Max Rady College of Medicine

Term list


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You are now viewing entries beginning with the letter U (page 1 (entries 1 to 20) of 2 pages)

1. Unadjusted Rates
See Crude Rate
2. Under Age Five Mortality
An indicator of death among infants and children under age five. This indicator is calculated by the number of deaths per 1,000 children under age five, in each time period. Rates of death under the age of five is seen as an indicator of health status, le...
3. Unemployment Rate
A measure of all persons who are part of the labour force and who are not working, expressed as a percentage of the total labour force.
4. Unemployment Status
Statistics Canada defined unemployed persons as those persons aged 25-44, excluding institutional residents who, during the week (Sunday to Saturday) prior to Census Day (1996), were without paid work and were available for work and either: (a) had active...
5. Unintentional Injury Causing Death
Unintentional injuries are defined as any death recorded in the Vital Statistics Registry with any ICD–10–CA code in the chapter ‘External Causes of Morbidity and Mortality’ (codes V01–Y98), but excluding the ICD–10–CA codes related to suici...
6. Units Dispensed
The number of natural units dispensed. These units are typically pills or tablets, and vary in strength.
7. University of Manitoba Student Data
The University of Manitoba Student data consists of student level data, including demographics, applications, high school information, university courses and grades, terms attended, and awards and degrees earned. For more information on University of M...
8. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
"The upper respiratory tract consists of the nose, nasal cavity, larynx, and trachea, as well as some of the sinuses and air cells. Upper respiratory tract infections include the common cold (rhinitis), influenza, laryngitis (inflammation of the voice box...
9. Urban Area
Statistics Canada defines an area as urban if it has attained a population concentration of at least 1,000, and a population density greater than 400 persons per square km.
10. Urban Community Hospitals
A general category within hospital types that includes the five Winnipeg Community hospitals (Concordia, Grace, Misericordia, Seven Oaks and Victoria hospitals) as well as Brandon General Hospital. See the Hospital...
11. Urban or Rural Residence
Individulas living in Winnipeg or Brandon have an urban residence. Individuals living elsewhere in Manitoba have a rural residence.
12. Urban Regional Health Authorities (RHAs)
An aggregate geographical area, co-developed by MCHP and The Need To Know Team for use in MCHP research, which includes the two urban Regional Health Authorities in Manitoba: Winnipeg and Brandon.
13. Urgent Admission
Patient whose condition requires immediate assessment, but for whom delayed action would be threatening to life. Proper treatment should commence within a few hours.
14. Urgent Care (UC) Centre
A 24-hour walk-in healthcare program at the Misericordia Health Centre in Winnipeg that specializes in handling non life-threatening medical emergencies.
15. Urgent Care - 3M/National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS) Data
The Urgent Care - National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS) data contains information on urgent care services (NACRS data submission level 3) delivered at the Misericordia Health Centre in Winnipeg, including admission, discharge and transfers (AD...
16. Urgent Procedure
Any procedure associated with an urgent hospital admission.
17. Use of / Access to Physicians / Primary Care Providers
The percent of area residents who received at least one ambulatory visit to a physician / primary care provider during a fiscal year. Ambulatory visits include virtually all contacts with physicians / providers, except during inpatient hospitalization. V...
18. Use of Hospitals / Access to Hospitals
The percent of area residents who were admitted to an acute care hospital at least once in a fiscal year. All inpatient hospitalizations of area residents were included regardless of the location of the hospital; day surgery and outpatient services are ex...
19. Use of Infertility Drugs Prior to a Live Birth
This indicator identifies the number of women, aged 18-44, having a live birth following the use of any drug (see list below) for ovulation induction or controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in the two years prior to giving birth. The indicator was calcula...
20. Use of Personal Care Home (PCH) Beds
Utilization analyses based on where PCH residents are living based on the distribution of available Personal Care Home (PCH) Beds.

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
