Max Rady College of Medicine

Concept: Physician Characteristics

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Concept Description

Last Updated: 1999-11-24


    Physician profiling is valuable in contributing to an understanding of the role of the primary care physician. These data provide useful information as to the effect of the physician in various areas including needs-based planning, physician styles, patient management, billing rates, and health policy.


    Key physician characteristics include age and gender, patient recall rate, average number of patients seen per day, relative income, and practice location.

Age and Gender

    The physicians' age and gender may be identified from the physician registry, called the Manitoba Provider Registry data at MCHP. The Provider Registry includes physician birthdate and sex, as well as additional information about the physician, including specialty (MDBLOC) and training location.

Patient Recall Rate

    The patient recall rate is estimated on the basis of the mean number of visits each physician had with his patients (regardless of diagnosis) over one year. Since a patient's total number of physician contacts includes those to their most frequently seen physician as well as those to all other physicians (both general physicians and specialists), there is no fixed relation between patient visit rate and patient recall rate.

Average Number of Patients Seen Per Day

Relative Income

    Relative income is based on total payments received by physicians before the calculation of office or other expenses. Physician incomes are classified in 3 groups: those billing less than a full-time-equivalent (FTE) general practitioner, those billing at an average to relatively high rate (FTE to 1.5 FTE) and those in the highest billing group (more than 1.5 FTE). See the Full Time Equivalent Physicians - Calculations concept for more information on physician incomes.

    Also see MCHP Physician Resource Database for information already summarized.

Practice Location

    The location of the practice is determined by locating the areas in which most of the physician's patients come from. Location may be classified at various levels of detail.

    Also see MCHP Physician Resource Database for information already summarized.

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  • Davidson W, Molloy DW, Somers G, Bedard M. Relation between physician characteristics and prescribing for elderly people in New Brunswick. CMAJ 1994;150(6):917-921. [Abstract] (View)
  • Roos NP, Carriere KC, Friesen D. Factors influencing the frequency of visits by hypertensive patients to primary care physicians in Winnipeg. CMAJ 1998;159(7):777-783. [Abstract] (View)
  • Roos NP, Fransoo R, Bogdanovic B, Friesen D, MacWilliam L. Issues in the Management of Specialist Physician Resources for Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and Evaluation, 1997. [Report] [Summary] (View)
  • Roos NP, Fransoo R, Bogdanovic B, Carriere KC, Frohlich N, Friesen D, Patton D, Wall R. Needs-based planning for generalist physicians. Med Care 1999;37(6 Suppl):JS206-JS228. [Abstract] (View)

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
