Max Rady College of Medicine

Concept: Maternal and Newborn Health Status Indicators

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Concept Description

Last Updated: 2013-02-20


    This concept identifies and lists the maternal and newborn health status indicators presented in the Perinatal Services and Outcomes in Manitoba deliverable by Heaman et al. (2012). The report focuses on women giving birth in Manitoba between 2001/02 to 2008/09.

    The health status indicators are divided into maternal and newborn categories; following Chapters 2 to 6 in the report, five distinct categories are presented. Each indicator includes links to relevant glossary definitions and to the corresponding discussion, figures and methodology that are presented in the deliverable.

Maternal and Newborn Health Status Indicator Categories

    The health status indicators presented in this concept are divided into five main categories. These include:

    1. Profile of Women Giving Birth;
    2. Maternal Prenatal Health;
    3. Giving Birth;
    4. Maternal Postpartum Health; and
    5. Fetal and Newborn Health

    Within each category, individual indicators are listed with links to indicators or relevant terms that are defined in the MCHP on-line glossary. Additional links are provided to the corresponding Discussion and Methods presented in the report. The discussion section includes background information, how the indicator is calculated, key observations, comparison to other findings, limitations, summary and a reference list. It also contains a number of figures (graphs) that present findings related to each indicator. These include geographic analysis (Region, Regional Health Authority (RHA) and Winnipeg Community Areas) and a variety of Sociodemographic and Other (SDO) characteristics. Examples of these SDO characteristics include age categories, income quintiles and education level.

    Links are also provided to the corresponding summary of Methods for each indicator. Appendix Table A.4 - Table of Codes contains an alphabetical listing of the indicators, and for each indicator includes: the chapter of the report where the indicator is discussed, a definition (including ICD codes and/or other coding values/ranges where appropriate), the years of data analyzed, any exclusions applied, and the databases (data source(s)) from the Manitoba Population Research Data Repository (Repository) where the data was collected.

1. Profile of Women Giving Birth

2. Maternal Prenatal Health

3. Giving Birth

4. Maternal Postpartum Health

5. Fetal and Newborn Health

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Related terms 


  • Heaman M, Kingston D, Helewa M, Brownell M, Derksen S, Bogdanovic B, McGowan K, Bailly A. Perinatal Services and Outcomes in Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2012. [Report] [Summary] [Updates and Errata] (View)


  • health status indicators
  • Maternal Health Services
  • newborn
  • perinatal care

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