Max Rady College of Medicine

Term: Physician Integrated Network (PIN) Data

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Glossary Definition

Last Updated: 2014-10-14


The Physician Integrated Network (PIN) data contains information about patient visits to family-practice clinics participating in PIN. This includes information such as patient demographics, prescriptions, dates of tests and lab work, and medical advice offered. Clinical data are collected directly from each PIN clinic's electronic medical record (EMR). The EMR extract is used by Manitoba Health, Healthy Living and Seniors to provide the clinic with Quality Based Incentive Funding (QBIF). The PIN EMR extract data is thus believed to be high quality because of the direct link with remuneration.

NOTE: The Physician Integrated Network (PIN) data is project specific and therefore does not have a data description available on the external MCHP web site.

For more information on the Physician Integrated Network (PIN) data, see:

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  • Katz A, Chateau D, Bogdanovic B, Taylor C, McGowan K-L, Rajotte L, Dziadek J. Physician Integrated Network: A Second Look. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2014. [Report] [Summary] [Updates and Errata] (View)

Term used in 

  • Katz A, Bogdanovic B, Soodeen R. Physician Integrated Network Baseline Evaluation: Linking Electronic Medical Records and Administrative Data. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2010. [Report] [Summary] (View)

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
