Max Rady College of Medicine

Term list


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You are now viewing entries beginning with the letter A (page 11 (entries 201 to 216) of 11 pages)

201. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) / Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
A neurobehavioral developmental disorder that is characterized by a persistent pattern of impulsiveness, hyperactivity and absence of attention in children. The disorder is often identified during school ages and symptoms may continue into adulthood. ADH...
202. Atypical Diagnostic Coding Index (ADCI)
This Index identifies the extent to which a family physician's diagnostic codings across Dino-Clusters are distributed atypically compared to their peers.
203. Atypical Patient
In case mix classification systems, patients are categorized as typical or atypical based on several criteria. An atypical patient is one where the hospitalization involves a transfer, sign-out against medical advice, ends in death, includes non-acute day...
204. Atypical Stay
This is usually a non-typical inpatient. Generally an atypical stay is based on length of stay in hospital compared to the average for a given CMG™, DRG™ or RDRG®.
205. Atypically Long Stay
Defined as over 30, 60 or 90 days, depending on the medical, surgical, or obstetrical category of the RDRG® program.
206. Augmentation of Labour
Labour Augmentation is the act of stimulating labour contractions to speed up the birthing process when labour slows down or stops. The chemical oxytocin is administered to the mother intravenously to attempt to resume labour. Note that augmentation of la...
207. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
A pervasive developmental disorder that typically affects a person's social interactions and ability to communicate, and may be evident by repetitive behaviours or a strong attachment to a routine. The severity ranges from mild to severe and it includes d...
208. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - Rehabilitation Centre for Children (RCC) Data
The Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - Rehabilitation Centre for Children (RCC) data held in the Manitoba Population Research Data Repository (MPRDR) contains some client demographic information and a date of ASD diagnosis. The data is related to services p...
209. Average Cost Per Weighted Case (ACWC or ACPWC)
See Cost Per Weighted Case (CPWC or CWC)
210. Average Costing
One of two common ways to estimate patient health care costs. Total inpatient expenditures are divided by a measure of total patient services. The estimate can be defined per case, per service, or per workload unit.
211. Average Daily Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables - (CCHS Survey Data)
Canada's Food Guide recommends that children should eat 4-6 servings of fruits or vegetables daily, and teenagers and adults should eat 7-8 servings of fruits or vegetables daily as part of a healthy diet. One serving means ½ cup of fresh, frozen or can...
212. Average Household Income (Neighbourhood Income)
The average household income is the mean income of households at the neighbourhood level from the Canadian Census. In the census, a household refers to all persons who live within the same dwelling, regardless of their relationship to each other. Househol...
213. Average Length of Home Care Case
The average number of days cases are registered in the Home Care program over a five-year period.
214. Average Length of Stay (ALOS)
The mean number of days of care for inpatient hospitalizations for residents of a given region. Calculated by dividing total number of hospital days for residents of a given region for the fiscal year by total number of inpatient hospital separations duri...
215. Avoidable Hospitalization For Immunizable and Preventable Infections
Hospitalization for primary diagnosis of: congenital syphilis, whooping cough (ICD-9-CM code=033) in children > 3 months old (principal or secondary diagnosis); measles (055), mumps (072), rubella (056) in children > 1 years old; tetanus (037); polio (045...
216. Avoidable Hospitalizations
A set of 12 conditions / diagnoses "for which hospitalization can be avoided if ambulatory care is provided in a timely and effective manner". (Weissman et al. 1992.). There are specific ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes defined for this.

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University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
