Concept: Chronic disease ICD codes crosswalk

Concept Description

Last Updated: 2024-09-12



Background information

Data sources

Description of the mapping steps

1. Identifying ICD-9-CM codes for chronic conditions

    ICD-9-CM chapters that did not capture specific chronic conditions were excluded: Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (001-139), Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions (780-799), Injuries and Poisoning (800-999) and Supplementary Codes of Factors Influencing Health Status (V01-V91). Then, the Chronic Condition Indicator (CCI) was applied to exclude ICD-9-CM codes of non-chronic diseases. See the Chronic Condition Indicator (CCI) for ICD-9-CM on the HCUP website for more information. The CCI is a tool developed by HCUP and sponsored by AHRQ that classifies ICD-9-CM codes into chronic and non-chronic conditions.

2. Creating a crosswalk between 3-digit ICD-9-CM codes and disease categories

    The existing CCS crosswalk maps 5-digit ICD-9-CM codes to disease categories. Truncating ICD-9-CM codes into 3-digit codes resulted in many instances where a single 3-digit ICD-9-CM code maps to multiple disease categories. ICD-9-CM codes that mapped to multiple disease categories were either assigned to a modified category that combines the overlapping disease categories or assigned to a single CCS disease category. CCS disease categories were combined if there was a significant overlap in the conditions. The choice was made to map the overlapping ICD-9-CM code into a single CCS disease category when the ICD-9-CM code description fit primarily with one CCS category and less with other categories. This resulted in a revised list of CCS disease categories comprising 130 mutually exclusive categories of chronic diseases.

3. Creating a crosswalk between 3-digit ICDA-8 codes and CCS categories

    3-digit ICDA-8 codes were manually mapped to the 130 disease categories produced in step 2 using existing crosswalks between ICDA-8 and ICD-9-CM from the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, the US Department of Health and Human Services, the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, and additional published literature listing diseases-specific equivalent ICD codes.

4. Creating a crosswalk between ICD-10-CA and CCS categories

    ICD-10-CA codes were first mapped to ICD-9-CM codes based on a crosswalk developed by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) and then mapped to the 130 disease categories using the crosswalk produced in step 2. ICD-10-CA codes with fair or poor mapping grades based on the CIHI grading system were reviewed independently by two reviewers; the final disease category assignment was based on the existing CCS crosswalk for ICD-10-CM.

How to use the crosswalk files

Research using the crosswalk

Limitations / Cautions

SAS Macro Code and Input Files

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