Max Rady College of Medicine

Concept: Hospital Service Codes

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Concept Description

Last Updated: 2000-12-11


    This concept identifies service codes that appear in hospital discharge abstracts as well as related notes that are relevant for programmers.

    Service codes identify the hospital service to which patients are admitted. PSVC1 is the service designated on admission. PSVC1-PSVC6 are used to record a transfer in service or subservice during one hospitalization. The first two positions are mandatory.

    If a patient transfers between services in the course of an admission, primary service code PRIMPSVC refers to the service on which the patient was treated for the greatest length of time, which is not necessarily the first service on admission.

    Codes must correspond to the Patient Service codes in Appendix E of the Hospital Abstracts Users Manual (HAUM).

    Sub-service codes are reserved for the latter two characters, and must be added to the main service code where applicable.

    Disclaimer: Service codes should be used with caution because the way in which they are applied or defined may differ between hospitals. Two possible approaches to deal with this:

    1. speak with personnel from each hospital to clarify their definition of the codes, or
    2. use two methods to identify patients - e.g. check correspondence between service and diagnostic codes.

Abstracting Systems Comparison - Identifying Patient Services

Programmer's Notes

    Patients in Medical Units:
    The following codes were used for patients staying in medical units.
    - Family medicine (01)
    - Palliative Care (05)
    - Internal Medicine (10)
    - Allergy (11)
    - Cardiology (12)
    - Dermatology (13)
    - Endocrinology (14)
    - Gastroenterology (15)
    - Neurology (17)
    - Respirology (18)
    - Rheumatology (19)
    - Oncology (59)
    - Hematology (66)
    Source: Bruce, S. et al. (2001)

    ICU Code:
    The macro used to determine days in ICU looks for PSVC codes ending in '90'. If there are other ICU codes that do not end in '90' then the macro will not pick them up (e.g. some neonates are dropped).
    Source: Programmer's Meeting, April 19, 2000
    See concept: Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Days

    Mental Health Disorders:
    Service codes in the range of '6400'- '6599' were defined as psychiatric services. All other services were defined as 'non-psychiatric'.
    Source: Tataryn, D. et al. (1994)
    See concept: Mental Health Disorder / Illness Classification

    Physician Visits - from ambulatory care claims.
    Visits with diagnosis codes from 290-319 were used.

    Acute versus Long-Term Inpatients - in the general hospital sector
    All admissions to acute care hospitals where primary service code was between '0900' and '0999' or '7300' and '7399' were classified as long-term admissions. All others were defined as acute admissions.

    Chronic vs. Acute care
    The following codes were used to define chronic care:
    09 - personal care unit
    70 - physical medicine and rehabilitation
    72 - geriatrics
    73 - long term care
    along with sub-service codes:
    99 - paneled for PCH
    97 - chronic - this was picked up with the first 2 digits of 70, 72, 73 in a subset of data.

    NOTE: There are 6 services codes ( PSVC1-6 ) and PRIMPSVC that denote the service code with longest stay within the same admission. If a patient transfers between services in the course of an admission, PRIMPSVC refers to the service on which the patient was treated for the greatest length of time, which is not necessarily the first service on admission.
    Source: Programmer's Meeting Sept. 1, 1993
    Hospital Abstract Users Manual

    Inpatient care
    Two choices:

    1. ADSTAT 1-3 - captures only Manitoba hospital inpatients

    2. TRANSACT=1 - includes all ADSTAT 1-3, brain death, and out-of-province or non-budget hospitals.

    Note: in 91-92 hospital claims (N=289 403) there were 5 brain deaths and 4,196 out-of-province or non-budget hospitals.
    Source: Programmer's Meeting Sept. 1, 1993

Related concepts 

Related terms 


  • Bruce S, De Coster C, Trumble-Waddell J, Burchill C, De Haney S. Acuity of Patients Hospitalized for Medical Conditions at Winnipeg Acute Care Hospitals. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and Evaluation and Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, 2001. [Report] [Summary] (View)
  • Manitoba Health Services Commission. Hospital Abstract User Manual. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Health Services Commission; 1987.(View)
  • Tataryn DJ, Mustard CA, Derksen S. The Utilization of Medical Services for Mental Health Disorders, Manitoba: 1991 - 1992 . Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and Evaluation, 1994. [Report] [Summary] (View)


  • hospital discharge abstracts
  • hospitalization

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