Max Rady College of Medicine

Concept: Bed Counts - Acute Care Hospital

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Last Updated: 2001-02-22

Winnipeg Acute Care Hospital Beds

    The Monitoring the Winnipeg Hospital System: 1990/91 through 1996/97 report contains bed count information representing the acute care beds in Winnipeg hospitals. The table has been reproduced below, adding 1997 bed counts.

    Note: Current bed counts can be obtained from documents in the Links section below (internal access only) .

    Table 1: History of Acute Bed Closures at Winnipeg Hospitals
    Acute Bed Changes 1990-1996

    Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
    Total Acute Beds 3,042 3,042 3,013 2,707 2,498 2,460 2,384 2,311
    Net Changes by Type of Hospital
    Teaching 0 (29) (279) (54) (25) (17) (60) 4
    Other 0 0 (27) (155) (13) (59) (13) 0
    Total 0 (29) (306) (209) (38) (76) (73) 0
    Change % decrease 0 (1.0) (10.2)* (7.7)* (1.5) (3.1) (3) 0.002

    * These values represent the loss of available acute beds. However, many acute beds were occupied by the system; in 1993 when a further 209 acute care beds closed, 24 non-acute beds were added. The net increase in non-acute beds between 1991 and 1996 was 59 beds.

    The numbers reported in the Monitoring Winnipeg Hospital report are different than those reported in the bed map for acute care hospitals. The above table represents only acute care beds the bed map contains information on both acute care and other beds. For example the number of beds reported for April 1996 in the bed map is: 2585. The following long term care bed numbers were removed. -60 from Concordia - PCH beds -56 from Grace - LTC/PCH beds -20 from HSC - LTC beds -65 from Seven Oaks - LTC/PCH beds = 2384

    Except for some PCH beds in the acute care hospitals it is not easy to separate the patients in the long term care beds from acute beds using the hospital discharge abstract data.

Acute Care Hospital Beds by RHA

    The numbers provided below include both acute and other beds as indicated in the bed map. Federal hospitals in Burntwood and Interlake have also been included each with 16 beds. The bed counts are as of the end of the fiscal year.

    Hospital Beds by RHA
    RHA 85/86 86/87 87/88 88/89 89/90 90/91 91/92 92/93 93/94 94/95 95/96 96/97 97/98 98/99
    Brandon 430 401 401 401 393 377 381 331 319 319 299 279 289 336
    Burntwood 164 164 154 154 159 154 159 144 144 131 131 131 121 117
    Central 470 472 472 472 466 460 460 448 440 432 424 422 397 401
    Churchill 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31
    Interlake 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 210 195 194 191
    Marquette 245 245 245 245 243 245 231 231 231 227 229 227 223 223
    NOR-MAN 198 189 188 188 188 188 189 188 164 164 145 134 134 135
    North Eastman 85 85 91 91 91 91 91 88 83 80 80 80 80 80
    Parkland 359 362 362 362 362 358 358 352 351 351 295 287 246 256
    South Eastman 127 127 131 131 128 128 131 129 129 126 126 124 124 124
    South Westman 234 232 235 235 235 227 225 213 213 213 213 212 211 210
    Winnipeg 3385 3356 3297 3253 3248 3253 3208 2890 2705 2667 2550 2477 2515 2303

    Hospital Beds per 1000 Population by RHA

    RHA 85/86 86/87 87/88 88/89 89/90 90/91 91/92 92/93 93/94 94/95 95/96 96/97 97/98 98/99
    Brandon 9.56 8.81 8.73 8.70 8.28 7.94 7.99 6.96 6.80 6.85 6.43 5.97 6.24 7.16
    Burntwood 3.35 3.30 3.12 3.12 3.75 3.63 3.72 3.37 3.36 3.04 3.01 2.95 2.73 2.61
    Central 5.06 5.07 5.05 5.04 5.03 5.00 5.00 4.90 4.67 4.54 4.42 4.38 4.13 4.12
    Churchill 19.61 20.30 23.01 23.72 24.84 24.78 23.81 25.31 27.68 28.23 28.39 29.52 30.24 29.30
    Interlake 3.13 3.08 3.03 3.00 2.96 2.97 2.96 2.96 2.94 2.92 2.87 2.65 2.63 2.56
    Marquette 5.93 5.98 6.03 6.11 6.24 6.40 6.08 6.10 6.07 5.97 6.06 6.02 5.93 5.90
    NOR-MAN 8.21 8.00 8.08 8.02 7.20 7.26 7.31 7.33 6.50 6.57 5.82 5.33 5.31 5.30
    North Eastman 2.57 2.58 2.73 2.73 2.59 2.58 2.55 2.42 2.25 2.14 2.13 2.09 2.08 2.06
    Parkland 8.10 8.27 8.43 8.49 7.89 7.92 7.99 7.92 7.94 7.95 6.72 6.56 5.67 5.88
    South Eastman 2.85 2.77 2.78 2.73 2.64 2.63 2.66 2.61 2.57 2.49 2.46 2.39 2.39 2.35
    South Westman 5.82 5.84 6.01 6.10 6.44 6.30 6.29 5.99 6.00 6.02 6.04 6.05 6.09 6.04
    Winnipeg 5.39 5.30 5.17 5.06 5.02 5.00 4.91 4.43 4.18 4.12 3.96 3.86 3.93 3.56

    The populations counts are from the December snap shot of the Manitoba Health Registry.

    The question is: How do you want to count the beds?

    • Beginning of the fiscal year, end of the fiscal year, or some point in between?
    • Include only acute beds or acute and other beds?
    • Include or exclude federal and long-term care hospitals?
    • PCH beds in acute care hospitals?

    Prior to April 1997, the beds were assigned to the RHA by the postal code location of the hospital.

    Note: Numbers are representative of the end of fiscal year.

    Data Source: Bed numbers for each hospital are supplied by Manitoba Health - annual bed map taken as of March 31 (usually). In some older records the information comes from the Manitoba Annual Statistics.


  • Manitoba Health. Bed Map Reports 1994/95 throughout 1998/99

  • Manitoba Health. Manitoba Health Annual Report 1993/94
  • Manitoba Health. Manitoba Health Annual Statistics 1985/86 - 1991/92.

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  • Brownell M, Roos NP, Burchill C. Monitoring the Winnipeg Hospital System: 1990/91 Through 1996/97. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and Evaluation, 1999. [Report] [Summary] (View)


  • bed closures
  • hospital beds

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
