Max Rady College of Medicine

Term: Aboriginal and Northern Affairs Development Canada (AANDC)

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Glossary Definition

Last Updated: 2012-11-05


Aboriginal and Northern Affairs Development Canada (AANDC) is "A federal government department that is responsible for meeting the obligations and commitments of the Government of Canada to First Nations, Inuit and Métis, and for fulfilling the constitutional responsibilities of the federal government in the North. Programs [coordinated by Aboriginal and Northern Affairs Development Canada] are delivered through partnerships with aboriginal communities and federal-provincial or federal-territorial agreements. [This department] often works with Aboriginal people, Métis and Non-Status Indians" (Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, 2010). AANDC was previously referred to as Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC).

For more information, please read the Activities and Responsibilities section of the Aboriginal and Northern Affairs Development Canada (AANDC) web site.

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Term used in 

  • Heaman M, Kingston D, Helewa M, Brownell M, Derksen S, Bogdanovic B, McGowan K, Bailly A. Perinatal Services and Outcomes in Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2012. [Report] [Summary] [Updates and Errata] (View)

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
