Max Rady College of Medicine


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1. Birth / Grade Cohorts (200 points) (Concept)
Children can be categorized into groups, or cohorts, often according to their year of birth or grade in school. This is useful when studying the developmental progress of children, as they can be compared to others in their particular cohort. This...
2. Continuing Student / Grade Repetition (200 points) (Concept)
This concept briefly discusses the issue of continuing students (also known as grade repetition and grade retention) and how this is defined and measured in MCHP research. The concept also identifies some of the MCHP research that has investigated ...
3. Education Indices (115 points) (Concept)
Three education indices have been created at MCHP to help describe an individual's educational attainment. These include: The Language Arts Achievement Index is based on scores from the Manitoba Grade 12 Language Arts ...
4. High School Completion / Graduation and Grade 12 Attainment (112 points) (Concept)
High school completion / graduation is frequently used as an outcome measure for a child's level of educational attainment. Attainment of Grade 12 by a certain age, such as 17 years old, provides a similar measure. This concept describes the genera...
5. Standards Tests / Achievement Tests - Test Performance and Outcomes (106 points) (Concept)
This concept provides information on Standards Tests / Achievement Tests that are provincial exams written by students in Manitoba. The concept includes background information on the types of tests, identifies the data sources in the MCHP Data Repo...
6. Education Overview: Links to Education-Related Data, Concepts and Glossary Terms (106 points) (Concept)
This concept provides an overview of the Education-related data available in the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP) Data Repository, as well as the educational measurement / education-related terms and concepts that have been developed and def...
7. Adult Learning Centre Enrollment (103 points) (Concept)
The province of Manitoba supports the development and delivery of adult focused education programs through Adult Learning Centers (ALC) and community-based literacy programs. These programs are administered by Adult Learning and Literacy (ALL) and ...
8. School Catchment Area (103 points) (Concept)
School catchment area refers to the geographical area from which students are allowed to attend a specific school.
9. Grade 9 Achievement Index (103 points) (Concept)
The purpose of developing performance indicators for grade 9 students is to be able to measure how these students are doing in relation to the rest of their peers. The Grade 9 Achievement Index is one of three indices developed by MCHP to measure e...
10. Withdrawn From School (103 points) (Concept)
A student who has withdrawn from high school is defined as a high school-aged person who does not have a high school diploma and is not enrolled in or attending high school.
11. Curriculum Level / Academic Rigor (100 points) (Concept)
This concept defines curriculum level / academic rigor and describes the methods used at the Manitoba Center for Health Policy (MCHP) to: classify the academic level of courses taken by a Manitoba high school student through grad...
12. School Year (Education) Data (100 points) (Concept)
NOTE: This concept contains analytical information about the contents of the Education data up until the year 2007/2008, when the data was initially received at MCHP. This includes detailed description of the school year data from 1995/1996 to 2...
13. Trends in Physical Education in Manitoba High Schools (100 points) (Concept)
Currently, the Manitoba government requires all grade 9 and 10 students to take Physical Education (PE) classes in High School. Students are required to take S1 and S2 PE credits to graduate high school, representing 50% health and 50% physical edu...
14. School Assignment (School Transfers / School Changes and Longest Attended) (100 points) (Concept)
School assignment refers to how students are matched to the schools they have attended or are currently attending. Researchers have measured this concept through measuring (the sub-concepts) (a) school transfers / school changes and (b) school longe...
15. Random Effects Models - Continuous Data (24 points) (Concept)
This concept describes random effects models for longitudinal and clustered data, focusing in particular on the statistical notation for defining these models for longitudinal data. SAS syntax for random effects models is illustrated. The concept ...
16. Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) (9 points) (Concept)
The work presented in this concept is based on that carried out by Carriere et al. (2000) ; for details regarding the programming for that project, please see Across Time & Space . Comparing ut...
17. Mother's Age at First Birth (9 points) (Concept)
This concept provides information about the measure "mother's age at first birth" - the age of a mother when she gave birth to her first child. The concept describes the methodology used to calculate this measure following a SAS code example and ide...
18. Children in Care (CIC) - Overview of Terminology and Characteristics (8 points) (Concept)
This concept provides an overview of the terminology associated with Children in Care and a description of the characteristics related to research in this area. The majority of content for this concept comes from the MCHP Deliverable The Educati...
19. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (6 points) (Concept)
This concept describes the research methods used at the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP) over time to define Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), including the specific ICD codes, prescription drugs and additional conditions that...
20. Measures of Need for Health Care - Conceptual Issues in Selection (6 points) (Concept)
The most precise and appropriate approach to identify need for medical care in RHA populations would be the detailed measurement of specific morbidity in these populations. An inventory of specific morbidity measures would include, for example, inci...

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Manitoba Centre for Health Policy
Community Health Sciences, Max Rady College of Medicine,
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences,
Room 408-727 McDermot Ave.
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5 Canada
