Max Rady College of Medicine

Term list


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You are now viewing entries beginning with the letter M (page 9 (entries 161 to 180) of 12 pages)

161. MHMIS
acronym for Mental Health Management Information System (MHMIS)
162. MHSC
acronym for Manitoba Health Services Commission (MHSC)
163. MHSIP
acronym for Manitoba Health Services Insurance Plan (MHSIP)
164. MI
acronym for Myocardial Infarction (MI)
165. Micro-Costing
One of two common ways to estimate health care costs. Resources used by a specific patient are identified, traced to the patient and valued at a typical unit cost or price. It requires detailed knowledge of how individual patients are treated and cannot n...
166. Micro-Costs
User-specific or individual costs (vs. standard or average costs). In this study, micro-costing is done for physician services and prescription drugs, where a claim with a specified cost is submitted for each service or prescription provided to individual...
167. Mid Regional Health Authorities (RHAs)
An aggregate geographical area, co-developed by MCHP and The Need To Know Team for use in MCHP research, which includes all of the RHAs in central Manitoba; Interlake, North Eastman and Parkland.
168. Middle-Loss Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
Dependence in activities of daily living typically follow a certain sequence; people first become dependent in early-loss ADLs (e.g., dressing, personal hygiene), followed by dependence in middle-loss (transfer, locomotion, toilet use), and, finally late-...
169. Midwife
See Midwifery glossary term.
170. Midwifery
In Manitoba, midwives are trained specialists who care for woman and newborns throughout pregnancy and birth. For more information, see Midwifery in Manitoba web page on the Man...
171. Midwifery Summary Reports Data
The Midwifery Summary Reports data contains summary information for all Manitoba women receiving prenatal, intrapartum, and/or postpartum care from a midwife. Information on demographics, maternal outcomes, birth outcomes, consultations, transfer of care ...
172. Migrant / Migration
concept/Social Determinants of Health-SDOH-Digital Library-Image.jpg A migrant is a person who undergoes a migration process, defined as establishing a permane...
173. MIMS
See Immunization Data / Manitoba Immunization Monitoring System (MIMS) Data.
174. Minimal Supervision
One of 13 alternate levels of care (ALC), this encompasses patients who require non-skilled care and 24 hour accessibility to support, but cannot be card for at home due to unavailable and/or unstable family or live-in support. This also includes patients...
175. Minimum Data Set (MDS)
An assessment tool in each of the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI-MDS 2.0©) and Resident Assessment Instrument-Home Care (RAI-HC©) data systems, that reports people's functional dependence and cognitive impairment, plus many other clinical a...
176. Minimum Data Set (MDS) Assessment
An assessment done using either: 1). the Long Term Care (LTC) Minimum Data Set Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI-MDS 2.0©]) or 2). the Home Care Minimum Data Set Resident Assessment Instrument-Home Care (RAI-HC©). These assessments report pe...
177. Minimum Detectable Effect Size
A minimum detectable effect is the smallest estimated true effect (i.e., group difference) that would be statistically significant at the 0.05 level using 80 percent power. In other words, it is the minimum required true difference between groups that wou...
178. MIS
acronym for Management Information System (MIS)
179. MIS Guidelines
acronym for Management Information System (MIS) Guidelines.
180. Miscarriage
See Spontaneous Abortion glossary term.

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University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
