Term: Population Pyramid (Population Profile)

Glossary Definition

Last Updated: 2020-06-22


A graphic representation of the age and sex distribution of a population. The percentage of the population within each five-year age bracket is shown for both males and females.

Most developing countries of the world will have a population pyramid triangular in shape, indicating a very young population, with few people in the oldest age brackets. This population would have a high birth rate, high death rate and low life expectancy. Most developed industrial countries have a population pyramid that looks more rectangular with the young and middle-aged people representing similar and smaller percentages of the population, and many more elderly people in the "top part" of the pyramid. This reflects a population with a stable fertility and mortality pattern, usually with low fertility, low mortality, and long life expectancy. In instances of an aging and relatively healthy population, the "pyramid" could actually constrict at its base, showing low birth rates and a high proportion of older adults (Martens et al., 2010).

To view the population pyramids developed for specific MCHP research, please click on the desired pyramid in the Links section below.

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