Max Rady College of Medicine

Deliverables: Human Resources

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Revisiting Primary Care Provider Projection Models
Katz A, Chateau D, Taylor C, Koseva I
The 2009 MCHP Deliverable, Physician Resource Projection Models, developed a novel methodology for predicting resource needs for family doctors for Manitoba. The projections were based on previous patterns of services provided by family physicians over 30 years and population projections for Manitoba as a whole for 2015 and 2020. This deliverable validated the methodology by comparing the projections to the current reality. Updated analyses add nurse practitioners to the models as well as analyses at the local level with projections to 2025.
Report (PDF)
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Physician Resource Projection Models
Katz A, Bogdanovic B, Ekuma O, Soodeen RA, Chateau D, Burnett C
This project will provide scenarios that incorporate different assumptions that have an impact on the demand for physicians in four key areas identified by Manitoba Health: Family Medicine, Pediatrics, General Surgery and Orthopedic Surgery. Two sets of models will be developed: (1) models that will project the service needs of the population given various characteristics, e.g., age, sex, socioeconomic status, comorbidities; (2) models that will project the number of services that can be provided by the physician workforce given their characteristics, e.g., age, sex, number of years since graduation, average workloads, etc. MCHP will use historical data housed in the Population Health Research Data Repository to develop and test these models. The output of the project will not be a definitive answer to the question: "How many physicians are needed in Manitoba?" but will provide tools that can be used by Manitoba Health and potentially other organizations, such as the University of Manitoba's Faculty of Medicine to project supply and demand under different conditions.
Report (PDF)
Summary (PDF)


Profiling Primary Care Physician Practice in Manitoba
Frohlich N, Katz A, De Coster C, Dik N, Soodeen RA, Watson D, Bogdanovic B
This is an initial exploration of a new methodolgy designed to compare family practices in Manitoba. Five measures (indicators) cover three main aspects of family practice: type of care (1 indicator), volume (2 indicators) and quality (2 indicators).
Report (PDF)
Summary (PDF)


Supply, Availability and Use of Family Physicians in Winnipeg
Watson D, Bogdanovic B, Heppner P, Katz A, Reid RJ, Roos NP
In just over a decade, Manitobans have gone from concerns about having too many doctors to anxieties about a possible shortage. What changed? To find out, this report looks at family physicians in Winnipeg over the last ten years.(
Report (PDF)
Summary (PDF)


Needs-Based Planning for Manitoba's Generalist Physicians
Roos NP, Fransoo R, Bogdanovic B, Friesen D, Frohlich N, Carriere KC, Patton D, Wall R
How many doctors does Manitoba have and how many does it need? We estimated the need for physicians, based on the population's age, gender, health and socio-economic mix, and then compared need with supply.
Report (PDF)


Utilization of Physician Resources. Volume I: Key Findings
Tataryn DJ, Roos NP, Black C
Report (PDF)
Utilization of Physician Resources. Volume II: Methods and Tables
Tataryn DJ, Roos NP, Black C
Report (PDF)

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
