Max Rady College of Medicine

Term list


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You are now viewing entries beginning with the letter S (page 11 (entries 201 to 215) of 11 pages)

201. Suppressed
See Data Suppression. In Fransoo et al. (2013), data were also suppressed if the length of stay in hospital was one day or less. Data in some tables were suppressed when the actual count was zero.
202. Suppression
See Data Suppression.
203. Surgery - Time To / From
Describes how pre-operative and post-operative length of stay is calculated.
204. Surgery Dates
The hospital discharge abstract contains space for recording information (e.g.: surgery code and date of surgery) during a hospital stay as either inpatient or outpatient. For data up to the end of fiscal year 2003/04, this includes up to 12 procedures us...
205. Surgical Conditions
One of three categories used when dividing inpatient hospital care according to variability. It includes both pediatric and adult inpatient (but not outpatient) surgical cases, that as a group, typically show less variability than high variation medical c...
206. Surgical Days
The number of days in hospital that a patient is assessed as a surgical patient, according to the most responsible diagnosis.
207. Surgical Facilities Regulation
Came into affect January 1, 1999 under the Health Services Insurance Act. It prohibits private clinics from extra billing of patients for overhead and support services. Instead, the Manitoba Government will pay facility fees for all medically insured serv...
208. Surgical Intervention (Cancer Treatment)
Surgical intervention is a type of cancer treatment that uses surgical procedures (e.g.: biopsy, destruction or removal of tissue) to manage or treat certain types of cancer. For more information, including the ICD-9-CM and CCI codes used to identify t...
209. Surgical Outpatients
Patients who receive surgical care as an outpatient (i.e. care that falls into one of the surgical DRG categories). Includes surgical procedures that could have been alternately performed on an inpatient basis (e.g. cataract surgery and hernia repair), bu...
210. Surgical Service Type
An inpatient hospitalization where the main reason for the hospital stay was an intervention for treatment of a disease or injury. In Fransoo et al. (2013), Surgical hospitalizations were defined by Surgical Case Mix Group (CMG™) codes. See
211. Survey Data
Collected through a research design in which a sample of subjects is drawn from a population and studied (usually interviewed) to make inferences about the population.
212. Survey Data Used at MCHP
Data from several publicly accessible surveys have been used in MCHP research. These include: Canada Census Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) ** Manitoba Heart Health Survey (MHHS)National Longitudinal Survey of Child...
213. Survival Analysis
Analysis of data that deals with time until the occurrence of any well-defined event, such as death.
214. SVS
acronym for Status Verification System (SVS) files
215. Syphilis
Infectious disease that may be transmitted through sexual contact, contaminated needles, or may be transmitted in utero. Symptoms can occur within a few weeks or a couple of months after infection. The first symptom may be a painless, open sore or ulcer (...

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
