Term: Hospital Use

Glossary Definition

Last Updated: 2011-06-02


The use of hospital services, within a specified period of time, based on the number of patients within a facility and length of stay. This definition has been used differently in research projects conducted at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP).

Menec et al. (1999) used the average daily number of patients in hospital, based on admissions and separations data to measure hospital use.

Martens et al. (2004) examined the use of hospital services by a cohort over a five year period. Separations, long-stay days, and short-stay days were included in the analysis. Both "all-cause use" and "for mental illness" were examined. For the latter, a mental disorder was the most responsible diagnosis for the hospitalization. Hospitalization patterns in Eden and Selkirk Mental Health Centres, the province's two mental health institutions, from closed cases in MHMIS, were also examined.

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