Concept: Prenatal Care Visits (PCV) / Prenatal Care (PNC) Visits

Concept Description

Last Updated: 2020-10-09


Methods to Identify Prenatal Care Visits from the MCHP Data Repository

1. Medical Services / Medical Claims Data

2. Hospital Abstracts Data

3. Midwifery Summary Reports

Specific MCHP Prenatal Care Research Methods

1. Fraser et al. (1993)

2. Brownell et al. (2010)

Prenatal Care Visits Data in the Medical Services Data

    The research used the following tariffs, lab related work/diagnostic tests, and ICD-9-CM diagnoses codes to define and identify prenatal care visits from the Medical Services data.

    Prenatal Care Visit Tariffs
    8400 - Complete Prenatal Assessment
    8401 - Prenatal Visit Subsequent

    Office Visit Tariffs

    8501 - Office visits, Regional History and Examination
    8507 - Office visits, subsequent visits
    8540 - Office visits, complete history and physical examination, new patient
    8509 - Office visits

    Lab Related Work / Diagnostic Tests (** - see ** NOTE in Method II section below)

    9140, 9141, 9142, 9144 - Glucose Monitoring
    9150 - Hemoglobin
    9641, 9644 - Urinalysis
    9795 - Pap Smear
    9521 - Hormonal Pregnancy Test

    ICD-9-CM Codes

    640-648 - Diagnostic code indicating a complication related to pregnancy
    650-659 - Other indications for care in pregnancy, labor and delivery
    660-669 - Complications occurring in the course of labor and delivery
    V22 - Normal Pregnancy
    V23 - Supervision of High Risk Pregnancy

Identifying PCVs By Visit Type Flags

    In the Medical Services data, keep only those records that have prefix type = 7 or 8.
    NOTE: a prefix of 7 = in office visits and a prefix of 8 = laboratory work

    Create 6 flags to identify the types of visits:

    1. if tariff in ('8400') then FPV_tariff = '1'
    2. if tariff in ('8401') then SPV_tariff = '1'
    3. if tariff in ('8501', '8507', '8540', '8509') then office_visit_tariff = '1'
    4. if tariff in ('9140', '9141', '9142', '9144', '9150', '9641', '9644', '9795', '9521') then test_tariffs = '1' ( ** - see ** NOTE in Method II section below)
    5. if '640' <= diag <= '648' or '650' <= diag <= '659' or '660' <= diag <= '669' then ICD9_diag = '1';
    6. if diag in ('V22', 'V23') and prefix = '7' then preg_visit_prefix7 = '1'

Methods to Identify Prenatal Care Visits

    The research developed two separate methods for identifying all the PCVs recorded in the Medical Services data so that when combined, they had a more accurate count of the number of PCVs.

    METHOD I - Tariff and Diagnosis Codes

    Method I looked at specific tariff and diagnoses codes, but did not include any lab claims or diagnostic tests. The reason for this is because including them would inflate the actual number of PCVs. The steps involved in Method I are:

    1. Keep only physician records where:
      FPV_tariff = '1' or SPV_tariff = '1' or (office_visit_tariff = '1' and ICD9_diag = '1') or preg_visit_prefix7 = '1'

    2. Evaluate all physician records belonging to the mother and keep only those records that fall within the gestation period of her baby.
    3. Remove those physician visits that occurred alongside a hospital admission on the date of delivery.
    4. Identify the date of the first PCV to a physician. Sort all the physician visits by date. The record appearing first will be assigned the date of first PCV. All visits after this first PCV date will be considered subsequent visits.
    5. Create a counter that counts the total number of PCVs (PCVs = initial visit + all subsequent visits).

    METHOD II - Lab Claims and Diagnostic Tests

    Method II accounts for those remaining moms that were found to have no PCVs using Method I. In this case, relevant lab claims and diagnostic tests are used to count the number of prenatal visits and assign the date of the first PCV. The steps involved in Method II are:

    1. Pull all diagnostic tests and laboratory claims within the gestation period for those remaining moms found to have no PCVs using Method I (i.e.: where put(obphin, $nocare.) = 'Y' and test_tariffs = '1');

      ** NOTE: These tariffs would include: Glucose Monitoring, Hemoglobin, Urinalysis, Pap Smears and Hormonal Pregnancy tests, as defined above.

    2. Repeat steps 2-5 from Method I above using all of the records found for lab claims and diagnostic tests.

    NOTE: Method II will result in very few additional records being found.

SAS Code

    The SAS code used to identify prenatal care visits in this research is available in the SAS code and formats section below (internal access only).

3. Heaman et al. (2012)

1. Prenatal Care Visits in the Medical Services Data

    The following tariff codes and diagnosis codes were used to identify prenatal care visits in the Medical Services data:

    • 8400 - Complete Prenatal Assessment
    • 8401 - Prenatal Visit Subsequent

    • If one of the following tariff codes was recorded, along with a diagnosis of pregnancy (if "640"<=diag<="648" or "650"<=diag<="659" or "660<=diag<="669" or diag in ("V22","V23")) in the same record, then the visit was counted as a prenatal care visit (PCV):

      • 8501 - Office visits, Regional History and Examination
      • 8507 - Office visits, subsequent visits
      • 8509 - Office visits
      • 8529 - Regional Intermediate Visit - Regional or Subsequent Visit or Well Baby Care
      • 8540 - Office visits, complete history and physical examination, new patient
      • 8550 - Consultation

    • All of these tariff codes must start with a prefix = 7 (in office visits).
    • All services must fall within the relevant gestation period.
    • Tariffs for laboratory claims and diagnostic tests were not used to identify PCVs in this research project.

2. Prenatal Care Visits in the Hospital Discharge Abstract Data

    Women do not receive their prenatal care in hospital. Typically, they receive it from physicians in clinics, but this is not always well recorded as a prenatal visit. When a women is admitted to hospital to give birth, the hospital is supposed to receive information from all the providers (physicians, midwives and nurses providing care in the north) involved in the prenatal care experience. The information received is used to calculate the number of prenatal care visits and the date of the first prenatal care visit, and these two data elements are recorded in the corresponding Hospital Abstracts Data.

3. Prenatal Care Visits in the Midwifery Summary Reports Data

Identifying the Total Number of Prenatal Care Visits

    In this project, the total number of prenatal care visits for each patient was determined by using the higher count of prenatal care visits calculated from either the Medical Services data or from the Hospital Abstracts data.

SAS Code

    This method of identifying prenatal care visits was also used in The 2019 RHA Indicators Atlas by Fransoo et al. (2019) . The SAS code used in the 2019 deliverable is available in the SAS code and formats section below (internal access only).

Prenatal Care Health Indicators

Cautions / Limitations

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