Max Rady College of Medicine

Term: Database-Specific Quality

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Glossary Definition

Last Updated: 2012-12-03


A type of quality evaluation and a component in the MCHP Data Quality Framework. This component encompasses concepts of accuracy, internal validity, external validity, timeliness, and interpretability, all used to assess the general usability of a database. Database-specific quality is distinct from project-specific quality, the other type of quality evaluation in the MCHP Data Quality Framework, which focuses on concepts relevant to the quality of a database to address research questions associated with a project or study.

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  • Lix L, Smith M, Azimaee M, Dahl M, Nicol P, Burchill C, Burland E, Goh C, Schultz J, Bailly A. A Systematic Investigation of Manitoba's Provincial Laboratory Data. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, 2012. [Report] [Summary] (View)

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
