Max Rady College of Medicine

Concept: Personal Care Homes (PCH) Types

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Concept Description

Last Updated: 2004-12-16


    There are 123 personal care homes in Manitoba, all of which are subject to two major categorizations: proprietary/non-proprietary and secular/ethnocultural.

Proprietary/Non-proprietary (as of 2001/02)

    Fourteen of the 19 proprietary (for profit) nursing homes are located in Winnipeg. For-profit homes comprise 2553 or 27% of all Manitoba personal care home beds. Non-proprietary homes can be further divided into two categories:

    • Care homes juxtaposed with an acute care facility

    • Care homes that are freestanding.

    There are 39 juxtaposed homes (all outside of Winnipeg), with 1234 or 13% of all personal care home beds and 17% of all non-proprietary personal care home beds.


    Ethnocultural homes are those that residents have chosen because the majority of persons living in those homes profess a particular religious faith, or prefer to speak a language other than English. There are 31 ethnocultural personal care homes in Manitoba, with 2931 or 35% of personal care home beds. All ethnocultural homes are also non-proprietary. Secular homes are not associated with a particular religion, language, or culture; they are either proprietary or non-proprietary.

Tables of PCH Types

    The following is a list of the categories and the personal care homes (numbers) which fall into them.
    Category Personal Care Home Numbers
    (includes historical numbers)

    Proprietary 0508, 0515, 0521, 0525, 0528, 0529, 0532, 0536,
    0537, 0544, 0551, 0555, 0557, 0558, 0559, 0562,
    0564, 0568, 0571, 0574, 0575, 0576, 0578, 0581,
    0583, 0588, 0590,0593, 0594, 0595
    Non-proprietary, freestanding 0501, 0504, 0506, 0509, 0552, 0556, 0566, 0573,
    0584, 0587, 0591, 0592, 0596, 0599, 0603, 0604,
    0605, 0607, 0609, 0611, 0612, 0613, 0615, 0617,
    0619, 0620, 0621, 0622, 0625, 0626, 0627, 0628,
    0629, 0630, 0632, 0633, 0635, 0636, 0638, 0639,
    0640, 0642, 0643, 0644, 0646, 0647, 0648, 0649,
    0651, 0653, 0657, 0658, 0659, 0660, 0661, 0662,
    0664, 0665, 0667, 0668, 0669, 0672, 0676, 0678,
    0680, 0681, 0684, 0685, 0686, 0688, 0689, 0690,
    0693, 0696, 0699, 0700, 0702, 0703, 0706
    Non-proprietary, juxtaposed 0503, 0510, 0550, 0554, 0561, 0579, 0589, 0597,
    0598, 0600, 0601, 0602, 0606, 0608, 0610, 0614,
    0616, 0618, 0623, 0624, 0631, 0641, 0645, 0650,
    0652, 0654, 0655, 0656, 0663, 0666, 0670, 0671,
    0673, 0674, 0677, 0679, 0682, 0683, 0687, 0691,
    0692, 0694, 0695, 0697, 0698, 0701, 0704, 0705

    These categories were based on numbers in 1995, and updated in 1997, and again in 2004.

    Category Personal Care Home Numbers
    Secular 0501, 0503, 0508, 0521, 0525, 0529, 0537, 0550,
    0551, 0552, 0554, 0555, 0557, 0559, 0564, 0566,
    0568, 0571, 0572, 0574, 0576, 0581, 0583, 0589,
    0591, 0592, 0593, 0594, 0595, 0597, 0598, 0600,
    0601, 0602, 0604, 0606, 0608, 0610, 0611, 0612,
    0613, 0614, 0616, 0617, 0618, 0620, 0621, 0622,
    0624, 0625, 0631, 0633, 0636, 0637, 0639, 0640,
    0641, 0644, 0647, 0648, 0649, 0650, 0652, 0653,
    0654, 0656, 0659, 0661, 0663, 0664, 0666, 0670,
    0671, 0674, 0677, 0681, 0682, 0683, 0684, 0685,
    0687, 0689, 0690, 0691, 0692, 0694, 0695, 0696,
    0697, 0698, 0699
    Ethnocultural 0596, 0599, 0603, 0605, 0607, 0609, 0619, 0623,
    0626, 0628, 0629, 0632, 0635, 0638, 0642, 0643,
    0645, 0646, 0651, 0657, 0658, 0662, 0667, 0669,
    0672, 0678, 0679, 0680, 0686, 0688, 0693

    These categories were based on numbers in 1995, and updated in 1997.

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  • Beland F, Shapiro E. Policy issues in care for the elderly in Canada. Can J Aging 1995;14(2):153-165.(View)
  • De Coster C, Roos NP, Shapiro E. A population-based analysis of Manitoba's nursing home sector. Can J Aging 1995;14(2):319-334.(View)
  • De Coster C, Roos N, Bogdanovic B. Utilization of nursing home resources. Med Care 1995;33(12 Suppl):DS73-DS83.(View)
  • De Coster C, Roos NP, Bogdanovic B. Utilization of Personal Care Home Resources. Volume II: Methods and Tables. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and Evaluation, 1993. [Report] (View)
  • Shapiro E, Tate RB. Monitoring the outcomes of quality of care in nursing homes using administrative data. Can J Aging 1995;14(4):755-768.(View)
  • Tomiak M, Berthelot JM, Guimond E, Mustard CA. Factors associated with nursing-home entry for elders in Manitoba, Canada. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2000;55(5):M279-M287. [Abstract] (View)

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
