Max Rady College of Medicine

Term list


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You are now viewing entries beginning with the letter F (page 2 (entries 21 to 40) of 5 pages)

21. Fee Schedule
A schedule of the fee(s) payable for each specific service provided by a physician.
22. Fee-For-Service (FFS)
A method of payment whereby physicians bill for each service rendered, according to a pre-arranged schedule of fees and services. Physicians who are paid on a fee-for-service basis file a claim for each service rendered and are responsible for their oper...
23. Fee-For-Service (FFS) Model of Primary Care
Over 80% of primary care services within Winnipeg are provided by independent, fee-for-service (FFS), primary care providers. While some FFS clinics participate in the Physician Integrated Network (PIN) in...
24. Female Life Expectancy
Female life expectancy is the expected length of life from birth for females, and is calculated based on the average annual mortality in the population. Life expectancy values are not age-adjusted, but calculated directly from the mortality experience of...
25. Fertility Rate
The number of live births in an area during a year per 1000 women of childbearing age for that year, defined as the midyear female population age 15-44 in the same area for the same year.
26. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
A term that describes a wide range of effects that can occur in an individual who was exposed to alcohol during pregnancy (Chudley et al., 2005). Some of these effects last a lifetime and may include physical, mental, behavioural, and cognitive disabiliti...
27. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
FAS was defined as the presence of ICD-9-CM code 760.71 (fetal alcohol syndrome) in hospital discharge abstracts or Mental Health Management Information System (MHMIS) data. These administrative data sources seem to significantly under-count the number of...
28. Fetal Distress
"Evidence that the fetus is in jeopardy, such as a change in fetal activity or heart rate." (Olds SB et al., 2004). In Heaman et al. (2012), a woman was considered to have had a newborn with fetal distress if the ICD-10-CA code of O68 was present.
29. Fetal Malpresentation
Presenting of the fetus to the lower pole of the uterus during childbirth in a position other than cephalic (head end of the body). Malpresentations strictly include breech and shoulder presentation (transverse lie), but can also incorporate face and brow...
30. FFS
FFS is an acronym for: Fee-For-Service (FFS); and Families First Screening (FFS) Data.
31. First Degree Relatives
A first degree relative is a family member who shares about 50 percent of their genes with a particular individual in a family. First degree relatives include parents, off spring, and siblings.
32. First Generation
concept/Social Determinants of Health-SDOH-Digital Library-Image.jpg Also known as "international migrants" or "foreign-born", this refers to the first generati...
33. First Nation / First Nations
Indigenous peoples in Canada who are legally referred to as "Indians" in the Constitution Act 1982, s.35. In Manitoba, First Nation peoples include the Cree, Dakota (Assiniboine), Dakota, Anishinaabe, Anishininew, and Dene (see the
34. First Nations and Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB)
A branch of Indigenous Services Canada that "works with numerous partners to carry out many activities aimed at helping people stay healthy and promoting wellness". They "fund or deliver " community-based health promotion and disease prevention pro
35. First Nations Community
In Katz et al. (2019), First Nations Community refers to the 63 identified First Nations in Manitoba and includes both status and non-status residents on reserve. The federal Indian Act (1876) specifies that First Nation communities or nations of Indigeno...
36. First Nations Schools
These are schools located in Manitoba that are operated by the First Nations communities in which they are located. Because First Nations schools come under federal jurisdiction, they are not required to submit enrolment or assessment data to the provinci...
37. First Official Language Spoken
A derived variable from Statistics Canada that refers to whether a person first learned English or French (the two official languages). It also takes into account the mother tongue and the language spoken most often at home. ( Source: See Statist...
38. First Order Family Members
See First Degree Relatives glossary term.
39. First-Line Therapy
A synonym for the "step-up" approach to prescribing.
40. FIS
acronym for Manitoba Health Financial Information System (FIS)

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Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
