Concept: Size for Gestational Age

Concept Description

Last Updated: 2020-05-25



Gestational Age Categories

SAS Code and SAS Formats


  1. Small for Gestational Age Rate: the number of live births whose birth weights are below the standard 10th percentile of birth weight for gestational age expressed as a proportion of all live births.

  2. Large for Gestational Age Rate: the number of live births whose birth weights are above the standard 90th percentile of birth weight for gestational age expressed as a proportion of all live births.

    In addition, when analyzing Size for Gestational Age it may also be of interest to look at Preterm Birth Rates separately, as preterm birth is the most important determinant of perinatal and infant mortality, and preterm birth prevention is considered the most important perinatal challenge facing industrialized countries (page 51 of the Perinatal Health Indicators for Canada).

  3. Preterm Birth Rate: The number of live births with a gestational age at birth of less than 37 weeks (<259 days) expressed as a proportion of all live births.

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