Max Rady College of Medicine

Term list


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You are now viewing entries beginning with the letter P (page 15 (entries 281 to 300) of 17 pages)

281. Principal Diagnosis
Used in the United States to represent the discharge diagnosis responsible for the hospital admission. Studies have shown a 98% equivalence rate for AMI, comparing with the term "primary diagnosis" that is used in Canada. Also referred to as Most Responsi...
282. Private Cost-Total
The total amount for the purchase of prescriptions dispensed not paid by Manitoba Health. Referred to as private sector costs, it includes payments through private insurance or out-of-pocket individual expenditures incurred before patients reach their ded...
283. Procedures
These are procedures, especially surgery, that are defined in ICD-9-CM.
284. Process Measures
These measures reflect the actual delivery and receipt of care, encompassing both clinical effectiveness and interpersonal effectiveness (care). One of three key categories of measurement of quality of care, it encompasses both clinical and interpersonal ...
285. Process Quality Indicators (QIs)
Indicators that reflect the standards of care provided by evaluating the clinical and interpersonal effectiveness (care) of healthcare staff without necessarily taking into account the health needs of the individual. (Campbell et al., 2000).
286. Project-Specific Quality
Type of quality evaluation and a component in the MCHP Data Quality Framework. This component encompasses concepts of accuracy and validity, both used to determine the usability of data for project-specific analyses. As opposed to measures of database-sp...
287. Propensity Scores
Propensity scores are used to estimate the effect of receiving treatment when random assignment of treatments to subjects is not feasible. The estimated propensity score for a subject is the conditional probability of being assigned to a particular treatm...
288. Prophylactic Measures
Prophylactic measures are measures designed to prevent the occurrence of an adverse event, a disease or its dissemination. Examples of prophylactic measures for patient safety include: standard protocols, procedures or actions such as compression stocking...
289. Proportion of Visits to Usual Provider (Continuity of Care)
Proportion of visits to most frequently seen physician during the year.
290. Proprietary Personal Care Home (PCH)
Describes a type of personal care home (PCH) that is operated on a for profit basis. In Manitoba, all proprietary PCHs are free-standing facilities.
291. Prosecutions Information and Scheduling Management (PRISM) System Data
The Prosecutions Information and Scheduling Management (PRISM) System data from Manitoba Justice contains information about the individuals’ type of involvement in the incident (accused, victim, witness), and the if an accused then all the charge(s) rel...
292. Prospective Studies
A study that follow individuals forward through time.
293. Protection
This category applies to child protection investigations and interventions under Part III of The Child and Family Services Act.
294. Protective Factors
Protective factors are those things that help individuals contend more effectively with risk factors and unhealthy health events. They enhance the current and future resiliency of an individual, and are important to healthy development.
295. Protective Services
Families where children are in need of protection are provided with protective services from Child and Family Services, which are services provided when a child's life, health or emotional well-being are seen as endangered. These services are provided wit...
296. Protein-Creatinine Ratio (PCR)
The Protein-Creatinine Ratio (PCR) is used to measure the results of a lab test of proteinuria related to chronic kidney disease (CKD). Using the Diagnostic Services Manitoba (DSM) - Chemistry Data (** - ...
297. Proteinuria
Proteinuria is an excess of protein in the urine due to kidney disease, strenuous exercise, or dehydration. Proteinuria is most commonly caused by damage to the kidney's ability to filter protein, which can make the capillaries in the kidneys more permeab...
298. Prototype Poor Health Status Index (PPHSI)
The strong correlation between socio-economic characteristics and Socio-Economic Risk Index (SERI) allowed for the construction of a simple index of risk factors for poor health. The PPHSI is a measure of health status, based on a composite of five health...
299. Provider Registry Data
The Provider Registry (previously known as the Physician Resource File) contains "snapshots" of provider and practice information obtained quarterly from Manitoba Health. Details about physicians and nurse practitioners, and their practices are available...
300. Provider Type
The practitioner who ordered the laboratory test. In Lix et al. (2012), the categories for provider type included: General Practitioner (GP), specialist, missing/unlinked and other (e.g.: midwives).

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
