Max Rady College of Medicine

Term list


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You are now viewing entries beginning with the letter S (page 7 (entries 121 to 140) of 11 pages)

121. Socio-Economic Status (SES)
Characteristics of economic, social and physical environments in which individuals live and work, as well as their demographic and genetic characteristics. MCHP has used different measures of SES in its research, including: Income and Education quinti...
122. Socioeconomic Factor Index (SEFI) - Version 2 (SEFI-2)
The SEFI is a factor score derived from Census data that reflects non-medical social determinants of health and is used as a proxy measure of socioeconomic status (SES). The SEFI-2 uses the following variables to calculate an overall score: a...
123. South Regional Health Authorities (RHAs)
An aggregate geographical area, co-developed by MCHP and The Need To Know Team for use in MCHP research, which includes all of the Regional Health Authorities (RHAs) in southern Manitoba except the two urban cen...
124. South West Regional Health Authorities (RHAs)
An aggregate geographical area including all of the the Regional Health Authorities (RHAs) in Southwestern Manitoba - Central, Assiniboine, and Brandon.
125. Spatial Analysis
The study of human activity (e.g. utilization of hospital resources) within a defined space or geographical area. This particular term is not generally used in MCHP literature though this type of analysis is part of most of our research.
126. Spearman's Rank-Order Correlation
A correlation coefficient used to describe the degree of relationship between a predictor and outcome variable when they have both been measured on ordinal scales.
127. Special Authority Policies
Allows for coverage of only those patients who meet clinical criteria known to render higher priced medicines cost-effective.
128. Special Call Claims
Special call claims are generated when the physician is required to make a special trip, over and above the physician's regular routine, to attend to a patient (e.g. home visit, or in either the emergency or out-patient department of a hospital). Special ...
129. Special Care Unit (SCU)
Inpatient units specifically designed, staffed and equipped for the continuous observation and treatment of critically ill patients, including all types of intensive care units, as well as intermediate care or step-down units. For a list of SCU Codes a...
130. Special Education Funding
See Level II and III Funding glossary term.
131. Special Needs Children in Manitoba Education
"Special Needs" may refer to numerous disorders affecting an individual's ability to learn and/or function appropriately in school, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, hearing or vision impairment, and emotional/behavioural disorder. For more information...
132. Specialist (physician)
See Specialist Physicians glossary term.
133. Specialist Contact Rate
Ambulatory specialist contacts are visits provided by specialist physicians, including the use of specialists for consultations, as well as for follow-up care. The visits can be initiated by the patient's family doctor, another specialist, or by the patie...
134. Specialist Physicians (SP)
Specialists are physicians whose practices are focused on a specific area of medicine in which they have undergone additional training. They can be identified by a code value in the MDBLOC variable in the
135. Specialist Visit Rates
Number of ambulatory specialist visits per person-year in 2009/10 and 2014/15. Excludes General practice and Non-Ambulatory Specialists (Radiology and Anaesthesia)
136. Specialist Visits
See Ambulatory Visit Rates to Specialists.
137. Specialists
See Specialist Physicians glossary term.
138. Specific Case Costs
Estimated costs based on multiplying a given case weight by the Cost per Weighted Case (CWC) in the hospital where the care was provided.
139. Specificity
One of two indices (the other is sensitivity) used to evaluate the accuracy of a test that predicts dichotomous outcomes (e.g. logistic regression). It is the number of "true negatives" (those testing negative who do not have the disease) divided by all t...
140. Spirometry
Measurement of forced expiration volume in lungs and forced vital capacity.

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
