Term: Population Based Rates

Glossary Definition

Last Updated: 2007-09-26


These are rates that are based on the population of Winnipeg residents or on the population of Manitoba.

In Roos et al. (1996), they calculated rates for the population of Manitoba measured at the midpoint of the year. For rates which require a number of years data to ensure stability (i.e.: premature mortality), five years of data is used.

In Roos et al. (1994) and Brownell et al. (1996), they calculated rates for the population of Winnipeg. Numerators for rates were calculated by counting or summarizing events (i.e. hospitalizations) over a fiscal year for Winnipeg residents, regardless of where the event took place. Denominators were based on counts of individuals resident in Winnipeg as of December that year. Rates of the number of separations and total number of hospital days were developed by dividing numerator information by population denominators, measured in thousands.

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