Max Rady College of Medicine

Concept: MCHP Nine Winnipeg Sub-Regions

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Concept Description

Last Updated: 2003-11-15


    In response to the criticism that analyzing all of Winnipeg together masks the "true" health status of residents in certain areas, an attempt to define Winnipeg sub-regions using a measure of socioeconomic status was made.

    These sub-regions are based on the 1986 Census Family Income by Postal Code (see Income Quintiles Based on the 1996 Census for more information). Each resident of Winnipeg, as defined by the Dec. 1990 registry, was assigned an urban income quintile value according to his or her 6 character postal code.

    A frequency of urban income quintile values by forward sortation areas (the first three characters of the postal code) was used to identify the "least wealthy" areas of the city: Inner Core (K1), Outer Core (K2), and Old St. Boniface (K3). The remaining areas, having similar urban income quintile distributions, were divided based upon the municipal and provincial Health Department jurisdictions, as well as on administrative offices established by the province within Winnipeg.

Nine Winnipeg Sub-Regions

    The resulting nine Winnipeg sub-divisions are as follows:
    Region Name Forward Sortation Areas
    K1 Inner Core R3A, R3B, R3C
    K2 Outer Core R3E, R3G, R2X, R2W, R2L
    K3 Old St. Boniface R2H
    K4 South Central R3N, R3M, R3L
    K5 West R3K, R3J, R3H, R2Y
    K6 North West R2P, R2V, R2R
    K7 North East R3W, R2C, R2K, R2G, R2E
    K8 South East R2J, R3X, R2N, R2M
    K9 South West R3R, R3S, R3P, R3Y, R3T, R3V

    Several refinements were made to the sub-regions, using the entire six character postal code:

    1. The following postal codes will assign the wealthier Middlegate area of R3C to Winnipeg sub-region South Central (K4):

      R3C2C1-R3C2C9, R3C2E1, R3C2E2, R3C2E3, R3C3H3, R3C3H4, R3C1A1, R3C0Z7, R3C1S5

    2. A number of Rural Route Delivery postal codes from the central downtown post office are re-assigned to the Winnipeg sub-regions North West (K6) or North East (K7)
        R0C3A0, R3C2E5, R3C4A2, R3C4A3, R3C2E4, R3C2E8 = North West (K6)
        R3C2E6, R3C2E7, R0E0H0 = North East (K7)

    3. R3C 3L6 is always noted, and typically excluded. It is associated with the office of the public trustee.

Map of Winnipeg Sub-Regions



  1. Approximately 10,000 people, who were identified as Winnipeg residents, are classified as Non-Winnipeg residents by the 1986 Census. For example, residents just past the Perimeter Hwy. in West or East St. Paul would fall into this category. Urban income quintile values were therefore not available for these people. However, they all had a rural income quintile value of 5. Based upon the monetary ranges of rural quintile 5 and urban quintiles and using an assumption that the family income is equally distributed within the monetary range for rural quintile 5, an urban quintile value was randomly and proportionally assigned to these 10,000 people. This will be of more interest to analyses by income quintile.

  2. Old St. Boniface includes approx. 13,500 people from a concentrated area of St. Vital (between St. Anne's Rd. and the Seine River, south of Fermor and north of Bishop Grandin) whose income was in the two lowest urban quintiles.

  3. Residents of the northeast corner of the Outer Core had a somewhat higher family income than the remainder of the Outer Core. They are included in the Outer Core because they, as do all of the Outer Core residents, fall within the City of Winnipeg Health Dept.'s jurisdiction.

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University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB  R3E 3P5 Canada
