Max Rady College of Medicine

Term list


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You are now viewing entries beginning with the letter B (page 1 (entries 1 to 20) of 4 pages)

1. Baby Boom Generation
In Canada this refers to Canadians born between 1946 and 1966 inclusive.
2. Baby Boom Period
The period from about 1946 to 1966 that was characterized by high fertility rates. Babies born during this time are referred to as Baby Boomers.
3. Baby Boomers
People born in the Baby Boom Period (about 1946 to 1966) (Statistics Canada, Population Projections for Canada, Provinces and Territories 2000-2026. Ottawa, ON.: Statistics Canada, 2001).
4. Baby Bust Period
The time period from 1967 onwards characterized by lower fertility rates.
5. Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)
The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI), launched in 1991, is an effort by UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure that all maternities, whether free standing or in a hospital, become centres of breastfeeding support. A maternity fac...
6. BabyFirst (now known as Families First)
A targeted, multiyear home visiting program for families with newborns living under conditions of risk. An important program goal is the prevention of outcomes associated with child maltreatment. Supervised by public health nurses, para-professional home...
7. BabyFirst Evaluation Data
The BabyFirst Evaluation data contains information from a provincial assessment of the BabyFirst home visiting program, including 5-minute Apgar scores, as well as social, economic, and health-related indicators for all families with newborns who were det...
8. BabyFirst Screening (BFS) Form
A brief measure of biological, social, and demographic risk factors. This is used by public health nurses to screen all postpartum referrals in Manitoba. The BFS is the first of two screening stages for Manitoba's BabyFirst program. For more information s...
9. BabyFirst Screening Data
The BabyFirst Screening data is Social data maintained by Healthy Child Manitoba (HCM) that contains information about biological, social, and demographic risk factors that Manitoba families with children may be exposed to. The screen captures all familie...
10. Bacteremia
The existence of bacteria in the bloodstream.
11. Balloon Angioplasty
See Angioplasty glossary term.
12. Band
A First Nation (community) that is governed under the Indian Act (1876) on the condition of having reserve land, having a trust fund held by the government for the community’s use and benefit, or being declared as a band by the Governor General (
13. Baseline Comorbidity
A measure of comorbidity taken at a specific point in time, that is used as a basis for comparison against other measures of comorbidity.
14. Baseline Mortality
Mortality rates, generally premature mortality, at a specific point in time or place (e.g. Manitoba). This rate is used as a baseline, or reference point for further comparisons.
15. Baseline Test Index (BTI)
A dependent variable for purposes of identifying socio-economic factors associated with poor health. This variable is constructed from five indicators: standardized fertility rates and acute hospitalizations for four conditions in selected age or gender ...
16. Bed Map Data
The Bed Map data contains current and historical annual / fiscal year information about the number of beds available in health care facilities across Manitoba from April 1, 1985 forward. This includes information on the number of acute, Personal Care Hom...
17. Bed Supply / Bed Map
Manitoba Health maintains information about the supply of hospital beds located in each region, expressed as beds per region and beds per 1000 population. See the Bed Map data glossary term for more i...
18. Beds Per Capita
The number of beds per some measure of the population, usually per 1000 or 100,000 people.
19. Beers Criteria
A list of drugs, compiled and updated by expert review panels, that should be avoided for use by older adults, as they are generally thought to be ineffective or to place older adults at an unnecessary high risk of experiencing adverse events. These medic...
20. Being a Victim of a Crime
concept/Social Determinants of Health-SDOH-Digital Library-Image.jpg Individuals who have had contact with the justice system and are identified using the

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University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
