Max Rady College of Medicine

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Roos NP, Shapiro E. Monitoring the Winnipeg Hospital System: The First Report. 1990-1992 . Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and Evaluation, 1994. [Report] [Summary]

Related concepts

Ambulatory Visits
Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs™) - Overview
Expected Length of Stay (ELOS) in Personal Care Home (PCH)
Long Term Care (LTC) in Acute Care Facilities
Mortality Rate Calculation
Readmissions to Hospital

Related terms

Acute Care
All Injuries
Average Length of Stay (ALOS)
Bonferroni Method
Cancer Deaths
Comorbidity / Comorbidities
Comorbidity Classification
Contacts With Physicians
Days of Hospital Care
Death Rates
Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG™) Weights
Expected Length Of Stay (ELOS)
From Hospital
Hospital Beds
Hospitalization Rates
Inpatient Hospital Care
Intensity of Resource Use (IRU)
Length of Stay (LOS)
Length of Waiting Time (LWT) After Assessment
Level of Care (LOC) - In Personal Care Homes (PCH)
Level of Comorbidity and Complications
Long Stay (Care)
Long Stay Days
Long Term Care (LTC)
Mortality Rate
Multiple Comparisons
Outpatient Surgical Care
Pairwise Multiple Comparisons
Population Based Rates
Premature Mortality
Quality of Care
Rate Standardization
Readmission / Hospital Readmission
Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (RDRG®)
Region of Residence
Residents in Personal Care Homes (PCH) / Prevalence of PCH Use
Respite / Respite Care
Selected Chronic Disease Indicators
Short Stay (Care)
Short Stay Days
Short Stay Inpatient Care
Standardized Mortality Ratio (0-74 Years)
Surgical Outpatients
Treaty Indian
Type I Error
Type II Error


hospital services
Manitoba Report

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Contact us

Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
