Term: Addiction Severity Index (ASI)

Glossary Definition

Last Updated: 2015-10-13


The Addiction Severity Index (ASI) is a validated, standardized tool used frequently with adults seeking treatment for substance-use problems and has been used both for treatment planning and outcome evaluation. It was modified for use with pregnant and postpartum women by P-CAP (the Parent-Child Assistance Program (PCAP) of Seattle, Washington). The ASI intake and exit interviews are conducted with program participants by the Manitoba InSight Mentoring Program Coordinator (see the Insight Mentoring Program (IFASD) Data glossary term for more information).

The ASI Intake Interview Part A is typically administered within a few weeks of joining the program and the exit interview is administered either at program graduation (after 36 months) or any time after 30 months if it is thought that the participant will not be available at program exit. Data collected at these two points in time are nearly identical, and allow for a pre-post-test design. There are approximately 150 questions for each interview, which cover the following areas: demographic information, medical status, mental health status, employment and education, history of alcohol and drug use, legal history, family and childhood history, family and social relationships, family planning, birth control, past pregnancies, and community services used.

The ASI Intake Interview Part B is specific to pregnancy experiences and birth outcomes of the target child. It is completed after delivery of the infant or the end of the pregnancy. For postpartum women this would be at program intake; for pregnant women this could be up to several months after the first part of the interview (Part A) is conducted. Since 2001 there have been minor modifications to these forms.

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