Green space was used as a measure of social capital within each community centre area. The average distance from each postal code to green space was calculated for:
Community Areas (12)
Neighbourhood Clusters (23)
, and
Community Centre Areas (72)
In this process, however, each postal code in a geographic area was weighted according to the population in that postal code.
This should be done for any analyses that use distance to green space as a variable. Otherwise, a few people living far from the nearest park could skew the measure if it is calculated at the CCA, NC, or CA.
Only the recreational spaces (as defined above) layer was included in this analysis.
This includes parks and sports fields of a reasonable size (the smallest in the DMTI data is roughly 1 acre).
Exclusions: Green spaces such as river banks and undeveloped land, small local parks or 'tot-lots'
The nearest edge of the green space area was determined.
No limitation was made for crossing rivers or other large geographic boundaries.
Calculated distances are defined as straight line distances not as road distances.