12 Math Standards Test (Range of Marks) (1) - complete for 1995/1996 to 2007/2008, except for partial data in 1999/2000 and no data in 2000/2001

    (1) - MCHP computed measure.
    (2) - the majority of failing course marks are not recorded in the Education marks data.

Detailed Descriptions of School Year Data

    Note: Access to detailed information and discussion of the education data for each individual school year is available through the links provided below. These individual documents represent a preliminary look at and discussion of each year of education data.

School Types

    The following school types are identified in the school year data:
    • institutional
    • First Nations (formerly Band-Operated)
    • evening and summer
    • independent non-funded
    • Hutterite
    • independent funded, and
    • public/other

Grade Levels

    The following grade levels are identified in the school year data:
    • 01-08
    • S1-S4 (grade 9-12)
    • kindergarten
    • nursery
    • special elementary
    • special secondary

Cautions and Limitations

    For more specific information about this data set, please read the cautions, limitations and notes discussed and described in the individual yearly documents.

Related concepts 

Related terms 



  • education
  • Educational Measurement

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
